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Ward 9 Councillor Race
Mississauga's 2006 election.
?? Municipal candidate gets jail time - maybe ??
The Father -
The Son -
The unholy Ghost -
Up-dates to this story are here.
This is the story of an elderly father, his son coming to his defence and the kind of abuse of power that I have made the keystone of my campaign for Mayor. This is not only another example of how the Peel police do Mississauga's (too long in office) politicians dirty work but a much clearer example than my own, about how those who do a better job then the elected officials, are punished with legal methods, often including the Peel police.
Can we blame him that he did not know that doing a better job than the local Councillor was crime? As it apparently is. Antonio is a good man who has done many good deeds for his community, like he discovered "city residents were being charged taxes in excess of what they owed. In almost all cases the original land developers owed these taxes.
The Peel police, always ready to be useful to the politicians who vote for their pay raises, jumped on the case.
Yes why would the Peel police do such a thing to
Oh yes, the bail on
Then there is what was Pat Saito's role in
What happens next is in part up to you. Make it known these people are way out of line by every means available to you and vote below.
And at the polls for the candidate that opposes such political & Peel police harassment!
!! Warning!!
Click here to see the whole poem.
In doing so you could be participating in a criminal act!
{the Crown was given a chance today to arrest Joe Baptista for publicizing the poem in question and did not take legal action
- so it looks like it was a bluff and they only pick on people who they think can't fight back}
And agree not to take legal action against me for providing access to a news item and election issue in my campaign.
Vote here about what you judge should happen regarding this poem.
{send an E-mail with choice}
freedom of expression is maintained as a sacred trust.
B). The Crown should persecute
City BOSSES or
"action". Heads for the pikes around City hall don't you know.
C). Peel police, to avoid further embarrassment to politicians, should have done with
trumped up charges, thrown away the key, leaving him to a slow death in a dark jail cell or the more traditional fall down
a flight of stairs.
A second poem about Pat Saito
- What is good or bad with Mrs. Pat Satio - by the Bed Wolf -
that the Peel police have not criminalized - yet.
Candidate Joe Baptista's Oct. 5, 2006, out-reach
The right to freedom of expression in a just and free society is paramount.
The attached press release according to one Crown Attorney Aimee Gauthier
is a crime.
You are therefore required to report that you received this email to the
appropriate authorities. With pleasure - joe baptista :)
P.S. Due to the short time period I have had to program this email. You
may end up getting more then once. My Appologies in advance - but such is
the price of fighting for freedom.
PR DRAFT - Municipal candidate gets jail time - maybe
Hello my name is Joe Baptista and it is a pleasure to introduce myself as
the Councilor Candidate for Ward 9 Mississauga. I am writing you this
email to inform you that I have accepted a challenge presented to me today
by Ontario Crown Attorney Aimee Gauthier through the kind offices of our
family lawyer Mr. Louis Acri.
I need your help to ensure that I am able to meet this challenge. I need
you to contact Gauthier (her number and email is at the end of this Press
Release) and ensure she knows I have distributed and published this poem:
I need your help! Because every call and email to Gauthier assures I land
up in jail and charged with a criminal act. It is critical that you help
me because every call ensures Gauthier either puts up or shuts up.
Either way your call will assist me in exposing the moral bankruptcy that
has become our political and justice systems.
This satirical poem is authored by my father as protest against Pat Saito,
a municipal Councilor in the city of Mississauga. The poem makes fun of
Saito who once claimed pot holes were good since they were a lot like
speed bumps. I think all of us that drive know the only thing potholes
are good for is keeping mechanics and tow truck drivers in business.
Last year Mr. Antonio Baptista uncovered that city residents were being
charged taxes in excess of what they owed. In almost all cases the
original land developers owed these taxes.
As a result of his unselfish efforts many of our neighbors were
reimbursed. But many more thousands of residents in the city of
Mississaugans have paid and never been informed by their councilors they
did not owe these taxes.
Saito is one such councilor who derives most of her campaign financing
from the same land developers who have profited from this cozy
arrangement. So do most of the others.
Councilor Saito ignored Antonio Baptista.s mails and telephone calls to
fix the tax problem and inform the people she is sworn to represent. This
resulted in frustration and my father published this poem in the hope it
would get her attention.
It got her attention and the result was Antonio, an elderly 75-year-old,
was criminally charged on a complaint from Saito to the police. This has
cost Antonio his health and has resulted in a financial burden as he pays
lawyers to defend him against these vexatious and frivolous charges.
Saito should of just picked up the phone and done her job.
The moral bankruptcy in our political system must stop. Baptista has
every right to express himself against crooks like Saito. In a democracy
this is not only a right owed a citizen, it is a fundamental
Artistic expression and the use of satire, even in poor taste, is a
critical right we must protect. If we do not protect these rights to
laugh at the stupidity of our politicians and civil servants then we open
the doors to moral bankruptcy and abuse.
What is happening to Antonio can not be ignored and sets a dangerous legal
precedence affecting free speech. If this continues someday the press,
cartoonists, political satirists and anyone else who have used this avenue
will be in jail. Someday that may be the case.
So pick up your phones, dial the attached numbers. Click on the attached
emails and help me make a difference. Give Gauthier what she needs to
start this ball rolling or take her immoral treats and shove them where
the sun don.t shine.
Aimee Gauthier
Assistant Crown Attorney - PEEL
Phone: 905-456-4777
John Mans
Detective Peel Regional Police
Phone: 905-453-3311 ext. 1131
Pat Saito,
Councilor Ward 9, Mississauga City Hall
Phone: 905-824-3429
Joe Baptista,
Councilor Candidate Ward 9, Mississauga City Hall
Phone: 360-526-6077