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Scanned, recopied or Internet copy, if there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:

Opening comments:  More at the end.

The Mayor likes to keep giving herself more and more power.  How long before a cat may not look upon her?

The last part is very important, regarding
Public Question Period and I have to wonder why the Mississauga News will not step up to the plate and say the Mayor is wrong when she says nothing has changed.  What is the Missing News afraid of?  The Wicked Witch of the West?

More SOVIET Style political correct rewriting of history to say something has not changed when clearly it has.

This letter was published by the Mississauga New, the sections edited out are in BLUE and those in [] are added by the Mississauga News.

Interesting how they rewrite a letter but not say so, this wrongly leaves the reader thinking they are reading the noted author's words.

The letter as it was written    -    The letter as written and rewritten    -    The letter as the Mississauga News rewrote it.


This version shows the letter as I wrote it.

Letter to the Editor.

The Mississauga News
3145 Wolfedale Road,
Mississauga, Ont. L5C 3A9

RE:     Hazel McCallion gives no endorsements.

Dear Sir:                             July 13, 2006 #.2

Recently, the current Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion, had a letter printed in the Mississauga News stating “The use of my photo by candidates requires my authorized permission.” This implies there is some kind Law, Act, By-law or Official Policy to restrict the use of an elected officials image by the public. For the life of me I know of no such Law, Act, By-law or Official Policy and would challenge the Mayor to prove she has the power she claims to & how. Have not heard of any other elected official carrying on like this either.

As this is an election year there are many rules to follow or trip-over as the case may be, so it is appropriate that all candidates be made aware of them, to keep the playing field level. Which is what a Democracy is about. I will be distributing literature, flyers and posters with the Mayor’s image/photo, caricature and even her bobble heads (maybe bronze coloured), during the election. So to be fair the Mayor should come forward to explain in detail exactly what she means.

While the Mayor is at it, she should example how Public Question Period got changed from asking questions about things that were not on the City’s Council Agenda, to questions about things on the Agenda, to maybe not on the Agenda but only if Council feels it is a safe question/issue. This has been a Democratic tradition in Mississauga going back to the early days of Ron Searle as Mayor, some 30 years. Our City Councillor’s own it to us to acknowledge this fact and stop trying to tell us it never happened!

This version shows the rewriting in the same letter as I wrote, to show how much changed.

Recently, the current Mayor of Mississauga [In her letter to the editor, The News July 5 edition], Hazel McCallion, had a letter printed in the Mississauga News stating [stated:] "The use of my photo by candidates [(in November's municipal election)] requires my authorized permission." This implies there is some kind Law, Act, [b]By-law or [o]Official [p]Policy to restrict the use of an elected official[']s image by the public.  For the life of me I know of no such [thing] Law, Act, By-law or Official Policy and would challenge the [m]Mayor to prove she has the power she claims to [have]& how.  Have not heard of any other elected official carrying on like this either.

As this is an election year there are many rules to follow or trip-over as the case may be, so it is appropriate that all candidates be made aware of them, to keep the playing field level. Which is what a Democracy is about.  I [plan to] will be distributing literature, flyers and posters with the [m]Mayor's image/photo, caricature and even her bobble heads (maybe bronze coloured), during the election.  So to be fair [she] the Mayor should come forward to explain in detail exactly what she means.

While the Mayor is at it, she should example how [City's Council's] [p]Public [q]Question [p]Period got changed from asking questions about [items]things that were not on the City's Council [a]Agenda, to questions about [items]things on the [a]Agenda, to maybe not on the [a]Agenda but only if [councillors]Council feels it is a safe question/issue.  This has been a [d]Democratic tradition in Mississauga going back [some 30 years] to the early days of Ron Searle as Mayor, some 30 years.  Our City [c]Councillor's own it to us to [acknowledge this fact] acknowledge this fact and stop trying to tell us it never happened!.

Sincerely yours;  Donald Barber - Candidate for Mayor - 2006.

This version shows the letter as rewritten by the Mississauga News.

The Mississauga News - Jul 19, 2006 - Letter to Editor.

Who has the power

Dear Editor:

In her letter to the editor, The News, July 5 edition, Mayor Hazel McCallion stated: "The use of my photo by candidates (in November's municipal election) requires my authorized permission."

This implies there is some kind of bylaw or official policy to restrict the use of an elected official's image by the public. For the life of me I know of no such thing, and would challenge the mayor to prove she has the power she claims to have.

I plan to distribute literature, flyers and posters with the mayor's image during the election, so to be fair she should come forward to explain in detail exactly what she means.

While the mayor is at it, she should explain how City Council's public question period got changed from asking questions about items not on the agenda, to questions about items on the agenda, to maybe not on the agenda but only if councillors feel it is a safe issue.

This has been a democratic tradition in Mississauga going back some 30 years to the early days of Mayor Ron Searle. City councillors owe it to us to acknowledge this fact and stop trying to tell us it never happened.

Donald Barber


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