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Opening comments:  Maybe more at the end.

Back to the Lyndwood School Cover-up.

Comments by others to this web-page 
- 15 - to this web-page at time of posting.

Mississauga News - Dec. 6, 2011 (10:03 am) - By John Stewart -  

Renaming stirs controversy

School renamed.
During the Peel District School Board's Organizational Meeting on Thursday,
Janet McDougald was acclaimed as Chair for her 14th term, a long-service record.
The board celebrated by renaming a school in her honour.
Staff photo by Rob Beintema

Parents who are upset about the renaming of Hartsdale Public School to honour their ward trustee, Janet McDougald, plan to attend a meeting at the school tonight to express their concerns about the change.

Parents Helen and Randy O'Malley wrote in an email to McDougald and to other trustees and staff at the board that some students and parents are upset that they were not consulted about the change.

After the school community went through the disruption of a school-closing process which amalgamated Byngmount Beach, Neil C. Matheson and Lyndwood Schools into the new Hartsdale Public School, the students were counting on the stability of that name, the parents argued.

"The only thing these students had to count on for the past two years was a school name," wrote the O'Malleys.  "Are the trustees aware of how much thought and hard work the students put into creating a new mascot and choosing school colours?  The ‘heart’ has been ripped from the kids and their Hartsdale Husky.  To change the school name in the middle of the school year is also inappropriate."

In an interview this morning, Randy O'Malley said the school community "has lived with chaos and uncertainty for the past three years."  The new Hartsdale School was supposed to open on the site of the former Lyndwood School property in September.

It had been hoped the new school would open in January but parents were recently told that it would be March or April now until the new building is ready.

The meeting tonight at 7 p.m. at the school has been scheduled for some time to update parents on the school's construction.

"The name should be left alone because the change is having a negative impact on the children," O'Malley said.  "We don't have anything against Janet McDougald but there are all kinds of reasons that this is a bad decision."

The unanimous decision to honour McDougald, who has been a trustee for 23 years and board chair for the past 14 consecutive terms, should not have been made in secret, O'Malley said.  He also questioned naming schools for politicians who are still in office and changing the name of the school twice in just 14 months.

"They're acting like this is Victorian England and they are the House of Lords," he said.

In a written reply to the O'Malleys, McDougald said, "I am sorry you and some people may disagree with the renaming of the school for me.  It concerns me but I will not decline this honour and I respect the decision of the board.  I am honoured and grateful to be given this recognition in the community I have been involved in all my life."

She said she hoped parents will focus on the teaching and learning in the classrooms since that is the most important part of the school, not the name.
"This new school, regardless of the delays, will be a wonderful place for children to learn and grow for decades to come," she wrote.

The trustee also stressed that she does not want "the vision, mascot, colours or anything that the consolidated school has created, to change."
McDougald was not aware that her fellow trustees had voted to name the school for her until the inaugural meeting of the board last Thursday, where the change was announced in front of trustees and McDougald's family, who were invited to share the moment.
McDougald was visibly touched and genuinely surprised by the gesture.

She said it was exciting enough being acclaimed chair again, but having a school renamed after her was "truly an honour."

"I don't particularly like surprises, but this one is wonderful," she said.  "I have to tell you this is probably the best Christmas present that I could ever have for sure."

Comments by others - 15 - to this web-page at time of posting;

my comment         Dec 6, 2011 11:03 PM

Horrible Optics

Nice people but bad judgement all around. The CBC has picked up the story. If you look at the pictures from the original story posted on the Mississauga News you can see the Director of Education, Tony Pontes, making the presentation to Mrs. McDougal. It is claimed in the article that the community representative, Mrs. McDougal wasn't present for the decision to rename. So the school was named in secret without anyone from the community present? The secret decision process wouldn't have even been able to be on any Board meeting agenda as Mrs. McDougal would find out. Wow. I notice in one of the pictures the director is involved in making the surprise presentation. Was he helpful in coordinating this? Don't the trustees hold the power to do things like even set the director's remuneration package? From what I understand, the primary job of a trustee, a layperson, is as a watchdog over the Peel Board educational bureaucracy led by the director. A trustee is a part time job paid around $25,000. How can they do their job properly when this kind of stuff is going on? Genuinely touched? Of course she was. Too cozy. Optics are horrible. Disrespectful not only the local community but also to the hard working people of the Peel District School Board. Looks like a private club.

Agree 1

Tony Jackson         Dec 6, 2011 10:55 PM

@Mantis, zdotb; Are you nuts!

A School's name is not just the name of the building. Try this name "Osama Bin Laden" in the place of " Janet McDougald" and now feel it (rat ass)!

Agree 1

Mantis         Dec 6, 2011 10:30 PM


You know, it's probably a safe bet that most of the kids who go to this school could scarecly give a rats ass what the building is called. This is a bunch of "adults" getting worked up over nonsense.

Disagree 1

zdotb         Dec 6, 2011 9:29 PM

It makes ZERO difference what a school is called

It is only a name. If you recall, it was just renamed Hartsdale, and most of you complained when it was renamed that! All of a sudden you're all in love with the old-new name? If anything, it should've stayed as Lyndwood. Janet is deserving of this, though.

Disagree 4

Fartleberry         Dec 6, 2011 6:20 PM

Just saw

a story on CBC about it. Yet another personal validation that my opinions on many of these people are probably too forgiving.

Agree 2

ConcernedResident         Dec 6, 2011 5:19 PM


Good job, hijacking yet another thread to promote your wacked out view of the world. This should remain about the families at Hartsdale PS and how McDougall, if she has any compassion for the kids, should decline the renaming. I know it's difficult to follow along, but for once Jackson stay on topic.

Disagree 3

hio         Dec 6, 2011 5:08 PM

online petition

Agree 2

BigSmith88         Dec 6, 2011 4:31 PM

Your right about getting jobs based on who you know...if i owned my own company and there was an opening...and one of my employees said they have a friend that might be good @ the job but i have an application for someone i have no reference on....better the devil you know then the devil you don’t...that’s why volunteering and socializing among the community gets you further then sitting in a hole whining about how you cant get a job when your surrounding yourself with ppl that work @ McDonalds....

Agree 2

Mantis         Dec 6, 2011 3:53 PM


Time to go back on your meds, Tony Jackson.

Agree 1 - Report Abuse 3

Tony Jackson         Dec 6, 2011 1:47 PM

"The Central Theme of Canadian Culture" needs CHANGE!

This is not an isolated incident. Every element of public establishment in this region is polluted by CRONYISM and/or Nepotism. Recruitment and career promotions are more based on whom you know than the candidate's merit. This has to be changed! School Board must be made accountable and this case should be investigated by the integrity commissioner (the trustees are elected officials and constitutes the lowest tier of our government system).

Agree 4 - Disagree 2 - Report Abuse 1

Tony Jackson         Dec 6, 2011 12:47 PM

Cronyism in BOLD Letters

Stop this nonsense!

Agree 5 - Disagree 1

hio         Dec 6, 2011 12:34 PM

Community meeting 7pm Dec 6 , 1500 Ogden

The school has been stressing ‘inclusion’ (ensuring that people in organizations feel they belong) with the students. What does this demonstrate to the kids– when it is the students’ school? From the PSB website: “Trustees have an individual responsibility to represent the constituents of their respective ward(s) to the best of their ability.” Is the trustees’ decision representing the constituents or their own personal feelings? What example is being set by conducting secret meetings? Would all the trustees be willing to appear in person, in front of all the students of the school, and explain this decision to the students – face to face?

Agree 5

Mad Max         Dec 6, 2011 11:44 AM

Ban naming after public officials

They are paid to do a job. They all champion grand projects and then get their name attached. Talk about conflict of interest.

Agree 6

Fartleberry         Dec 6, 2011 10:55 AM

It's not like these are uncompensated charity positions

after all, the Mississauga Library System has just enough buildings to name each of them after council. McKechnie's already been taken and Maja got a piece of Burnhamthorpe. Like I say, they've opened the door now to Carolyn Parrish High School. Besides, we need more public edifices named after Bollywood stars.

Agree 4

Tony Jackson         Dec 6, 2011 10:43 AM

"....acting like this is Victorian England and they are the House of Lords.."

Holly Mantis! ....... Who said it is not.

Agree 4

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