The History and Media Coverage the DEATH of a Democratic Tradition in Mississauga.
Public Question Period, A Mississauga Democratic Tradition Lost or The History of Mississauga's Council Procedure By-Law(s).
The above history was written in 2006 and deals mostly with the City By-laws. This page is about efforts since then by the City of Mississauga in its renewed efforts to eliminate Public Question Period. It is being done in such away as to make it appear I am the responsible - blame the victim. While making sure questions by taxpayers can't be asked about things like the dear old Mayor's Conflict of Interest, Judicial Inquiry and other important issues leading up to the 2010 election. Under Construction
For 30 + years Public Question Period has been a proud Democratic tradition that Mayor Hazel McCallion has spoke of as an example of leadership in freedoms in Mississauga, in that Mississaugans could address Council on matters not on the Agenda.
Mar. 29, 2000 - Council Councillor Nando Iannicca is videoed getting very upset as I was asking questions not on the Agenda. The Mayor explains that I have the right to do so and asks if any members of Council would want to put forward a motion to remove that right and no one did - not even Nando. He stormed off noting he was going to do more important things for his constituency than attend City Council.
Apr. 26, 2006 - an election year I presented the Mayor with a bottle of what I was told was her favorite alcoholic drink and that very night she had a car accident that could have killed her or others.
June 7, 2006 - Council I was entrapped by Council when they changed PQP, without public notice or change to Agenda as a warning (that only appeared after I was arrested), to allow only questions on the Agenda. They hoped to bait me into a fight but I did not respond as they expected, labeled or profiled me. However City security followed the script that said I was to ordered out of Council but the Mayor did not do so before they acted, therefore their actions were unlawful. On the web-page of my Council visits are the Agendas and minutes as well as notes, including a transcript of what was actually said.
June 21, 2006 - Council Hazel goes on about how the media got it wrong, Council has not changed anything regarding PQP. The wording on the Agendas regarding PQP is greatly changed. The Council Agenda no longer just says PQP but now states full the section of the City By-law about how issues should be on the Agenda but do not have to be.
Aug. 6, 2008 - Council During PQP but listed by related items. Ironically addressing R-9, Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation, the report was sent back to be reworded, as I suggested. In the Minutes, Page 12 to 14 are the details, on page 13 it notes the following - “Councillor Carolyn Parrish expressed her objection to Mr. Barber’s comments with respect to a staff member who authored the report. She requested that he refrain from such comments about staff but speak to the issues at hand. Councillor Parrish asked staff to review the rules governing question period, who can speak, how often they can speak. She felt that considerable time is spent at every meeting on question period and that the same individuals took up most of that time. Councillor Parrish also asked staff to bring back a cost per minute to run a Council meeting as she felt it might help to make those who come to the podium aware of the time and costs.” The changes to PQP by Councillor Carolyn Parrish, it appears it is in protection of staff as well as politicians.
“Mayor McCallion responded that this was democracy at the local level and there is a rule that the public can speak on any matter on the agenda and this Council would not want to interfere with the public input process.”, “Mr. Barber also suggested that an office be put in place for people to be better informed in how they can speak before Council.” John Stewart reported - “Mayor Hazel McCallion came to the defence of Barber, noting that there is a price to be paid for political accessibility. Politicians, "are paid well to sit there and to give citizens the opportunity to be heard," said the mayor.”
Dec. 3, 2008 - General Committee Has PQP on the agenda so it would have been called for before this and I recall it was asked for right after I addressed Council by Parrish.
June 10-09 - Council - Related Deputation regarding Jefferson Salamanders on City property, including the chance they could be at the Riverwood site and the Ontario Draft recovery plan for them. City admitted knowing nothing of this. Asked for a fence at the Cawthra Bush to be fixed and path moved, a better fence & Ont., to help pay for it. Also to support my efforts at breeding Jefferson’s to Ont. Media would not cover any of this.
June 24-09 - Council - Related Deputation regarding Jefferson Salamanders on City property, noted that they were not at the Riverwood site as I was led to believe. The City found its notice about the Ontario Draft recovery plan and noted I was the lead person on the Jefferson issue. Media would not cover it.
June 30, 2009 - General Committee The printed Agenda has the report and details of PQP. The two page motion that has the six clauses is voted on regarding a making changes to PQP. Importantly, the idea of changes because of cost is not supported by staff who do not present the called for analysis of cost and states - “Financial Impact: Not applicable.” The reasons are now solely political and the claim is that it is to be more “efficient, effective”, by eliminating our rights, is a red herring. The changes are such you have to be lawyer to know exactly how to get before Council with questions. Set-up so all your questions will be addressed by staff before Council - addressed not necessarily answered and if staff say they have dealt with the issue Council will likely believe staff not you. Agenda only -
July 8, 2009 - Council Addressed Council during PQP regarding, City security editing and destroying, video evidence in matters that were before the Courts, conduct of City lawyer, the passing of PQP and Roy Ivor’s property.
General Committee Recommendation GC – 0486-2009, which was changes to PQP, was unanimously rubber stamp by Council, so those who watch would not know what is really going on. Agenda only -
The changes - what are they, what do they mean and general questions?
Going from a simple easy to understand, by just about anyone, method to a far more complicated one that almost requires a lawyer means most people will not even try. Those that do will need to ask staff who know it is designed to stop people from being involved, will likely give people responses to misdirect and frustrating them into giving up.
The City will often claim that people are not following the rules to just get rid or them or to start a fight to blame on them (a standard bullying tactic), the more rules the greater this can be done and the greater the barriers for authentic public input. Remember the City has proven it is willing to have false charges laid against those who only tried to play by the rules and ask the questions it did not want asked in Council.
“Question Period shall be removed from Council meetings” - how does removing PQP from Council align with Conversation for the 21st Century and the city's Strategic Goals. And especially having an informed electorate?
The suggestion of putting a question to Council by way of delegation or deputation is a false hope as that is not the purpose of either and access to Council for either is controlled by staff and Councillors, who will look for any reason to say you were dealt with at the Committee level or that is where you should go.
Sinking to the same level as all those other municipalities that we use to say we were better than, in regards to not having a PQP or a greatly limited one. Leadership is not catching up to those at the bottom.
Council already has the power to limit people addressing Council, why does Council want power & control? Or is it that Council doesn't want to be seen censoring people in public, in the very seat of Democracy, in Mississauga? That it is easier to simply eliminate everyone's Democratic rights - than to have politicians look bad in voters’ eyes when embarrassing questions are asked or efforts are make to inform them of inconvenient facts they don’t want to aware of? Is it, ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies?
To suggest the reason for the changes is because of one person is clearly an effort to defame them and not a valid reason to any intelligent and reasonable person. A simple check of Council minutes shows PQP is more often not used.
Councillor Carolyn Parrish, is on the record in her letter saying - “Question Period is merely a soapbox, it serves no real purpose other than a “showbiz moment” on Cable 10”. The issues City politicians being on TV and not being able to deal with intelligence and well researched questions about what is they job to know about is the real issue - image management for the election next year. Someone who is thinking of running for Mayor’s office would not want to have embarrassing questions asked? Or worse, taxpayers wondering about questions that are being avoided.
The Mayor is on the record in her letter saying - “By ensuring Council meetings are conducted in an efficient, effective and respectful manner, it allows for a more focused discussion, maintains an orderly flow of the agenda and ensures that at the end of the day, the business of Council is accomplished.” Translation, “efficient, effective”, are code words for business people of which most taxpayers are not, so get rid of their access to Council. “the business of Council”, means what they think is important, not what informed taxpayers do.
Many people do not become aware of issues until they are past the Committee level.
“Question Period will be moved to the last item on each agenda” - most people don’t stay for whole meetings to begin with and hard enough to get people to attend but now the City shows a lack of respect for their time that it forces them to sit through a whole meeting just to be heard. How will that encourage people to participant? Our politicians know this and are using human nature against us.
In the past many people had not made their minds up to speak till actually in Council chambers, no more. You have to be as organized with your issues as a lobbyist are. The empowering those who can use more expensive methods and just another way the City is showing bias against the regular folks.
PQP is removed totally from the Council Agenda and it should not be. Council and staff can make errors and public can catch them, as I have many times, resulting reports being sent back to be redone. Is this just another way to say Mississauga Councillors does not make mistakes? The committees often do not have all the Councillors or even yours, which in some cases matters in how you & your questions are handled.
“Question Period will be limited to questions rather than presentations, with preambles limited to one or two statements sufficient to establish context for a question.”, as it is a known fact that asking a quick question gives politicians or staff the chance to misinterpret it and give an answer that will not respond to what the questioner wants addressed, people have to frame the question so it can’t be misinterpreted. Mississauga’s politicians will not admit they will act like they are politicians (and we all know that politicians nothing but ...), or that they could make an error in interpreting the question. This is more of we are so special and better then you we don’t make mistakes or have political agendas. Also, is this just another way Councillors are saying they can’t handle detailed questions about their job?
“When answers are readily available, they can be delivered verbally at the time of the meeting.”, Councillors are paid to know their jobs and what is going on and too often they will claim they can’t deal with a mater that was dealt with the week before in General Committee. So as they have not got the paper work before them, go away. Another reason for this is that their computer screens in front of them at Council do not link into their offices, what a waste!
A “Timely fashion” for a response from staff is not defined as to what the maximum time is and it should be.
“Question Period shall be limited to a total of 15 minutes.”, this appears to be for everyone and means that in matters with great public interest not all taxpayers will be allowed to participate. Plus political games or shenanigans are often played in City hall, such as what if politicians stack the deck with rambling City friendly questioners - exhausting the 15 minute window. What is the mechanism for extending at the meeting, who decides who gets to speak in what order? How long each? It should be noted I have addressed Toronto Committees and there is a count down clock on the wall to pace yourself with and if more time is required, the Chair asks the committee and if one other person agrees you get some.
“An extension of that time can be put to a motion, requiring a vote in the affirmative by a simple majority of Council.”, interesting as there is no PQP at Council any more so just what are they talking about? Are we to believe that if you were in a Committee and wanted more time, the matter would need to referred to the next Council meeting? What role do citizen members of Committees play?
Were citizen members of Committees asked to comment on these changes or were their responses too predictable? No, later it sound ed like they were but in fact they were asked how make them work but still some said no and their comments were all ingored.
No proper public notice about the changes was made.
The media coverage is broken into two parts - 2006 when the City changed the rules with out notice and starting 2008 the City formally tries to change the rules. In the same time frame as the Mayor Mississauga is involved in her very serious Conflict of Interest.
No known coverage by Toronto Sun - Globe & Mail - Nation Post
Half of this list is listing articles that can only be found on my web-site - Click here;
You can fight (at) city hall Mississauga News By Torstar Network June 7, 2007 "McCallion suggested Parrish was ... grandstanding." Councillor Parrish who does like the answers that City staff give says "So if I ask questions in open session on (cable) television, I have a right to do so," What a great article not only does it document how "Simmering tensions between Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion and newbie Councillor Carolyn Parrish erupted at council", as it has often been said that Councillor Parrish "a former MP rumoured to have ambitions for her {the Mayor's}seat." but also notes the way the Mayor has kept a lid on how business is done at City hall AND that the TV cameras play role in Council power plays. Who says I make these things up?
Public voice denied Mississauga News Editorial June 9, 2006 City of Mississauga changed its own rules to entrap and lay false changes to remove a community representative who asked the hard questions City politicians and the Mayor did not want to have asked in an election year. In a Editorial the Mississauga News denounced the City, a rare action.
Council Conflict Mississauga (Missing) News By Donald Barber June 16, 2006 My guest column submitted, to help tell some of my side of the story - not published.
Voice Denied Mississauga News By Ursula Keuper-Bennett - letter June 23, 2006 She was a Candidate for Ward 1, at the time, later dropped out of election.
If you can't beat'em... Mississauga News, By Joseph Chin July 16, 2006 Internet coverage by Mississauga News after point out they not write about my entrance into the Mayor's race.
He can fight city hall, if he plays nice Toronto Star By Mike Funston July 31, 2006 Yes, I have to play by the rules they change without notice and even makeup as required to serve their political masters.
Mayor lectures critic on excessive e-mails Mississauga News By Joseph Chin Apr. 24, 2008 Related - Ursula Keuper-Bennett (aka the Mississauga Muse, Mississauga Watch), tries to find out the factual answers to questions Mississauga staff repeatedly avoided addressing and has to go to Council for them.
Democracy's doorstepBy John Stewart - reporter Mississauga (Missing), News - Random Access Aug. 8, 2008 “Barely had those words emerged from the Ward 6 councillor's throat than none other than Mayor Hazel McCallion came to the defense of Barber, noting that there is a price to be paid for political accessibility. Politicians, "are paid well to sit there and to give citizens the opportunity to be heard," said the mayor. Barber could barely believe it, I'm sure. The thought of the mayor he loves to castigate rushing to Barber's defense on a point of democratic principle must have made him weak at the knees.”
Public question period is not rambling matter Mississauga News By Radhika Panjwani Dec. 5, 2008 ““We have in our city a shining example of the public question period,” Parrish said.”
A grand excuse Mississauga News Letter by Donald Barber June 12, 2009 - As usual the Mississauga new rewrote my letter but of greatest interest should be that they added in Ursula's full name where I had not noted any part of it !!!! Why would they do that ??? This letter was to note yet another example of how City staff & Council would do all they could to avoid questions during Public Question Period.
City of Mississauga Council - a very eventful meeting. Aug. 5, 2009
Councillor Nando (the ranter) Iannicca, is seen here attacking a member of the Mississauga South New Democratic Party Association, addressing the changes to Public Question Period. To be fair Nando was following Hazel McCallion's lead but Nando really does go off the deep end.
MAN OF SALVOS - Mississauga pulls green thorn from its paw Toronto Star By Mike Funston Sept. 9, 2009 Finally a story about me and what is going on in Mississauga that gets close to the truth and includes comments from community supporters, as if there were none I would not be doing what I am doing.
City of Mississauga Council - another very eventful meeting. Sept. 30, 2009
Councillor Carolyn Parrish
Stomps on me! My Democratic Rights. On Public Question Period!
Not only that but she then jokes around while doing City business. This is the way she wants Public Question period to be & This is the way she wants to clowns around in the Mayor's chair. Which is worse - a Mayor who dresses like aclown or a Mayor who clowns around?
Council votes to keep question period alive Mississauga News By ? Radhika Panjwani Oct. 2, 2009 This story is very much like the "Question period lives" story above but it never appeared in the on-line version of the Missing News, so it is presented here.
By John Stewart - reporter Mississauga (Missing), News - Random Access;
Aug. 8, 2008 - Democracy's doorstep “Barely had those words emerged from the Ward 6 councillor's throat than none other than Mayor Hazel McCallion came to the defense of Barber, noting that there is a price to be paid for political accessibility. Politicians, "are paid well to sit there and to give citizens the opportunity to be heard," said the mayor. Barber could barely believe it, I'm sure. The thought of the mayor he loves to castigate rushing to Barber's defense on a point of democratic principle must have made him weak at the knees.” His web-site Democracy's doorstep and there are other BLOGs on this subject.
Hazel McCallion gets her Bottle of Booze. I would say the real reason Hazel ended PQP. April 26, 2006 -- Hazel McCallion almost dies after being presented a bottle of booze as a belated birthday gift, that was also to note I had discovered a family insider who had gone on the record regarding her drinking, partying & driving habits. On the very same day this 85 year old was presented the bottle in the morning, she had a major traffic accident in the evening.
Cable 10 censorship with comments. June 7-06 -- the Rogers, Cable 10 cover up or censorship of statements made by Hazel McCallion, Mayor of the City of Mississauga by blanking the tape. The missing part is her joking about how long they have been running their City Council meetings the wrong way -- 30 years -- with Councillor Nando, who has hated Public Question Period in the past.
June 7-06 - Mississauga Council - Roy Willis walk about. At the Council meeting where they changed the rules regarding PQP without public notice, Mr. Willis talks to Councillor members before the meeting and was told nothing?
"BIG BROTHER MISSISSAUGA" VIDEO SURVEILLANCE ARREST (June 7 2006) Shows Donald Barber for roughly 17 minutes. What about the three hours of security footage showing Barber arriving and his presence in the audience?
BIG BROTHER MISSISSAUGA -- Ode to "PELCO ONE" Actual Mississauga Corporate Security security-footage from the actual Pelco installed high above Mississauga Mayor Hazel McAllen's left shoulder ...
In both cases (below), it was regular folk who stepped up to do what have never done before in Mississauga, in both dealing with government and environment and were very successful. What more can people ask for? Remember this comes at great personal cost and sacrifice and can end up in jail for just trying to play by the rules !!!!! But we are poor and can't BUY justice in Mississauga.
How the City would not allow our Ratepayers group. "Susan Amring, Communications Director clearly states in her July 2/99, letter that she can't grant us "affiliate status with the City". She then goes on to question the goals of our group and quotes the City's Volunteer Group Liaison Policy. The section of the policy she quotes is for groups that wish to be affiliated with the City and the policy does clearly state their goals and activities must not be in opposition to or in conflict with the City's."
IPC secret trial - not posted, City got file a report about me and I was not allowed to know about, even after the IPC promised full disclosure, how can anyone defend against what you don’t know about?
The Canadian Environmental Law Association tried to come to our aid. "We submit that this claim, on the part of the City, lacks credibility." - How sweet it is to have the written opinion of a lawyer regarding the claims (or as I would say lies!), by the City of Mississauga. This is not the only time a lawyer has explained why the City was in the wrong or the Information and Privacy Commissioner Office but it is in writing. None-the-less the IPC sided with the City.
The FOI request made by the Leader of the Green Party of Ontario, Frank de Jong, that the City of Mississauga denied because the claimed GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION with the President of the Friends of the Cawthra Bush!
Flowers with Wings are Butterflies. Keeping busy getting ready for raising Monarch Butterflies, again this year. Last year was over 400 and this year a big push on to plant more Butterfly Bushes for them to feed on. Not just at my home but all around Mississauga - if you are interested let me know.
Cawthra Bush orphans - Skunks. While driving by the Cawthra Bush, always on the look-out for things different and boy was I surprised to see 4 little baby skunks walking along the sidewalk. Some of which you can see on the Cable 10 news coverage. Knowing that mother skunk would never let her babies wander so far in the open as they were, I gathered them up so no harm would come to them. In only a couple days they were sent off to those who will raise them properly and return them to the wild.
She and her husband have recently published a book on sea turtles, that they have been studying in Hawaii. A regular person now making a special contribution for the community.
This lady has also has done work to discover the changes that happened regarding PQP and supplied a sound bit. She is very interested in City security and the City's youth programs & knows her stuff, even if uses strong wording.
The Town Hall test “Can a person walk into the middle of the town square and express his or her views without fear of arrest, imprisonment, or physical harm? If he can, then that person is living in a free society. If not, it's a fear society.”