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Opening comments: More at the end.
To the main Judicial Inquiry page - to the Hazel McCallion page.
Comments by others to this web-page 3 - at time of posting. Mississauga News - Nov. 24, 2009 - Letter by Edna Toth.Cards on the table Dear Editor:
Re: Inquiry into Mayor Hazel McCallion’s involvement in her son Peter’s real estate negotiations.
If Mississauga taxpayers are to get value for their estimated $2.5 million investment in a public inquiry, then the inquiry should not be limited to Mayor McCallion.
All Mississauga councillors should put their cards face up on the table. Specifically, show taxpayers complete reports on money donated to their election campaigns by people in the real estate business.
In the 2006 municipal election, all of Mississauga’s elected candidates received money from donors including developers, and the law requires that a list of individuals or corporations or trade unions giving more than $100 must be available to the public.
Yet, Peel Region’s three municipalities — Brampton, Caledon and Mississauga — each has a different way of making the info public.
The Town of Caledon publishes all the required election financing information on its website. If you want to know who gave what to whom in election campaign financing, it’s just a click away.
Brampton is very different. Only the vote results are online. If you want to know where the money came from, you must invest cash or time. The Clerk’s Office will give you a supervised look at hard copy papers. Or, you can ask for photocopies at 50 cents a page. A full set of copies covering elected councilors would be about $100. Cost for one candidate’s return should be under $10.
All current Brampton councilors received election campaign money from developers, one councillor less than others.
Mississauga falls in between tell-all Caledon and hide-all Brampton. Mississauga publishes all the legally required info except the lists of $100-plus donors to councillors’ campaigns. The lists will be e-mailed to you on request to the City Manager’s office:
Developers contributed to the election campaigns of all Mississauga’s current councillors. But not to Mayor McCallion, who gets more than 90 per cent of the vote by campaigning in person, 24/7.
Comments by others, 3, to this web-page;
Think About It Nov 25, 2009 10:09 AM
Campaign contributions by the Friends of McCallion Dec 2, banquet hall aren’t accessible under Canadian domains! The only resolutions counselors might bring up to an Integrity Commissioner are our 25% voter turn out rates are the worst in Canada caused by pooling $66 million into Toronto Peel uses to sustain public office seats since 1997 under our noses. The clerks and their minute takers “ hadn’t kept accurate records” (March 23, 2001 PPAG forum ) >> until it was caught on film when councilors reviewed the books and were forced to call a judicial injury >> (PPAG contract 1999)
Tony Jackson Nov 25, 2009 12:08 AM
No to trust... Those mandatory disclosures are the sort of 20% raw, 25% half boiled, 50% fully cooked and 5% acceptable error......There are so many income tax accoutants in GTA who will issue donation receipts for a fee and file your tax return with real returns. * Agree 1
DeValera Nov 24, 2009 11:08 PM
Ms. Toth here is a good website for contribution source Very easy to use and quite detail
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