The Democratic Reporter account scoop news releaseApr. 27/06. The first detailed account and pictures of all the details for a first hand visit to Hazel McCallion's Car Crash site. This web-page and all my reports about this event are the writers opinions based on what he sees and what information he has to form his opinions with. The effort is to be as factual as possible, while trying to understand events with limited access to records being kept from the public or media.
SCOOP -- NEWS RELEASE -- NEWS RELEASE -- NEWS RELEASE-- SCOOP The Legend of Hazel McCallion being able to do it her way no matter how old how old she is, is fast coming to an end - as I said it would.
Again, I outperform the big media! Something as simple as the proper investigation of the accident scene and I do it right the first time.
The seriousness of Hazel McCallion's Car Crash has been greatly understated and a false location was given. However, people have already started to mark the true site, where the FEISTY Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion showed she means business to all obstacles in her path and RAN them down or into them as best she could! Way to go Hazel, show them who is boss-lady! But why the miss-leading facts? Are the Peel police covering-up what happened to protect the Mayor, as it has been suggest to me many times in the past by persons who would know or did the Mayor really not know where she was or doing?
None-the-less, I knew that a visit to the crash site was a must as I was the person who gave her the bottle of Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry, her favourite alcoholic beverage earlier in the day and I did not want to be blamed for what happened. I got to the area the Missing News reported as Hazel's Car Crash site "McLaughlin and Cantay Rds." and the Mayor's own comments would suggest that it was the intersection as well - "I was trying to turn onto Cantay from McLaughlin,". But there was no evidence of any pole being hit, there was evidence of a car crash in the intersection itself which was very interesting as broken car parts pointed to a Volvo being involved and Hazel for sure does not drive a Volvo. This would mean she hit another car, what a cover-up that would be! Also, City TV (57) showed the wrong scene in their newscast. Further investigation however discovered that the scene of Hazel's pole smashing took place at the next intersection south - Britannia Rd. West & McLaughlin Rd. It is clearly marked by a new post just as the Mayor notes it - "sign that protects the hydro pole". Mayor 1 is what her car license plate says and by the way, does the City of Mississauga pay for that and the car? An interesting question - yes?
From what I could see, this is the sign she "hit" and the stoplight post, she wrapped the front end of her car around it. "The front was damaged.", sailing at God only knows how fast, into a steel post after hitting a 4 X 4 wooden post before that and she says "The front was damaged."? Hazel is now the Queen of the UNDERSTATEMENT.
No skid marks are to be seen, view looking north.
As it is clear from efforts so far that the public is going to mark this place and never let it be forgotten, a hunt was made for evidence of the Car Crash, broken car parts or RELICS of the great & mighty Hazel McCallion's fall from grace! The area was cleaned up pretty good but not perfectly. For sale pieces of the true MAYOR 1 !!
The side layout scene facing west, to show the traffic island sideways and that Hazel's car made it to the stoplight post, hit it, wrapped around it and leaked its fluids. When you stand there you can clearly see the marks on the pole and say doesn't the pole look to be leaning a bit to the south?
A close up, still looking west.
Marks can be seen on both sides of the pole, the car really hit with force! Will charges be laid? If it were you or I who drove our car into a street sign and post (damaging City property), you can bet we would be. If it was your 85 year old mother who did this, would they not take her license away - real fast? Some people have said I am in some way responsible as I gave her the bottle earlier in the same day,
but note the card that was enclosed did have a warning - so don't blame me for this!