THE MEMBERS OF THE From scanned copies, if there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections: My comments are at the end, click on the highlighted text to go to specific comments, which will have numbers in brackets e.g., {1} Current Members: Past Guests at UFMAC meetings: Staff that has been present at UFMAC meetings: The Corporation of the City of Mississauga - Council Representatives; {2} - Councillor Pat Saito, Ward 6 Councillor Clifford Gyles, Ward 5 Citizen Members; Dr. Lakeram Chatarpaul - he didn't attend the first two UFMAC meetings. Mark lack Mimi Lau Michael Stasiak Michael DeWit Philip van Wassenaer Past Members: The Corporation of the City of Mississauga - Council Representatives; {3} - Councillor Carmen Corbasson, Ward 1 {1} - Councillor David J. Culham, Ward 6 Citizen Members; {4} - Louise Aubin, Citizen Member, Ward 8 {5} - Frank Dieterman, Citizen Member, Ward (Vice Chair) {6} - Gail Simkus, Citizen Member, Ward 9 (Chair) {7} - Dena Lewis, Citizen Member, Ward 9 {8} - Jennifer Vincent, Citizen Member, Ward 6 {9} - Monna Yip, Citizen Member, Ward {10} - Jeff Kaiser, Citizen Member, Ward 2 {11} - Sheila McKay-Kuja, Citizen Member, Ward 1 {12} - Donald Wismer, Ward 1 (Past Chair) Past Guests at UFMAC meetings: Mark Scholler, Scholler and Company Inc. Staff that has been present at UFMAC meetings: Diego Fabris, Supervisor, Urban Forestry Peter Lyons, Urban Forest Technologist Bill Montague, Landscape Architect Laura Piette, Manager, Core Services Mark Hillis, District Park Supervisor Karin Anne-Brent, Committee Coordinator & takes the minutes Carol Trainor, Committee Coordinator & takes the minutes (has left City employ in 1998) [COMMENTS BY DON B. - Over the course of time the City has stop listing in what Wards the citizen members lives or their field of study. Governments like to put in a few ringers, persons who will support the government position no mater what. I would say the two most logical persons on this committee are (drum roll), Dena Lewis and Jennifer Vincent. Both work for the Metropolitan Toronto Region Conservation Authority (MTRCA), now the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Jennifer Vincent did work in their watershed management Dept. but in mid 1998, approximately left the TRCA. As it has been noted to me. The issue is the nature of the conflict between their day job and their work (night work) on UFMAC. So it is what they do and do not do that makes all the difference in the world. Working with City staff by night while also working with them by day, is this not too close a relationship??? In terms of conflict of interest, it has to be laid out in the rules of the committee if it is a matter of concern. Hazel doesn't like these rules as she has been convicted of breaking them, so they are often left out. None the less there are moral issues and professional guide lines that point to a conflict, in this case, I would say. They appear to be actively working against the stated wishes of the Credit Valley Conservation (CVC). The CVC's east border is the TRCA. I would also say they are making statements so false and misleading that they are against the stated conservation wishes of their professions! Another point to make would be, how creditable are persons who are working for the government, when it comes to commenting on government plans? {1} - Councillor David J. Culham, Back {2} - Councillor Pat Saito, Back {3} - Councillor Carmen Corbasson, Back {4} - Louise Aubin Back {5} - Frank Dieterman Back {6} - Gail Simkus, Back {7} - Dena Lewis, a Planning Ecologist, Resource Science Section of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, a body who's authority extends into Mississauga. Back {8} - Jennifer Vincent, for most of the time she has been on UFMAC, she has worked for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, a body who's authority extends into Mississauga. Back {9} - Monna Yip, Back {10} - Jeff Kaiser, Back {11} - Sheila McKay-Kuja, Back {12} - Donald Wismer, Back {13} - Back ] |
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