Justin Timberlake Bottled at Concert
A number of concert goers were so up-set that Justin Timberlake got up to sing that they threw a large number of water bottles at him
At the July 30-2003, SARS concert in Toronto Justin Timberlake got up to sing and many of the Rockers at the front of the audience started to throw bottles of water that were being thrown at them by the concert organizers, as it was a very hot day and they did not want people to die in the crush at the front of the stage. However, they stopped bottle "delivery" after this for couple of hours, leaving us to suffer in the heat.
 Around the outside of the Downsview Airport, where this concert was held they had security guards standing the sun with no protection but what they could come up with. Did not see many white guards there.
 I was not going to go in as a protest because security was not even going to allow cameras in. They were even wanding children like the one just in front of the guard. Then the good Lord smiled and a chance appeared - the guard to the left was busy looking through a backpack and the wanding guard stepped forward to wand some sexy ladies - path was clear for me to walk right past security. Been know to do a lot of that.
 They were also not allowing people to bring in chairs to sit on - lovely what they wanted us to sit on!
 There were water bottles every where as they were being sold in most places (were told they would be free) and in some places thrown at people.
 Incoming water bottle! I made way to stage front and stayed there, as there was too many people to move freely around. They just threw the water bottles at people. I got one bottle in the side of the head.
 The crowd awaits its life giving water.
 When teen Rocker Justin Timberlake got up to sing, many took offence and start to throw water bottles at him. One can be seen in right hand side, in front of the big black speaker bands (96 speakers each side!)
 Could even see them on the big screen TV, on the stage floor.
 Close up. There were quite a number of water bottles thrown at Justin Timberlake and band. Members of the Rolling Stones had to come out to stop it. Later, Justin Timberlake came out with the Rolling Stones to sing and it started up again for a short bit.
Well, we know now what Toronto Rockers like and do not.
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