Spectacular Car Crash that beats the odds!
May 24 - 2006
No one died, driver only had a broken ankle and the luck did not stop there. Would you believe a speeding, out of control car could (in one way or another), hit all 6 newly installed brick pillars across the front and side of a property?

The residents of this North Service Rd. home got a sudden sock Friday afternoon, they came rushing out after hearing a loud bang and saw both the their front yard, side yard and cars parked in driveway smashed up bad. The above shows two driveways, the driveway closest to the photographer is the black car owners, it has been pushed across into the neighbours driveway. The driveway it was in is large enough for cars and vans to be parked sideways in.
Notice the pile of or pillars of bricks to far right and middle. These were pillars of bricks that are made up of pre-made layers that are bought with a 10" hollow centre to pour the concrete into, making them a structure - however that had not taken place, they were just loosely stacked. There was also a concrete cap on them that weighted almost 100 pounds. As a result when this speeding car (a witness say the police clocked it at 150 km), hit them flying like a blast from a shot gun! When you look at the pictures note how parts have been thrown hundreds of feet. There were 3 pillars across the front and 3 down the side, all were hit. The one upper right survived the best, its top was knocked off and twisted. The first one hit just disappeared, no trace of it in the immediate area. What are the odds for all 6 newly installed home improvements to be hit and 5 smash into pieces? Some neighours thought they were an eye sore, so maybe there was some bad Karma at work.

The driver had to removed from car with the jaws of life, after traveling across 3 fronts yards, smashing into one car but wait there is more! Before it even hit one pillar this car took out a fire hydrant and streetlight pole! Above, a clearer shot of the best surviving pillar, you can see how much in the way of bricks and cap were sent flying through the air when the others were impacted.
Picture looking down the driveway. The cop is from the ATF and people wonder why they were so fast in showing up. They are also wondering why the driver was going so fast, in the first place. Pillar at end of driveway is missing its cap and one to the left has little left of it. Some pictures were taken a few days later. Below shows the path the car took and it appears to have gone across the first driveway sideways before taking out a section of wooden fence. That is it bumper against the third pillar. The first pillar has no bricks near it.

Note that pieces of car are everywhere, pieces from inside the car, this pile had the car battery, window-washer bottle and many things from trunk etc., in it.

Here is an example of how far flung parts were, a wheel assembly some 460 feet down the road.

At the end of the driveway, beside the black car, this van got hit by just flying bricks and sod. 
What remains of the 3 side pillars. If the car had hit one of these loaded work vans (usually parked here), he would have stopped real fast and not likely have lived. By most accounts the speeding car was flying, literally, more than once.

What cased the accident in that spot? Maybe it was a road repair that put a dip in the road, seen here as the dark spot just before the person crossing. At normal speeds you can feel your car dip but a high speeds it becomes like a speed bump and at high speeds your car catches air then when it hits the other side of the dip, if you did not what was going to happen there, hitting the brake is what most people would do and that would be very wrong.
And you guessed it - the owner of the home with the pillars was out of the country.
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