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 ****  You be the Judge issue  ****

V.2 N.3 - July 1 2000

Be a Canadian patriot and circulate this newspaper         Price: Free and still worth a read
Researched and written by Donald Barber, who is solely responsible for its content.
Warning this newspaper deals with a mature subject, politics and all its dirty details.

 "We don't have citizens vote on an issue,  I just want to emphasize  that ... especially when it comes to development",  Mayor, Hazel McCallion, proudly states.


     It is July first, Canada Day, a time to reflect on what makes our country so special and not to believe it is so strong that politicians couldn't ruin it.  A time to honour the Canadian men and women who sacrificed so much for our freedoms and democracy, while reviewing it current threats.  Would there be threats to our human and democratic rights to be found in Mississauga City Hall?  Yes!

    An investigation into the strange behaviour of the Mayor and City Councillors has turned up disturbing facts and the promise of more to come!  It true and the Mississauga News (often called the Missing news), has not been reporting events factually and our politicians are laughing all the way to the bank.

     Questions that cry out for answers; Hazel McCallion and her hidden business dealings, what is still to be uncovered?; Ward 1 Councillor, Carmen Corbasson, calls the police on a community representative for a frivolous and vexatious reason to avoid dealing with Mississaugans' who disagreed with the City, she also dismisses a ratepayers group!; Our Mayor, improperly shuts down the Freedom of Information Act, "we will not be providing you with the information, that you are requesting."  So taxpayers could not access City records, so we couldn't become knowledgeable of the facts and make fully informed decisions; Hazel McCallion, is found to have violated the Conflict of Interest Act, abusing her power while in office and betraying the trust Canadians give to their elected officials.  Has the Mayor or other elected officials also gained while in office?;  Why is there such bad urban planning in Mississauga?;  Why would the Mayor and Councillors even think they could so totally disregard our concerns?  Maybe they know we do not matter to their getting re-elected.

    And finally;  Are there examples to show that our elected politicians are receiving money/favors from special interest groups/individuals and are they morally bankrupt enough that this "input" is influencing their decisions, to a greater degree then the "input" of our communities or overriding basic democratic principals?  Do the circumstances exist for reasonable doubt as to who our Mayor and Ward Councillors are really representing?  Yes!   To fully understand what has happened, the politics of the Corporation of the City of Mississauga must be explored.

Figure 1

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Figure 2
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Contact information;  Don Barber (905) ***-****
-  E-mail  -  web-site donbar
 Mail to;  Station B, Box 1504, Mississauga, Ontario. L4Y 4G2

    The figures are to illustrate that documents exist.  If you would like to see them in a more readable size and read the longer, more detailed version of this article, it is at web-site donbar.  This site has sound clips of your politicians as you have never heard them before!  The local library can provide internet access.

Figure 3

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Figure 4
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     By all appearances, a definite pattern has been uncovered in our investigation, that Mississaugan politicians depend on the money (or other favors/assistance), from corporations to fund their election campaigns and life styles.  It is mostly found in the financial statements filed by our elected officials, over the course of the last three elections.  Figure 2, from the financial statements filed by Councillor Pat Mullin.  The biggest donators to Mississaugan politicians are corporations, many of whom are developers or related activities and elections, all too often go to the highest bidder.  We should all be very concerned about the integrity of our elections.

     There are two standards in how politicians should carry out the duties of their office regarding conflict of interest and corruption.  There is actually committing of an act violating the Conflict of Interest Act (Hazel McCallion), and the appearance of a conflict of interest or corruption.  The confidence of the public in their elected officials depends on there not being even the appearance of a reasonable doubt as to the impartially of government, when making decisions affecting the fate of their community or affecting the financial investment in our homes.

     Hazel (and likely other Councillors), get more then just money for election campaigns, Hazel for example with the help of her development friends developed her land into a subdivision. Figure 3, a numbered company is set up, figure 4, her land is placed into the numbered company, figure 5, her land is sold for $875,000 after getting an approved subdivision application for it.  Which to this day she has not fore filled the legal requirements to declare she is the owner of the land.  Figure 6, no records exist.  You should write the Mayor and ask her for the facts and send us a copy of the correspondence, so we can tell you if it is the truth.

      Right after the City of Mississauga was founded in 1974 and Hazel McCallion is elected as one of it's Councillors to represent the interest of the voters, what does she do?  From the Apr. 23/1982, Toronto Sun column by John Downing, "Macran filed with the consumer and commercial relations ministry (Figure 1) shows it is a company with a Mississauga address formed for the purpose of "development and property management".  McCallion, her husband, ... are listed as directors of the company from the date of incorporation on March 14, 1974. ... Records in the Peel Registry Office show that Markborough Properties Ltd., sold 2.6 acres of vacant industrial land in Mississauga on Jan. 30, 1974, to Peter McCallion-in-trust, the mayor's son.  The price was $79,740.  According to the same records, the land was conveyed to Macran on April 9, 1974, for $2.  Macran sold the parcel for $212,640 on Sept. 13, 1974, ... The price had increased $132,900 in seven months".

Figure 5

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Figure 6

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     The more we hear about how they do business, the more we find to be true.  Don't believe what we have reported to date is all there is.  In reality it is just the tip of the iceberg.  If you know something, do the right thing and let us know!

"The world is a dangerous place to live in not because of those who do evil but
because of those who let them do it"
Albert Einstein

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