The best picture of the INFAMOUS Hazel McCallion.
 - 1984 -
A public notice of ownership was post Aug. 5-06.

This web-page will be up-dated as details develop and Peel police make their position clear. What can be said today is that Mr. Byron Osmond formerly the shop owner of - Foto Galleries 4 or Byrons Photography - at 106 Lakeshore R. East, Unit D, Mississauga - has sent me a signed letter saying,
(July 15/06), RE: the Hazel Mccallion portrait titled "1984." The above mentioned painting and the frame (40"x40") holding it, is the property of Mr. Donald Barber. Please see to it that he is permitted to remove it ...
The locks on his shop door were changed by the landlord June 16-06, so the notice was served less than a month afterwards.
The Notices posted.

The inside showing Hazel's 1984 painting turned backwards.
