Hazel McCallion's Letters About - To & From
This Hazel McCallion web-page is for letter about or sent to the Mayor or received from her. Some will be right on this page, others will be linked to.
Mar. 29, 2000 Questions put to the Mayor during public question period, at the Mar. 29/2000 City Council meeting. Apr. 3, 2000 Letter to Editor - about Hazel McCallion's comment regarding a "COUP" going on, she made at the Mar. 29, 2000, Council meeting.
Below is the letter noting the questions I asked during question period at City Council.
Her Worship, Mayor H. McCallion & all members of City Council.
City of Mississauga.
RE: Questions put to the Mayor during public question period, at the Mar. 29/2000 City Council meeting.
Mayor H. McCallion. Mar. 29, 2000
We are entering an election year and there is great interest in our politicians and the public begins to ask the age old question - what have our elected officials done to us lately. This election will be different from others in the past, for a number of reasons. One is the great effort being made to fully research City politicians and provide to the public, a detailed account of their lives and activities in public office.
With this information, voters can judge their character and honour. The media is also showing great interest in Mississauga politicians and their business dealings. Even as I address you Toronto Life is printing an issue with an article about Hazel McCallion and it not uncommon for these articles to come out during an election year.
So in that vein a list of questions and requests have been complied, directed toward the person sitting as the Mayor, normally they would delivered by letter but as she doesn't believe in meaningful communication by letter, this public forum is used. I will now read the questions and requests into the record before submitting them to both the City of Mississauga and the media. Both the Mayor and Council have heard this list of questions/requests and there were no objections to it or presenting it to the media.
1). I have been referred to a letter that was sent out to the community by Hazel McCallion during an election, in the past, in regards to the then Councillor Larry Taylor, a letter negative about his service to the community. A copy of this letter is requested.
2). Hazel McCallion has been involved in at least two notable companies, Macran and a numbered company 675352 Ontario Limited. In order to research these business fully two things are asked first, that written permission be given so the tax dept. will open its files to us and, second, that Hazel and company provide for review, whatever records still exist. If no records exist then a written account (from memory if need be), of the financial dealing of these companies is requested.
3). In the 80's Hazel McCallion was found to have violated the Conflict of Interest Act, in regards to her property. When the proposal for a subdivision on her land was presented to the City of Mississauga it was referred to a "Willson MacTavish In Trust". It would be appreciated if the details of this trust were provided as no legal document has yet been found to support there being a trust. Inquires to John D. Rogers & Associates have not yet yielded any details.
4). Her Worship recently declared a conflict of interest in the case of Britannia South Holdings Inc. due to a relative's employment. We are wondering what position this relative holds.
5). On more then one occasion I have been informed that persons in police custody have been used to carry out works on her Worships property, is this true?
6). This question was not presented Mar. 29/2000 but it is hoped you will answer it none the less. I understand that around 1990, give or take a few years, you were driven around by a chauffeur for a short time. Would you note this time period?
7). This question was not presented Mar. 29/2000 but it is hoped you will answer it none the less. At the Mar. 29/2000 City Council meeting you noted a coup, "There is a coup going on, there is no question about it". Would you provide some details about this coup? 8). This question was not presented Mar. 29/2000 but it is hoped you will answer it none the less. The legal persons who are reviewing the manner in which you and your family dealt with the transfer of the property at 1560 Britannia Rd. W. can't understand a couple of points. Would you please inform us what the was the advantage for you and your family was to present the land and the proposed subdivision to both the City of Mississauga and the Region of Peel, in the fashion it was and the same for the transfer the land? Also why was the land not sold to the developer till after the subdivision was approved on your land? 9). This question was not presented Mar. 29/2000 but it is hoped you will answer it none the less. Please note any other companies you are in any way a share holder or otherwise financially involved in. 10). This question was not presented Mar. 29/2000 but it is hoped you will answer it none the less. I understand your family owns a farm outside of Mississauga, would you please provide its location.
The last item is a request for something very important. Over the past few years I have made many reasonable efforts to stand up for the community and acquire official records, so they could be used by taxpayers and residents to make informed decisions. This has been met by strong resistance from the Office of the Mayor, and, after the Mayor became personal involved, staff began a campaign of terror against me. For the most part it has taken the form of creating false and misleading depicting of me in a negative light. To date it has included making false statements to a provincial inquire to stop my Freedom of Information requests, signing a false affidavit in regards to the City's official plan and, most recently, using children attending an United Way event [without the permission of their parents] as a weapon in City staff's effort to carry out the Mayor's political agenda to slander and discredit me. Furthermore, due to the extreme nature the falsehoods, they do endanger my safety as well as the lives and safety of those who support the effort for a more democratic Mississauga. It is asked this underhanded political back stabbing end. That the Mayor fight fair and with honour for a change. To use children as a weapon against those trying to save the world for the next generation, is simply unacceptable.
NOTE, to the media if you would like to see copies of the background material, arrangements can be made.
Sincerely yours - Mr. Donald Barber
A letter to the editor sent out to the media
RE: Hazel McCallion - Letter to Editor.
Dear Sir: Apr. 3, 2000
Say What!
At the last City Council meeting in March, Hazel McCallion, the Mayor of Mississauga, is quoted as saying, "There is a coup going on, there is no question about it" A COUP! In Mississauga? Say it ain't so, or maybe our dear old Mayor can hear the sounds of the political knifes being sharpened. But if Hazel says it is so, it must be so, right? And it came right from the Mayor's chair during a City Council meeting broadcast to the whole City, so surely it must true after all, - she would know what she is talking about, right? I was named as being in the coup but disagreed with her worship's opinion, when all I was doing was just asking her some questions about her business dealings, to ensure the public is fully informed about their politicians when it comes time to vote in the November election. Maybe this is the reason why video surveillance is being installed in City Hall and the library, to see who City staff and Councillors are associating with. What next? Will our Mayor in her wisdom call the police and heads will start to roll? |