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The Mississauga Judicial Inquiry Report at City Hall - Oct. 3, 2011

Good-old Hazel - she always drawing the media to Mississauga, isn't that her job? | Oct. 3, 2011 |

City cameras on-line! Major media on-line! The most expense books that Mississauga has ever paid for at the ready! In the media room the reporters, etc., are writing the story of the day!
I was not invited to get an advance copy & they were giving them out till after the presentation. Didn't press the issue, should have got one but certain people didn't want to carry out Justice John Douglas Cunningham decision giving me full media access. | Oct. 3, 2011 |

10 am - the man of the hour - Justice John Douglas Cunningham. To read his statement and then leave for Ottawa. | Oct. 3, 2011 |

The second round. Commission Counsel - William McDowell & Naomi Loewith - for the City of Mississauga Judicial Inquiry. Senior Counsel William McDowell takes questions. He also took a question in French that was not translated. | Oct. 3, 2011 |

The interviews begins. | Oct. 3, 2011 |

Time passes. Hazel was to appear 11, as usual - late for her own political funeral. Oh well, it is going to be a long one. | Oct. 3, 2011 |

The Mayor lady we have been talking so much about BUT why is she smiling?

Lawyers sit here - all to often what politicians these day need, their lawyers close at hand.

Still people waiting for Hazel to see reason win out - Ha, Ha, no such luck, she has no shame! | Oct. 3, 2011 |

Loyal Council members - Ward 1 Councilors there too.

Interesting the expressions. | Oct. 3, 2011 |

Classic Hazel face & way of looking at those who question her.

Yes - you screwed up - it says so right here.

Yes - I will have a drink. | Oct. 3, 2011 |

More interviews.
 | Oct. 3, 2011 |
So would say it is odd how this Inquiry into Hazel's Conflict of Interest mirrors the last one and how she states does no wrong.
I remember reading that Hazel went on the record against the last changes to Conflict of Interest Act, too restrictive and make people think twice about trying for public office, just can't find the article just now.
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