THE DEMOCRATIC REPORTER Satire & Parody - Section presents;
Peel police hiring posters
Looking for a few good women with penis envy to proudly strut around while wearing a black uniform, like a bully with the power to break the law at will & little fear of accountability, showing off their BIG shiny steel phallus symbol. Are you a women (technically), who feels inadequate because you lack a certain bit of male anatomy? A big long hard barrel that shoots when you get excited - penetrating another person to great effect, that makes a big noise to as a bonus and gets you the respect you would other wise not get?
Well you are in luck! It appears that the current Peel police hiring posters are offering just such a job. Yes, that means you get paid to do the above, not the other way around.
Oh, yeah they are going to come after me for mocking their posters!
To understand the message in the media, one has to look at how all the elements of the (in this case), hiring posters are presented. What are they and how are they - literally - put forward. As this is an advertisement for a certain kind of person, we know the models that are used or posed (for a certain effect), to present an image of a Peel police office emphasizing in very subtle or subliminally ways, the kind desired personally characteristics - so they can fit right in. First of all the cheap-o billboard on Queensway.

Next a version of this poster has the prestigious position on the back of a Mississauga City bus. Note where the image is cut to make sure you see certain details and that now they see fit to separate the different ethnic / gender groups. Less of a team image?

Now the big expensive billboard - just down the road from their HQ. Looks like one of the Peel police officers is really wired!

See something odd about how these Peel officers are posed? Look at each detail and it helps if you know how cops think, act and the rules of their duties or etiquette or how they are to present themselves to the public. And if they don't do so - why? To what effect?

First of all does it not look like the officers with their hands behind their backs have been handcuffed?
But what really jumped out at me was how the white female Peel police office is emphasizing the fact she is carrying a gun and boy is she smiling! Her hand is right behind the gun to position it so it is fully shown and shiny - not like how the other gun is shown.

Notice how her hand is even in her pocket to get that gun in your face. What she got in her pocket so important she has to go for it during what should be an important picture - unless ...... the gun is the star of the show. And such a number of rings on one hand, is she going for the "brass knuckle" effect?
Here is a picture from the Peel police's own web-site and guess who is front and centre?

Can't say I see many cops standing around with their hands in their pockets or touching their guns (and she is), unless they are threatening to draw their gun - bang - bang you dead. The other officer has his hands well away from his gun - where most people prefer hands should be.
Then there is the black female, no gun showing for her, just a radio. Maybe because of all the blacks with guns doing crimes and shootings in the GTA that the Peel police fear a negative public reaction showing a black with a gun - people could think the Peel police are giving guns to blacks! Better they think her role is just support - the radio - get some coffee & donuts or meet the gang after hours behind a store with some evidence beer? And what is with her coat - doesn't she get one that fits?
Lastly - why no white men? They no good for nothing? Home Page - Main Table of Contents - Back up a page - Back to Top
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