(CRRA); * Ratepayers groups can't be allowed if they disagree with the City's goals. And to think I have to put up with this kind of refusal of service and City staff playing stupid almost every time they are contacted. I should get a medal for my patients and self control. Again - a special thanks to Councillor Gyles for his motion that our request for a review of City staff's decision not to recognize our Ratepayers' group (in Ward 1),and for the City Manager to report back on it. City letters are scanned copies, if errors please let me know. 1). Misinterpretation of group status request. Other points; The list of letters to and from the City. The one presented to Council June 17/01, is not here. It was a short two pager and it was expected to receive similar treatment as our requests to City Council - refused. So it didn't go into as great as detail. But as the Mayor, Hazel McCallion, was not in town - things worked out differently. Coincidence? I think not. RATEPAYERS' & RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION (CRRA) ATTN: Mayor ATTN: C. Corbasson Councillor Ward 1 ATTN: P. Mullin, Councillor Ward 2 ATTN: M. Prentice, Councillor Ward 3 ATTN: F. Dale, Councillor Ward 4 ATTN: C. Gyles, Councillor Ward 5 ATTN: G. Carlson, Councillor Ward 6 ATTN: N. Iannicca, Councillor Ward 7 ATTN: K. Mahoney, Councillor Ward 8 ATTN: P. Saito, Councillor Ward 9 ATTN: David O'Brien City Manager ATTN: L. Mailer Council Coordinator - Add to next Council agenda RE: Appeal of the City of Mississauga's refusal to place our Ratepayers Dear Mayor and Council members: July 2, 2001 First of all I would like to thank the members of Council for deciding to review City staff's decision to not, in any way, recognizing the Cawthra Ratepayers' and Residents' Association (CRRA), which has denied our communities much needed access to City resources. Councillor Gyles deserves special thanks for his motion, that this matter be referred to staff for a report and the only Councillor to speak in our favor. This letter will present more details and will be posted on the internet, along with the City staff's letters of improper denial. Staff's refusal of recognition is one of the most graphic to date that shows how City Hall is black listing me and any group I play a leading role in. Sadly this denies the whole community its right to be involved and to be represented by a local expert. The results of this report will go to the community as how City Hall treats Ratepayers and upholds our Canadian democratic rights. The CRRA was created, as the community needed to represent their concerns regarding the environment in the area of the Cawthra Bush, to the City of Mississauga in a more effective and tradition fashion. After hundreds of dollars was spent sending flyers out to the community our founding meeting was held, Nov. 18/98. This was followed by the first general meeting Feb. 25/99, at which our Constitution and By-Laws were approved. The CRRA is mainly focused on the environmental issues in the Cawthra Bush area but also can deal with the other more typical concerns and activities of Ratepayers groups by way of subcommittee. Such as all-candidates debates and both our local M.P.P., Margaret Marland and M.P., Paul Szabo have recognized us by their attendance. However neither our the Councillor for Ward 1, Carmen Corbasson or the Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion have accepted our invitation to attend an all-candidates debate or meeting. The CRRA position regarding the Cawthra Bush has been presented to the public, in public meetings and voted on at those same meetings. For filling the basic democratic principals that are expected of Ratepayers groups to ensure they are voice of the community. - 2 - The boundaries of the Cawthra Ratepayers' and Residents' Association are some what different from most other Ratepayers groups and there are two very good reasons for this. Firstly, the Cawthra Bush is the centre of our groups focus, so logically, it is at the centre of our geographical area of representation. Secondly, we are filling a gap in representation regarding environmental issues. The Ratepayers group to the west of the Cawthra Road has dissolved and to the east, the South Applewood Ratepayers' Association has recently (June 24/97), tried to pull it borders back from Cawthra Road to Ogden Road. I spoke at that meeting and expressed concerns that it would leave Cawthra Bush without a Ratepayers group to represent it and that motion was voted down. Clearly the community wanted to make sure the Cawthra Bush was not left undefended. However the South Applewood group was not willing to mount a spirited defence of the Cawthra Bush. So the CRRA stepped up to carry the ball and to serve the will of the community. City staff have not shown concern regarding our boundaries in the past, so it should not be an issue, now. It was suggested by Councillor Corbasson that we don't conform to City policies and we are asking for some kind of exclusion from the City policy regarding volunteer and non-profit groups. This is not the case. I have been sent the policy a number of times by staff and all efforts are to ensure that the CRRA does conform. The City's Volunteer Group Liaison policy, effective date 1997/05/28 was in effect then, as it is now. Staff are working to present a new version to Council and we have not seen it. It is asked that we not be told to wait for a new policy as we currently qualify, if the policy is correctly interpreted and applied. It needs to be noted the actions of City staff to deny us status as a Ratepayer group did have a negative effect on the communities efforts to make positive changes to the City's destructive Management Plans for the Cawthra Bush. In the next few months the City will be creating a new committee that will likely put too many paths in the Cawthra Bush and Ratepayers groups will be included on this committee. Staff's efforts will be, to again deny us our right to fair and equal opportune to have a meaningful say in the City's decision making. Our application to be placed on the City of Mississauga's Volunteer Group Register as a Ratepayers group was filed Apr. 14/99. On this application five persons were named filling the following positions, Chair, Vice-Chair (2), Secretary and Treasure. It was refused for questionable reasons and misinterpreting City policies. Misinterpretation for the purpose of exclusion. The result is our community was denied access to City services in our efforts to better our community, save the Cawthra Bush and empower Mississauga's democratic rights. At our General meeting, May 4/00, it was voted on and approved to appeal the City's decision to not recognize the CRRA. As it was also was decided to appeal the Cawthra Bush Management Plan, it has waited till it can be shown how harmful the Management Plan was, a result of not properly involving the CRRA. We are requesting the CRRA be added to the City's Volunteer Group Register so we can build our organization and play a strong role in Cawthra Bush/community related issues. - 3 - The items at issue are numbered to help identify them for a very specific written reply from the City. Susan Amring, Communications Director clearly states in her July 2/99, letter that she can't grant us "affiliate status with the City". She then goes on to question the goals of our group and quotes the City's Volunteer Group Liaison Policy. The section of the policy she quotes is for groups that wish to be affiliated with the City and the policy does clearly state their goals and activities must not be in opposition to or in conflict with the City's. However, Ratepayers groups are not allowed to be affiliated with the City, they are placed on the City's Volunteer Group Register and that was the request we were making, on the appropriate City form. A person in her senior position in the City would surely know this fact and if she didn't, after it was pointed out to her, surely she would correct her misunderstanding. This leads me to believe there is more then just an simple error. In my first e-mail to her, Aug. 16/99, I made the mistake of following her led but soon realized it was wrong and corrected it. None the less, a request for affiliated status with the City would be on a complete different form, then the one we used. In my Aug. 18/99, letter is was clearly pointed out that we were not asking for affiliated group status with the City but this did nothing to improve the situation. In her Aug. 20/99, letter she admits that she erred in her interpretation of our request and now understands we wish to be included on the City's Volunteer Group Register. But she will not reconsider her denial decision as she claims other sections of the same policy apply for further denial. The same policy that has different sections and rules for the different kinds of types of groups as well as the different levels of support from the City. If there is one theme in Mrs. Amring's communications, it would be that you have to force her to read and understand this policy correctly. A good example of this is she didn't offer to include our group on the Communications mailing list for groups that are not covered by the City's policy, page 1 of the City policy. Another clear indication her efforts were not at upholding the letter of or the spirit of this policy. The spirit being noted in the purpose of the policy "to recognize and foster citizen involvement in the community by providing various levels of support." Susan Amring, Communications Director clearly states in her July 2/99, letter that her primary reason for not approving our application, is that we could disagree with the City's goals. A fact bared out as she goes on to say "In addition", before she claims there are problems with our membership. In her Aug. 16, letter she notes there were "two areas as outlined in my letter where there appears to be a conflict with your association as proposed and compliance with our policy." In her Aug. 16, letter she withdraws (reconsiders), her first line of reasoning as the time table for approving the Cawthra Management plan has changed. It needs to be noted that Ratepayers groups are by their very nature disagreeing or in conflict with the City's goals and objectives. At some time or another, so the idea of City Hall shutting out a Ratepayers group as they could disagree with City politicians and City staff is completely anti-democratic. Democracy is foundation of our Canadian culture and legal system. The very nature of a Ratepayer group is to empower Taxpayers with greater representation by way of an organization and are universality recognized by municipalities. - 4 - And they don't exist to sing the praises of local politicians or City staff but are to champion and lobby local issues. To put forward different ideas and ways of doing things, which will more then likely disagree with the plans created in the ivory towers of City Hall. Democracy is by its very nature a political system, a form of government that allows for and encourages the participation of all its citizens, between elections, without stating it can only support government plans or praise politicians, to get positive results. It allows for descent, public protests and organizations that will oppose the government of the day. Throughout our culture, the principal that opposition is a legitimate method of participating in the decision making process of government, is held dear. Even in government there is a place for the Opposition Party. Clearly the best deal for the community and the one that upholds Canadian democratic traditions, is one that will allow community groups, like a Ratepayers group to sit down with the City and engage in meaningful negotiations. For the City of Mississauga to set a legal precedence such as this one, denying the CRRA as it believes we could disagree with the City, is a dangerous and totally anti-democratic decision. As Susan Amring clearly stated that first and fore most, as the main reason for denying the CRRA its right of recognition was because there was a chance it could disagree with the City. It is reasonable to believe that all her other efforts at keeping us off the City's Volunteer Group Register stem from this same fear. So when she goes on to wrongly interpret the CRRA's constitution, City policies or state she can't be reasoned with (no reconsideration), these should be seen as a bias efforts in serving the goal of not allowing disagreement to City Hall or its politicians. Extra ordinary efforts to shut the doors of City Hall in our faces with frivolous and vexatious reasoning. The people of Lakeview would like to know if there are any other Ratepayers groups that the City has refused and for what reasons. Further more & most importantly - how did Mrs. Amring come to know the precise dates she quotes in her July 2, letter about upcoming Councils meetings and matters to be considered? Is it normal process for the people approving Ratepayers groups to look for any chance the group in question could disagree with the City? Why would Mrs. Amring believe we would disagree with the City? As we don't normally deal with her, how would she have that opinion or assume what she has? Clearly she has prejudged us and is displaying a prejudice toward us that has been documented, in the past, as coming from higher levels in City Hall. So again, the question needs to be asked if it is standard procedure to subject a Ratepayers group application to such scrutiny to ensure there is no chance it will disagree with the City's and local politicians goals or were we centred out for special prejudicial treatment? As would appear to be the case.
Mrs. Amring also tries to tell us that our group "appears open to an unlimited number of members living outside Mississauga." and that would disqualify our group. The City's own policy says "Groups which are included on the register may be affiliated with national, provincial, or regional groups." page 12. Mrs. Amring does not make mention of this very important clause that calls her decision into question. Further more, our constitution say that persons outside of our geographical area and Mississauga can become an associated member, not full members, to vote on issues, BUT their votes are counted separately and used to present public opinion, ONLY. - 5 - From our constitution; 2.C). Persons who don't meet that criteria (outside Mississauga), but wish 4.H). Persons who live outside of Mississauga and who are members of the Associated membership also helps in fund raising to help empower Mississaugans but it would seem the City is more interested in dis-empowering its taxpayers and removing opposition. In her Aug. 16, letter she notes "your association appears open", APPEARS, not is, but only appears. City staff denying us our rights based on the wrong interpretation of our very precise constitution. As the CRRA is mainly focused on environmental issues in the Cawthra Bush area and as Mother Nature respects no man-made boarders, this is reasonable. Everyone is being told to get involved in saving the environment throughout Canada, this is just another way for Canadians' to express their opinions. There are some who grew up in Mississauga and have moved away but would still like to be involved. It also needs to be noted that because the City of Mississauga receives millions of dollars of funding from both the Provincial and National governments, Canadian taxpayers dollars, it would seen logical that any taxpaying Canadian has a right to express to the level of government involved, their opinion on how the money should be spent. Especially regarding the environment. Mrs. Amring suggests we change our constitution and reapply. She also say that I should go straight to Council with any further concerns about her decisions, omitting the fact that there are a number of persons between her and direct appeal to Council. In regards to Mrs. Amring request that we redraft the CRRA Constitutions & By-Laws. She should provide very specific reasons for her refusal, THAT takes into account all sections of the City's Volunteer Group Liaison Policy. Including the part that says "the City will not act as a review body". She has not advised the CRRA, and she was asked, what wording to accomplish the communities goals of involving more Canadians and being allowed by City policies. A denial of service. It is logical and reasonable to involve Canadians outside Mississauga as the Cawthra Bush was recognized as a Area of Natural and Scientific Interest with a rare species and is now know as a Provincially Significant Wetlands Complex with a Federally THREATENED species. Staff needs to provide wording and work with us, rather then just tell us to do it again as this is just trying to make us jump through hoops and humiliate us in the community. This constitution has been approved by public vote, at a public meeting and any changes must be done the same way. If we do make changes and they are approved by the public, at a public meeting but the City again rejects them (as they are not politically safe), then would this not defame and discredit the executive that presented them to the community? The City knows it would. We should not have to play a guessing game. City staff should serve us and clearly state the changes they want, work with us to make sure there is a clear understanding of what is acceptable and why. - 6 - A City director is not allowed to fix her own errors? Susan Amring claims that as there is no specific policy to allow her to reconsider her decisions/misunderstandings, she can't. I have checked with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and her line of logic is wrong. In fact there is nothing but her lack desire stopping her from reconsidering our perfectly reasonable request. She goes on to say that I should deliver to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs a copy of the City's policy for their review and that they to can see there is "no provision of the policy that permits staff to reconsider a decision". This also is a waste of time. It was made clear by the Province that good and honesty government, does not require a specific clause for reconsidering misunderstandings and errors. And that, if you have the power to make a decision, you have the power to reconsider it. It would be a part of normal business practices. The phrase being made to jump through hoops again comes to mind. My formal request in the Aug. 17/99, letter asking for a City policy that doesn't allow for City staff to reconsider their own decisions, was refused. So it should be accepted that there is no such policy and that her line of reasoning is false. In her July 2/99, letter she says she is going to deny us affiliated status, as we could disagree with the City. She goes on to note in her Aug. 16/99, letter (that as a result of the Management Plans for the Cawthra Bush has not moving ahead as she earlier reported), "that it would appear to be premature based on the reasoning ... As a consequence, this is not the basis for denying your group affiliated status." As she is clearly reconsidering and withdrawing her earlier decision based on new facts, Mrs. Amring has in fact reconsidered her decision and changed it. Proof she doesn't even follow or believe her own line of reasoning. Exactly the opposite to the paragraph just above in her letter. In which she states, as if it was a fact, that City staff can't reconsider their decisions! As it stands we appear to be the only Ratepayer group in Mississauga,
It was noted to Mrs. Amring that she should use proper titles when referring to both our group and myself and she refused. This part of an overall pattern of political influence over City staff to wrongly centre me out as a person with no community support. Mrs. Amring would not say why she was doing so or correct her disrespectful actions. It also insults and shows no respect to all the members of the Lakeview community who publicly created the CRRA and elected me as its Chair. Just the opposite to her job. The Mayor and City staff have gone on the record a number of occasions noting all the valuable input from me but still go to great lengths to lock me and any group I am involved in, out of the public process. Over the years I have stopped the logging and tree farming at the Cawthra Bush, which the City now admits was an error. That my efforts were what moved the City to create the Urban Forest Management Advisory Committee. There has been few City plans that have not been changed regarding the Cawthra Bush, all due my input and community efforts led by me. - 7 - At the Nov. 29/99, public meeting, when I called for people to stand beside me to help persuade Mayor to allow for the time arranged for to speak, some 30 people came out of the audience to stand beside me. There is no doubt of strong community support and City staff like Susan Amring should show proper respect for it. * If our Ratepayer's group was informed about Walled Garden in a timely * On the Council agenda, June 27/01, the CRRA presentation request was I am willing to discuss my letter with you, in case the wording seems a little ambiguous or you want something explained. My phone number is (905) ***-**** & e-mail is donbar@arvotek.net. There is an answering machine you can leave private messages on. As long as you are talking the machine will record. If someone answers the phone before the machine can come on, please ask them to hang up and let the next call ring through. I would appreciate your co-operation in using the answering machine, rather than leaving messages with anyone else answering the telephone.
Sincerely yours - Mr. Donald Barber - Chair CRRA. RATEPAYERS' & RESIDENTS' ASSOCIATION City of Mississauga Re: Volunteer Group Registration. Dear S. Desrochers: Apr. 14, 1999 Please find enclosed a Volunteer Group Registration - Application & Agreement for Mississauga Ratepayers Associations form, along with a copy of the approved constitution. In the matter of the Cawthra Ratepayers' & Residents' Association (CRRA), boundaries. The local ratepayers' and residents' have approved these boundaries knowing they don't directly fit the City's guidelines for ratepayers' groups because of the communities very strong desire to save the Cawthra Bush and to work effectively towards that goal. In the past CRRA members have demonstrated both the willingness and ability to meaningful carry out the will of the community surrounding the Cawthra Bush, to ensure the Cawthra Bush is managed as an old-growth/wetlands ecosystem to serve the community as a nature/wildlife sanctuary and educational site (not as a recreational opportunity). Section 3.D, of the CRRA approved constitution notes that our group will continue to exist and work to the best deal for the Cawthra Bush, even if the City of Mississauga doesn't approve of our application. It is hoped the City will wisely recognize our past efforts as proof the CRRA serves the community, fills a need (as noted in hundreds of petitions), in the Community of Lakeview and approve our application. We look forward to hearing from you. I am willing to discuss my letter with you, in case the wording seems a little ambiguous or you want something explained. My phone number is # (905) ***-****. There is an answering machine in my room so you can leave private messages for me. As long as you are talking the machine will record. If someone answers the phone before the machine can come on, please ask them to hang up and let the next call ring through. I would appreciate your co-operation in using the answering machine, rather than leaving messages with anyone else answering the telephone. Thank You - Donald Barber, Chair, CRRA City of Mississauga July 2, 1999 Dear Mr. Barber: We have reviewed your application under the City's Volunteer Group Liaison policy. Unfortunately, we cannot grant your association affiliate status with the City of Mississauga at this time. Since Council will be considering the matter of the Cawthra Woods at General Committee on July 7 and Council on July 14, it is premature to determine if your association's goals comply with the policy. The policy notes, 'groups whose primary purposes, goals and objectives are in opposition to, or in conflict with, the goals and objectives of the City of Mississauga as disclosed and demonstrated by its decisions, actions, plans, bylaws, policies, programs or otherwise, are not eligible for assistance under this program.' In addition, under the terms of membership, your association appears open to an unlimited number of members living outside Mississauga. This would disqualify your group under the terms of the City's Volunteer Group Liaison policy. If you have questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact me at 896-5047. Sincerely, Susan Amring Director, Communications on July 2, 1999, you wrote; "We have reviewed your application under the City's Volunteer Group Liaison policy. Unfortunately, we cannot grant your association affiliate status with the City of Mississauga at this time." As ratepayers groups are formed to express their opinions to local government and often are not in agreement, if you apply this reasoning to all other ratepayers groups, they would all be disqualified the second they disagreed with the City. Clearly this is unreasonable and the Cawthra Ratepayers' and Residents' Association should be granted affiliate status. Everyone I have told about this is shocked that the City of Mississauga would do such a thing. {which will include posting your letter on my personal web-site, the shame of Mississauga - http//www.aracnet.net/~donbar , as an example of how low the City will go.} As for our membership, your efforts to limit it can only be seen as a anti-democratic effort, to aid the City in its effort to ram the Cawthra Management plans through despite residents objections. For future reference, address all communications should be properly addressed to the Cawthra Ratepayers' and Residents' Association, ATTN Donald Barber, Chair. City of Mississauga - Corporate Services Department August 16, 1999 Dear Mr. Barber: I received your telephone message on Friday August 13 and your follow-up call and e-mail today with regard to your application under the City's Volunteer Group Liaison policy. In your message, you stated that everyone you talk to finds it incredibly offensive that the City would not approve your application because we think your group will be opposed to the City. As City staff, we are bound by policy as approved by Council and I would just like to reiterate the two areas as outlined in my letter where there appears to be a canflict with your association as proposed and compliance with our policy. Please note that no provision exists, within the policy, for reconsideration of your existing application. The policy notes, 'groups whose primary purposes, goals and objectives are in opposition to, or in conflict with, the goals and objectives of the City of Mississauga as disclosed and demonstrated by its decisions, actions, plans, bylaws, policies, programs or otherwise, are not eligible for assistance under this program.' In this case my letter to you did not state that your group would be disqualified but that it would appear to be premature based on the reasoning that Council still needs to make some decisions with respect to the Cawthra Woods Management Plan and the Cawthra Woods Implementation Plan. Both these plans were referred by General Committee of Council to an UFMAC meeting to be held on September 13,1999. As a consequence, this is not the basis for denying your group affiliate status. My letter also stated that under the terms of membership, your association appears open to an unlimited number of members living outside Mississauga. This would disqualify your group, as currently proposed, under the terms of the City's Volunteer Group Liaison policy. I hope this serves to clarify the staff position with regard to your application. Should your group wish to modify your application with respect to the areas in question, we can consider your revised application. Sincerely, Susan Amring Director, Communications TO: Susan Amring 11:59 AM 8/17/99 Subject CRRA Thank you for your timely reply. In regards to your Aug. 16/99 letter. It is common bureaucratic practice to reconsider decisions by the person making them or their superiors. Unless you can present a specific policy that forbids you from reviewing your own actions, the public must be informed that you are misleading us. We will be making a formal request as it stands and would like more information in this matter. You were ask to use my proper title in correspondence and you did not. Why are you not referring to me as the Chair of the Cawthra Ratepayers' and Residents' Association? Are we to understand from your comments about membership that the City wish to engaged in the highly undemocratic practice of trying of control our membership?? We are a residents' group as well as a ratepayers group, united for the common goal of making our community a better place to live. Why is this such a problem when Mississaugians have voted for our constitution? Donald Barber, Chair of the Cawthra Ratepayers' and Residents' TO: Susan Amring 06:56 PM 8/18/9 Having researched the matter further it is very clear that you fundamentally errored in your interpretion of the facts. The policy and procedures concerning the "Volunteer Group Liaison Program" (Policy No. 08-01-01), have not been applied correctly. You wrote July 2/99, "we cannot grant your association affiliate status with the City of Mississauga at this time." Ratepayers groups are not governed by the same policies as "affiliated" groups, in fact ratepayer groups can't become "affiliated" groups. The Application form we filled out clear states "Mississauga ratepayer associations are included on the City's Volunteer Group Register." Our application form is for being on the City's Volunteer Group Register. Having spoken to the legal department at Municipal Affairs, it is clear that if you have the power to make the decision, you have the power to reconsider your decision especially if there is significant error made in the decision making process. For a person in your position, Director, Communications, to make such a basic error, a novices error, surely you will see the wisdom in reconsidering the CRRA application. In regards to membership, policies speak of membership being open to all Mississauga residents and we are a ratepayers' AND residents' group. If the City wishes to continue to its line of reasoning it will be violating its own policy and procedures concerning the "Volunteer Group Liaison Program" (Policy No. 08-01-01), which clearly states "the City will not act as a review body for ant such group," For the record the City has not advised the CRRA specifically what changes it wants made. Please process the CRRA application in the normal fashion. Please respond to this e-mail before the end of the week. City of Mississauga August 20, 1999 Dear Mr. Barber: In response to your e-mails dated August 17 and August 18 and telephone messages of August 18 and August 19, it is my understanding that your group wishes to qualify for inclusion on the City's Volunteer Group Register. As stated in my previous correspondence, this application is subject to the Volunteer Group Liaison Program Policy. I attach a copy of that Policy herewith. As you will see, it is the same policy which governs the affiliation process for community groups. It is as a consequence of this policy that the requirement for residency of group members in Mississauga exists. In order to qualify for inclusion on the Volunteer Group Registry, the group must meet the basic eligibility requirements set out in the policy. In this regard, the policy sets out that a ratepayer group exists to represent the citizens of a specific geographic area. The information that you have provided with your groups' application indicates that its membership is open to persons outside of the Cawthra area and, indeed, outside Mississauga. As such, your group can not qualify as a ratepayer group under the policy. You indicate, in your most recent correspondence, that you have consulted with legal staff at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs in relation to this matter. I trust that you have provided them with a copy of the policy for this purpose. I'm sure that they will have noted that there is no provision of the policy that permits staff to reconsider a decision to add a group to the register or to deny such membership. As a consequence, there is no mechanism envisaged by the Policy, with which I must comply, that would allow such reconsideration. However, even if I had the authority to reconsider my decision in this regard, I am not aware of any facts that would cause me to reverse my earlier decision. You continue to indicate that your group would be composed of persons from outside Mississauga. As a consequence, your group would not qualify for inclusion on the Volunteer Group Registry. Should you wish to pursue this matter further, you should contact the City Clerk's Office so that this matter may be brought before Council for its consideration. Further, should you wish to submit a new or amended application, staff can consider it at that time. Sincerely, Susan Amring Director of Communications |
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