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Scanned or retyped copy.  If there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:
Opening comments:  More at the end.

    This is a perfect example of how a City sends out notices in such a way as to keep TAXPAYERS out of the public process and from participating in a meaningful way in decisions affecting their community.

    The Letter is dated Dec. 24 (Wed.) the day before Christmas, a time when government rarely does things.  The post mark on the envelop is Jan. 5, (Mon.) 2004 and not received by most people till Jan. 7 or 8th!  For a meeting on Jan. 12th.  5 or 6 days notice, a far cry from the 20 days the Planning Act sets out for notices or even a reasonable 2 weeks.

    Plus the report in this matter was noted on the City's web-site as not available with the agenda for the meeting.  How can people become informed and make comments when the City is not fore coming with the report they want Mississaugans to comment on?  Maybe that is the point the City does not want people to become knowledgeable about what is going on in their community, so they cannot hope to stop it.

    Any ways, always check the envelop and save it if the post mark is even a few days off from the date on the letter.  This is very power tool to prove you have not been given a fair chance in any government process that has deadlines or time limits.  I called around and got people to save their envelops and write on them when they received them so we can prove it was not just me that was late in the mail, another key point.

Planning and Building Department
City of Mississauga                                                        Leading today for tomorrow
300 City Centre Drive
FAX: 905-896-5553 (Planning)
FAX: 905-896-5638 (Building)

December 24, 2003

File: OZ 02/023 W1

Dear Sir or Madam:

Re:     Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning Applications
            To permit 5 freehold detached dwellings and 30 row dwellings in a
            standard condominium development
            1619, 1623, 1635 Northmount Avenue and Lots 15 and 16, R.P. 308
            East side of Northmount Avenue, south of South Service Road
            L. Smith In Trust for Moldenhauer Developments Ltd.
            (Formerly 1518554 Ontario  Limited)
            Bill 20

On June 25, 2003, City Council adopted Resolution 0156-2003 to amend the Official Plan policies (City Plan) from    "Residential Low Density II'' to "Residential Low Density II  Special Site" and to change the zoning from "R4" and    "RM1" to "R5-Special Section" and "RM5-Special Section" to permit 5 freehold detached dwellings and 30 row    dwellings in a standard condominium development on the subject lands. The applications have been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) and a hearing is scheduled to commence on February 9, 2004.

A new owner has purchased the. site and is proposing to make a number of revisions including the provision of a second storey to all of the row dwellings, whereas the earlier proposal was for primarily one. storey townhouses. The number of dwelling units and internal road configuration remain the same as the original proposal.

A further report on the revised Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications has been prepared by the Planning and Building Department and will be considered along with other applications at a Planning and Development Committee meeting to be held on January 12, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Mississauga Civic Centre, Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C1.

Further details of the planning aspects of this proposal may be obtained from Paulina Mikicich of the City Planning and Building Department (telephone 905-896-5752).

Yours truly,
(signed by)
Edward R. Sajecki
Commissioner of Planning and Building

     c:    Mayor H. McCallion
            Members of Council



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