A few words about these and the other quotes I post. They are from a tape recording and the effort to transcribe them is very hard. They are to best of my ability correct. You will note that people do not talk as they write, so what is spoken often appears not to read like proper sentences or make sense, at first glance. In general, this is due to the fact politicians, those being political correct or the speaker is having a passing acquaintance with the truth and making it up as they go along. Trying to mix the facts with flowery words to assure people, to put them at ease while hinting about the terrible things coming their way, in just such a way as not too overly alarm people but enough to say YOU WERE WARNED! To understand what they are saying you really need to understand what the meanings are for the words they use, which are often not the common ones and the legal contexts they are spoken in. I add comments as well. From the June 17 \ 03 Tues., Planning meeting at City hall Carmen Corbasson, the Ward 1 Councillor, says "If I were you sir, I would worry about your taxes going up because what you have right there now is a salvage yard. I have any it is going to appreciate the area compared to what you have there now." Good for the City's tax base, so people should feel good about it. The Mayor, Hazel McCallion confirms this with "you will know is when the assessor comes around" The Nov. 20th, 2003, Thur., informal meeting to present the new developers plans that are before the OMB. Carmen Corbasson; Moldenhauer Developments; "nobody likes change" "Actually this is quite a low density in today's standards" "market will dictate what is there" "it is truly a transitional area, we recognize that. And in fact part of the risks with this site is that it is a transitional area. And that you have some of you know the older housing stock, older housing product, [1] that, you know, in the area as generous as this, it is natural for them to be redeveloped. And I think actually under Mayor McCallion direction she, she likely to encourage developers and communities to look at planning that just goes beyond one lot at a time, so it takes into account the merits of a particular area. This site is fantastic. It is truly fantastic, given the depth of the property, the previous use, the contamination on the site, I mean, truly it is going to be a great benefit to the community when it is done." "What we are trying to do is give you a product here that is going to work, that is going to fit, it is not going to be something that didn't have some short vision, I am not taking shots against the developer who sold it to me. I do not think they were experienced developer, I just don't think they really knew what they were building, that is why you did not have a site plan, that is why you did not have floor plans, that why they didn't know what the values would be in the market place, they didn't how to price that property." "The other thing to, just to take into consideration is that the Official Plan in most areas where the Official Plan is in (?) the sort-a last 7 to 8 years, is that they are looking intensify these areas. They are recognizing the fact that you have areas like this, with very large lot sizes and it is not natural that those lot sizes are going to be maintained over X period of time. So it is actually these types of development, Smart Growth, I think it is how better referred to, intensification under the Smart Growth policies. It is these kinds of developments that are going to enhance those kinds of amenities, because you are going to be bring more people who can use the services and hance justify an actually bus route along there. I am not suggesting this one by itself is going to do it but certainly with time, it is." "Again, I share your sympathy because we are talking about issue of change that's different then what you have" "we love your input" I asked Michael Moldenhauer, President of Moldenhauer Developments about the Cawthra Bush, (the areas most important feature), how environmentally significant it was and he did not know. He go on to note the below. [ COMMENTS BY DON B. - [1] - He keeps calling what he wants to build and the existing homes "product" or " housing stock" and the people who live in them as "bodies". Is this a Freudian slip? ] |
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