{there are many more news articles on this web-site but they are attached to other subjects & not listed here, see the main table of contents.}
Before 1994
1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013
Green light for Cawthra land sale Mississauga News - some time early 1986. An early article about how the City refused to rezone the Cawthra Bush and how it held up the purchase of the last piece of the Cawthra Bush. In fact, RED LIGHT, for 15 years.
Mississauga to be Investigated - Mayor Cites Bribery, Influence peddling Mississauga Review - Apr. 30, 1975 - Notes City Staff leaving in large numbers & how the Mayor presented the matter to Council.
The inquiry that wasn't - An investigation into alleged city hail corruption raised more questions than it answered Mississauga News - Community Guide - 1975 - By John Stewart - Finally some of the claims that sparked the Judicial Inquiry! What is this Hazel McCallion wanted the Inquiry - "Dobkin had been encouraged by ... Hazel McCallion to hold the inquiry."? 1976
Mississauga: The story of a municipal investigation City Magazine - June 1976 - By Desmond Morton - The sound and the furry that signify a political wind storm and acts of trickery. A good article to present the basic facts and ask insightful questions that help the reader understand the under laying politics that are often not reported meaningfully to Canada taxpayers. And yes, Hazel McCallion is noted with refernce to "a political witch-hunt" Importantly you can get an idea of how the law is used a weapon against your political opponents.
Mississauga: The inquiry that won't go away City Magazine - Feb. 1978 - By Desmond Morton - More about the under laying politics & "Mississauga has rapidly regained its old reputation as a haven for fast-buck developers".
Mississauga gold rush Apr. 23 - 1982 - Toronto Sun - By John Downing - This short article has it all, catching a politician red handed and in court regarding Conflict of Interest, which Hazel McCallion was later found guilty of. That the Mayor of Mississauga is in danger of being thrown our of the Mayor's chair and barred from running for office for years. Macran - a company set up to do “development and property management”, of which is a part of. When she was asked about this in court she was told not to answer! Cronyism! Hazel McCallion's business partner on the committee of adjustment. When he was reappointed in 1981, Hazel declares a Conflict of Interest - but did she when he was first appointed? The company that Hazel McCallion is a director of makes $132,900 in seven months!
Women on the move Boom town mayors Toronto Star - Jan 2, 1988 - How Hazel McCallion was made & how the myth of women as being better then man as leaders was born.
Hurricane Hazel - McCallion upends City councillors Etobicoke Life - Dec. 22, 1993 - “She [Hazel McCallion] put her agenda on the table and wiped the floor with us,”
The battle for city hall is under way Mississauga News Oct. 19, 1988 - Part of the 1988 Mississauga election & the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan.
Mayoral candidate backs out Mississauga News Oct. 19, 1988 - Part of the 1988 Mississauga election & the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan.
Sound advice Mississauga News Oct. 19, 1988 - Editorial - Part of the 1988 Mississauga election & the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan. Sounds soviet style and from the pen of Hazel, to rewrite history to justify the unjustifiable. Media telling people what to think is bad enough but in this case it is sickening. Why were there questions raised?
Hazel’s in for three more - McCallion may never step down Mississauga News Oct. 21, 1988 - Part of the 1988 Mississauga election & the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan.
9-member citizen committee set up to make Mississauga a city of trees Toronto Star - Apr 25, 1989 - Part of the 1988 Mississauga election & the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan.
To become city of trees Tree Committee wants Mississauga to grow an identity Mississauga News - Apr. 26, 1989 - Citizen committee set up to make Mississauga a city of trees - no didn't happen but great press, YES? Interesting how the Mayor recycled candidates from the last election? Part of the 1988 Mississauga election & the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan.
Arboricultural Committee Formed The Mississauga Booster - May 1989 - The Mississauga Booster is the McCallion family newspaper so it has not a questionable word to say. Part of the 1988 Mississauga election & the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan.
1994 Cawthra woodlot to be thinned out Mississauga News - Jan. 20/94. The first news article about the City's planned logging of the Cawthra Bush and the rest of the City. Notice of logging Mississauga News - Jan. 23/94. The City's public notice of "Rehabilitation" at Cawthra. Sounds like the forest had committed a crime, in someone's mind. Cutting profits Toronto Sun - Feb. 6/94. Last Chance to Save the Cawthra Bush Mississauga News - Feb. 13/94. My first try at a public meeting and where I get elected to represent the communities concerns to the City of Mississauga. Tree lover launches campaign Mississauga News - Feb. 15/94. City stops cutting in Cawthra woods in reply to lobby Mississauga News - Feb. 27/94. Yes, people power can make a difference! Cawthra Bush defenders get boost from weather Toronto Star - Mar. 3/94. It was not the weather that won the day, it was people power. City buying woodlot for $1.1 million Mississauga News - Apr. 6/94. 15 years to buy a small piece of land.....What gives?? CVC - Cawthra in 'Desparate' need of management Water Ways - June 7/94. The Credit Valley Conservation Authority tries to justify it's actions. Man who would save woodlot being frozen out Mississauga News - June 26/94. The Hazel strikes back! Our Mayor is very rarely treated to persons she has wronged, coming before City Council to tell all. It didn't stop there I got a ruling Hazel McCallion, the Mayor of Mississauga, abused her power when she violated my rights to City records. Save the tree group gives committee an earful Mississauga News - June 29/94. A classic case of a newspaper rewriting events to create a negative public opinion, a City of Mississauga method as well. The Magic garden Mississauga News - Oct. 5/94. A classic case of a newspaper just plain not reporting events. Tunnelling to save Cawthra Trees Mississauga News - Nov. 2/94. Guest column by Jocelyn Webber Mississauga News - Nov. 16/94. Let's silence the chain saws. Cawthra Bush cut foes fighting to the end Mississauga News - Nov. 23/94.
Rebuttal Mississauga News - Dec. 2/94. Rebuttal to Guest column by Jocelyn Webber. Watermain construction style changes could save trees Mississauga News - Dec. 14/94. Promises made but not kept. Discussing the ghosts of Cawthra mansion Mississauga News - Dec. 14/94.
1995 New City Centre’ for Etobicoke denounced by local interests Mississauga News - Mar. 14 (?) 1995 - the Newspaper article regarding the passing of City of Mississauga - Resolution No. 77-95. Freedom of information a waste, so says McCallion Mississauga News - Apr. 5/95. One of the few newspaper articles that note some elements of Hazel putting her curse on me, that also strips every Canadian of some of their human rights. New Conflict bill unfair, McCallion says Toronto Star - Apr. 6/95. Woodlot in good hands Mississauga News - Apr. 23/95. Don't you believe it. Good friends clean up Mississauga News - May 24/95. Our annual clean up and we did the press work on this one. Managing the City's woodlots Mississauga News - Nov. 12/95. Members of City Council discuss their opinions about the Cawthra Bush and forest management. Mayor Hazel McCallion questioned the appearance of the Cawthra woodlot, you can see many trees leaning over in an unsightly manner, "It looks like we're not maintaining it,". Councillor Carmen Corbasson, "Do we leave it natural or make it look pretty?"
Notice of public meeting - [Easement replanting] Mississauga News - Apr. 17/96. A public meeting in regards to replanting of the watermain easement - one of our great victories. The future takes root - easement planting Mississauga News - Sept. 4/96. Natures fate rests with us Mississauga News - Sept. 8/96. Man-Made nature is just as natural top gardener says Mississauga News - Nov. 1/96. Doug Campbell sure gets a lot of press for his non-environmental friendly ideas. More trees coming out of the woods Mississauga News - Nov. 13/96.
UFMAC - volunteers needed Mississauga News - Oct. 1/97. The Jefferson salamander discovered at the Cawthra Bush Mississauga News - Oct. 15/97. Amphibians found in the bush rare and possible tree saver. A provincially-rare species of salamander has been detected living in the Cawthra Bush and the discovery could influence future land use at the woodlot. Fencing may protect parks Mississauga News - Nov. 5/97. Land swap a good deal all around Mississauga News - Nov. 5/97. Logging on hold at Cawthra Bush Toronto Star Nov. 20/97. About Dec. 10/97 meeting. Bit about logging is mis-leading. Cawthra Woods stressed out Mississauga News - Nov. 21/97. About the salamander talk and Dec. 10 meeting. Whispers - where is the City management plan??? Mississauga News - Dec. 17/97. Carmen and untrue allegations Mississauga News - Dec. 7/97. Carmen comes out swing! No wonder they say politicians are nothing but a bunch of............. Meeting tonight Mississauga News - Dec. 10/97. Please don't disturb the Cawthra Bush Mississauga News - Dec. 17/97. The residents of Mississauga say NO to City forest management plans!!!
Expert coming to talk the talk on salamanders Mississauga News - Jan. 11/98. Much to consider at Cawthra Bush - Quest Column by Peter M. Phillips Mississauga News - Jan. 21/98.
Another Victory!! Mississauga News - Jan. 24/99. "The City of Mississauga has been told to strengthen its policies protecting the Cawthra Woods in a new plan for the Lakeview district." The Region of Peel, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Friends of the Cawthra Bush and Greater Mississauga Area and the Cawthra Ratepayers and Residents Association, all joined forces to declare the City of Mississauga efforts at protecting the Cawthra Bush - INADEQUATE. Lakeview & Port Credit Get, Own Community Centre The Lake View, Nov., 1999.
JUSTICE AND THE POOR The News release for - A National Council of Welfare Publication - Spring 2000 - report.
Cawthra receives wetland status Mississauga News - August 30, 2000 - A MAJOR SUCCESS !!!!! BUT NOT FINAL VICTORY - The Cawthra Bush is recognized not only as a wetlands but as a Provincially Significant one at that! Election won't stop Hazel Mississauga News - Oct. 15 / 2000 - In the past a person was told to remove their name from running against Hazel.
Welcoming Committee Mississauga Business Times - May 2, 2002 - Hazel is open for business, sprawl for business, lets all sprawl! Discovery at Cawthra Bush Amphibian Voice - Summer 2002 - The Newsletter of the Adopt-A-Pond Wetland Conservation Programme at the Toronto Zoo. The Vernalis Project by Bentley Christie - Searching Ontario for Ephemeral Wetland Habitat Amphibian Voice - Summer 2002 - The Newsletter of the Adopt-A-Pond Wetland Conservation Programme at the Toronto Zoo.
Fix up will cost big bucks - BIG decisions needed now - Or try here. Mississauga News - June 26, 2005 - Hazel McCallion's Ultimate Act of Greed & Betrayal of Mississauga's Taxpayers.
“Byron Osmond speaks out” In his own words Byron Osmond tells the tale of how his business was ruined and almost (all of) his life. Another Ontario municipality tries to muzzle free speech Web posted by NUPGE - June 7, 2006 - Aube attended municipal meetings on a regular basis and asked a number of pointed questions about an environment ministry report on the township's master plan last fall.
PLEASE NOTE - In the below section - list of News items items are posted regarding the Editor for The Democratic Reporter, Donald Barber, being arrested in June of 2006. As I have run three time in the past against Hazel McCallion for the office of Mayor and appearing before City Council more regularly, the Mayor no doubt decided to launch a preemptive strike before my name was put in as a candidate - which usually was done on the last day for nominations, Sept. 29.
Public voice denied Mississauga News - June 9, 2006 - Editorial - City of Mississauga changed its own rules to entrap and lay false changes to remove a community representative who asked the hard questions City politicians and the Mayor did not want to have asked in an election year. In a rare Editorial the Mississauga News denounced City actions. Activist charged with assault Mississauga News - June 9, 2006 -
Mississauga speaker's corner ends as citizens ejected from council Toronto Star June 8, 2006 -
Activist charged in assault Toronto Star - June 15, 2006 -
Council Conflict The guest column submitted to Mississauga (Missing) News, June 16, 2006. To help tell some of my side of the story.
Voice Denied Mississauga News - June 23, 2006 - Letter to Editor by Ursula Keuper-Bennett, Mississauga, was a Candidate for Ward 1.
If you can't beat'em... The Mississauga News, Jul 16, 2006 - By Joseph Chin. Internet coverage by Mississauga News after point out they not write about my entrance into the Mayor's race.
He can fight city hall, if he plays nice Toronto Star July 31, 2006 - By Mike Funston. Yes, I have to play by the rules they change without notice and even makeup as required to serve their political masters.
My letter of THANK YOU to Mike Funston for his article. July 31, 2006.
Saving 'small-town' Streetsville National Post - July 31, 2006 - "Ms. McCallion opened the floodgates of development,", better the rest of Mississauga suffer than Hazel's home town.
Would-be politicians scared to seek election Mississauga News - Sept. 20, 2006 - Wed. - Was the "Missing" News trying to SCARE away candidates in an election where there is the genuine chance of more then one new face on City Council and really up-setting the status-quo and no more business as usual. One thing is for sure the Mississauga News should never have tried to "call" the election even before the filing deadline has pasted - it can easily be seen as an effort to keep people from running as it would be futile to even try! BUT more importantly they fear to even anger Hazel McCallion by running against her! McCallion takes another jab at region Mississauga Business Times - Sept. 21, 2006 - Thur. - Even the business community wonders about the Mayor's obsession with separating Mississauga from Peel - "Now McCallion isn't advocating city state status for Mississauga, or dare we say it, a virtual dictatorship, but her ongoing battle to remove her city from the Region of Peel continues unabated." "Does she have the energy to continue the struggle?" Former villages adapting to intensification Mississauga Business Times - Sept 21, 2006 - Thur. - FRAM-Slokker Canada's success in Port Credit and with the Port Credit Business Improvement Association & how business is done in Mississauga.
Wrong message - Letter to Editor Mississauga News - Sept. 27, 2006 - Wed. - Letter to Editor by Roy Willis, about the article by Joe Chin "Would be politicians". The Mississauga News knows Roy Willis is a candidate for Mayor and usually that would mean the media should not publish letters by a candidate during an election as it needs to be seen as impartial and not giving any candidate greater media exposure. In this case they leave off the fact he is a candidate and print his letter really fast.
Who will follow Hazel? Toronto Star - Sept. 29, 2006 - Fri. - Talk about a close up picture of the Mayor, do you think they were trying to make a point?
Horse races expected for mayors' jobs Toronto Star - Sept. 30, 2006 - Sat. -
Three running to replace McCallion National Post - Sat. Sept. 30, 2006 - Sat. - Finally the Media is noting how undemocratic Hazel McCallion's rule is "Less than 26% of eligible voters cast a ballot in Mississauga"
Municipal election attracts 140 candidates Mississauga News - Oct 4, 2006 - Wed. - This says it all when it comes to politely say the Mayor should be put out to pasture. "Mississauga has changed enormously in the past decade, and now sits at a very important crossroads in its development. As the city transitions from a suburban to an urban community, sound political leadership is needed, which makes this election especially significant."
Sold out, again The Halton Herald - October 4, 2006 - More on the Transcanada 683 megawatt natural gas-fired power plant in the town of Halton Hills.
Residents angered by mayor's comments & later .. Residents have little choice in power plant plan & even still later ... Residents offered little say in power plant plan Mississauga News - Oct 5, 2006 - Thur - a story whose wording changed greatly during only one day!
Transit outlook poor: Mayor Mississauga News - Oct 6, 2006 - Fri. - Mayor Mississauga admits she has totally failed Mississaugans when it comes to transit.
Mutiny on the buses - Editorial Mississauga News - Oct 6, 2006 - Fri. - "Missing" News lays it on the line - "councillors and city planning staff blew it big-time "! It goes on to say no answer but not true - I have an answer! A new honour - Letter to Editor Mississauga News - Oct 6, 2006 - Fri. - In a Mississauga Newspaper the suggestion to name the slippery slopes of the goose-grazing grounds after Hazel McCallion, my, my, my.
Fixing gridlock would get the vote of big business National Post - Oct. 7, 2006, Sat. -
Milton fruit farmer fears power plant plan Toronto Star - Oct. 11, 2006 - Is the future of Mississauga that of an Air Pollution Slum? Has Hazel McCallion sold her soul & the heath & welfare of Mississaugans and their families to the Province so Mississauga can be separated from the Region of PEEL? Is she dropping power plants like bombs on Mississauga's communities?
Hydro corridors best rail line option - Letter to Editor Toronto Star - Oct. 14, 2006 - Sat. - Letter by Donald Baker (no wait its Barber!) - Hydro corridors best rail line option for transit lines in Mississauga when the LONG time Mayor and her Council have - "councillors and city planning staff blew it big-time "! But who listens to the best idea these days? For the Toronto Star to print this letter proves the media is rebelling against the Queen of Sprawl - Hazel McCallion. It also shows the media supports another candidates ideas for the future of Mississauga!
Council candidate charged Toronto Star - Oct. 18, 2006 - Adnan Hashmi, 32, one of 23 candidates running for a council seat in Mississauga’s Ward 10, denies he is intimidating rivals to drop out of the race.
Mississauga sign law called 'restrictive' Toronto Star - Oct. 16, 2006 - Mississauga's "severely restrictive" election sign law makes it tough to challenge incumbents, says a candidate for city council.
Parrish rolls with the punches Toronto Star - Oct. 17, 2006 - Carolyn Parrish is on trail for seat in Mississauga & the Toronto Star gives her a boost.
Candidate charged Toronto Sun Oct. 18, 2006, Wed. - Woman in Mississauga says one of her rivals tried to force her out of council race said she was threatened and left horrified by the ordeal.
Councillor in conflict over use of staffers Mississauga News - Oct 18, 2006 - "complaints concerned City staff who were forced to work on Adams re-election campaign."
Police probing bribery allegations Mississauga News - Oct 19, 2006 - More about Carolyn Parrish getting free publicity.
Adams accused of election abuses Mississauga News - Oct 20, 2006 - "Ward 5 Councillor Eve Adams has been strong-arming residents to place her election signs on their properties, charge her two former office workers ... Councillor threatened homeowners with bylaw infractions if they didn't comply with her wishes."
This is not the first time Eve Adams has been in trouble. In the last election her family stole election signs.
Mississauga councillor broke rules Toronto Star - Oct. 25, 2006 - Eve Adams - her election hopes have been stabbed in the heart. The misuse of City "resources, including employee staff time and computer systems", & "Use of city resources gives a candidate an unfair advantage over rivals," and the list goes on. Well the VOTERS can fire her Nov. 13, if they are smart enough.
Councillor's brother sends bogus e-mail Mississauga News - Oct 25, 2006 - The brother of Councillor Nando Iannicca, well known Hazel McCallion supporter and can often be heard telling the dear old Mayor what to say at City Council, sending intimidating E-mails? Ward 9 protest candidate faces criminal charges Mississauga News - Oct 24, 2006 - Pat Saito admits she is responsible for involving the Peel police who charged 75-year-old Antonio Baptista.
Talk about transportation! Mississauga News - Oct 25, 2006 - "Transit was the only issue that Mississauga mayoralty candidates all mentioned when they gave 60-second pitches for votes in a mini-debate on CFRB Radio this morning." Residents upset about councillor's signs Mississauga News - Oct 25, 2006 - "The City of Mississauga has received numerous complaints from residents accusing Ward 5 Councillor Eve Adams and her campaign workers of placing election signs on their properties without permission."
Town’s “pit bull”, bites veteran. The Halton - October 28, 2006 Sat. - Another cases of a City making up reasons to ban a taxpayer who was uncovering wrong-doing at their City hall and exposing it to the public. "I’m a prisoner of my own town who can’t use any of the facilities that I’m paying for. I’ve been tried, convicted and sentenced for unnamed acts by unnamed individuals!"
Going head-to-head with Hazel Toronto Star - Nov. 2 - 06 - A prime example of how the Toronto Star campaigns for Hazel McCallion by failing to report her failures, miss-deeds and out right evil acts. This article clearly shows how a reporter (or editor) will NOT report what they knows as it will hurt McCallion's chances for re-election and how the facts are not presented or false information about the Mayor's challengers is - to defame them and keep the voters asleep - Soviet style journalism that Hazel McCallion loves to talk about so much.
Coping With and Preventing Environmental Loss Through Art Fall/Winter 2006 - Women & Environments - Laurie Kallis - Environmental Artist Activist
“If they took the money to allow these people to pollute, then shame on them” The Halton Herald - Hornby - Dec. 4, 2006 - More on the Transcanada 683 megawatt natural gas-fired power plant in the town of Halton Hills. The Council meeting & quotes - so much better then reporting that goes on in Mississauga.
Nando defends salary Mississauga News - Feb 28, 2007 - Letter to Editor - Councillor Nando Iannicca displays just some of the extra work entailed from being on the board of Enersource - he works so hard.
Town wants MOE to 'bump up' power plant's environment study Canadian Champion - Mar. 02, 2007 - More on the Transcanada 683 megawatt natural gas-fired power plant in the town of Halton Hills.
Legal aid rules shut out thousands Toronto Star - Mar. 3, 2007 - Many earning under $16,000 face uphill battle trying to represent themselves in complex cases. The dark side of justice Toronto Star - Mar. 3, 2007 - Nycole Landry, who sued after being fired from her job as a pilot, was vindicated in court but traumatized by the long, expensive trial. Her legal bills alone, for four lawyers, were $250,000. After more than a decade, it's unlikely she will fly professionally again. Long trials not our fault: Lawyers Toronto Star - Mar. 5, 2007 - Defence lawyers are unfairly shouldering the blame for longer criminal trials, a legal symposium was told on the weekend. Justice out of reach Toronto Star - Mar. 6, 2007 - EDITORIAL - This says it all - "Fundamental Canadian values are at risk, and so is public faith in the justice system."
Taking your own counsel Toronto Star - Mar. 7, 2007 - Kathrine Farris is representing herself without a lawyer in a wrongful dismissal and harassment suit against her former employer.
Justice judged too costly for most Toronto Star - Mar. 6, 2007 - Erosion of family assets in ligitation not 'just,' says top jurist
Cuts to legal aid hit families hard Toronto Star - Mar. 12, 2007 - Price of Justice - People at a `crisis point' are unable to get a lawyer and must defend themselves
Justice summit to audit broken system Toronto Star - Mar. 13, 2007 - Public asked to join lawyers and judges in Ontario Bar Association talks.
LETTERS regarding the high cost of justice in Canada. Toronto Star - Mar. 2007
Liberal leader pledges crime control Mississauga News - Mar. 16, 2007 - backed by prominent local members of his party, outlined his national strategy on crime.
The case of the poison pothole poem starts Monday Mississauga News - May 25, 2007 - EDITORIAL & OPINION.
Burning tires fill Cooksville sky with smoke Mississauga News - May 12 - 13, 2007 - Dundas Fire & It Burned Real Good! Liberals back gun crime bail crackdown Toronto Star - Mar. 14, 2007 - But Dion rejects longer sentences.
Dion's law-and-order strategy Toronto Star - Mar. 14, 2007 - Accused of being too soft, he pledges funds for police, tougher gun penalties.
Dion calls for more police officers Globe & Mail - Mar. 14, 2007 -
Liberals unveil tough-on-crime platform National Post - March 15, 2007 - 'Series of amendments'
Sensitive issue Mississauga News - Mar. 21, 2007 - Letter to Editor, by John Tory, Leader, Ontario Progressive Conservative Party, about Lakeview power plant.
You can fight (at) city hall Mississauga News - June 7, 2007 - By Torstar Network - "McCallion suggested Parrish was ... grandstanding." Councillor Parrish who does like the answers that City staff give says "So if I ask questions in open session on (cable) television, I have a right to do so," What a great article not only does it document how "Simmering tensions between Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion and newbie Councillor Carolyn Parrish erupted at council", as it has often been said that Councillor Parrish "a former MP rumoured to have ambitions for her {the Mayor's}seat." but also notes the way the Mayor has kept a lid on how business is done at City hall AND that the TV cameras play role in Council power plays. Who says I make these things up?
Lakeview station will be dust in the wind Mississauga News - June 7, 2007 - How to BLOW UP Lakeview Power Generation Station Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Who say Terrorists have all the fun blowing up buildings?
A grand excuse Mississauga News - June 12, 2009 - Letter by Donald Barber - As usual the Mississauga new rewrote my letter but of greatest interest should be that they added in Ursula's full name where I had not noted any part of it !!!! Why would they do that ??? This letter was to note yet another example of how City staff & Council would do all they could to avoid questions during Public Question Period.
Ratepayers balk at idea of another Lakeview Mississauga News - June 23, 2007 -
Lakeview demolition delayed Mississauga News - June 24, 2007 -
Parrish, mayor ready to tango Mississauga News - June 26, 2007 - "The mayor is older. The mayor is more tired." - I was saying the same in the 2006 election, guess he finally heard me.
Big Boom is back on Mississauga News - June 26, 2007 -
Powerhouse still standing Mississauga News - June 27, 2007 -
Mississauga 'demolition' smashes crowd's hopes National Post - June 28, 2007 - Has a great listing of what - or did not happen - at what times.
Demolition delayed ... again Mississauga News - June 28, 2007 - Interesting that it was dated the same day that the power plant was in fact blown up. Does note it could off later in the morning, is this an effort to serve people who live minute to minute by looking at their computers?
Weather delays demolition of plant Toronto Star - June 28, 2007, 4:30 am - The delay was about what happened on Mon.
Lakeview power station demolished Toronto Star - June 28, 2007 11:11 AM - WOW talk about filing a story in record speed!
A blast takes care of the past Mississauga News - June 28, 2007 - Big bang in Lakeview: Finally Mississauga News - June 28, 2007 - Better picture then was on the cover of the printed edition.
'Holy sugar, that's a really big plume' National Post - June 29, 2007 - Has a great listing of what happened at what times.
Plant reduced to rubble Toronto Star - June 29, 2007 -
Lakeview blasted into history Toronto Sun - June 28, 2007 - Good picture.
Man sues after alleged strip search The Record (KITCHENER) - Jul. 27, 2007 - By Liz Monteiro - "who is a law student articling with the Canadian Civil Liberties Association in Toronto", where I met Davin for the first time as chance would have it or fate.
'Pothole poet' found guilty of death threat National Post - July 28, 2007 - Conditional Discharge; Receives Probation For Poem About Councillor.
Let judges run courts, lawyers say Toronto Star - Aug 13, 2007 - Resolution urges governments to turn over control of court operation to judiciary to ensure autonomy.
Mississauga Will Soon Surrender Debt-Free Status National Post - Sept. 17, 2007, Monday - The other shoe drops about how the books have been cooked in Mississauga.
TORONTO 18 LAWYER CBC Radio Show - As It Happens - Oct. 2, 2007 - An update on the so-called "terrorists" and how the government cares so little for due process and more about political show trials.
Every rider on TTC will be on camera Security system set for June - Oct. 21, 2007 - Big Bother is nothing but good for Canadians or so we are lead to believe.
Hitler's greedy executioners - Nov. 10, 2007 - Avarice can be a bloody dictator's best friend, helping turn ordinary citizens into pliant tools of genocide. There's a lesson here for contemporary life.
Hurricane Miller Globe & Mail - Nov. 19, 2007 - BLOG by Adam Radwanski - Hazel "actually scares politicians." - the myth of mighty Hazel is heard over & over but in the end she failed.
2008 Police investigate break-in at Hazel's house Mississauga News - March 28, 2008 - was it really?
Police confirm break-in, theft at McCallion home in January Toronto Star - Apr. 1, 2008 -
Talk of Enersource deals nothing new at City Hall Mississauga News - April 11, 2008 - First talk of - 2008 - of "City councillors are considering selling Enersource Hydro Mississauga" and further more - "It's a perfect solution to our infrastructure problems," said Parrish, who believes the City should sell Enersource, bank the money and use the interest earned to pay for infrastructure." Councillor Nando Iannicca, also want it sold, went on the record saying it has lost some $500 million of its value!
Calls grow for Toronto to sell power utility National Post - April 11, 2008 -
Mayor lectures critic on excessive e-mails Mississauga News - Apr 24, 2008 - Hurricane Hazel strikes again! Any way to stop voters, taxpayers and Canadians from find out the truth about how the City of Mississauga and City hall is run, is a good way!
Elections Canada Imbroglio Sours cynical public Toronto Star - May 5, 2008 - "We have entered an era of juristocracy -- the regime of laws, judges and prosecutors -- where only those admitted to a professionally approved class of lawyers may plead a case." & "Issues once resolved behind the scenes and based on human interaction -- in parliamentary debates, the press and on the hustings -- have given way to legalistic canons and precepts."
U.K. security cams 'utter fiasco' Toronto Star - May 7, 2008 - Closed-circuit TV not reducing crime - Official.
Gadfly has Mississauga mulling options - Hire Ombudsman? National Post - May 29, 2008 - More haft truths and the lie of omission for Canadians to think they are informed. None-the-less, read between the lines and you see it is important enough to report.
Referee needed to sort out critic's complaints Mississauga News - May 29, 2008 - More haft truths and the lie of omission for Canadians to think they are informed. None-the-less, read between the lines and you see it is important enough to report.
Sale of utility serves us best Mississauga News - June 10, 2008 - Editorial by Carolyn Parrish. Here she want to sell Enersource.
Residents demand answers at Enersource meeting Mississauga News - June 26, 2007 - What a farce of a public meeting - "the mayor and councillors remained totally mum throughout the lengthy town hall meeting." Like they were trying to hide something! The Mayor loves to say in Mississauga we "calling public meetings at the drop of a hat", but is the point when many of the facts & figures are secret? How can the public make informed decisions and be meaningfully involved in government decision making or for that matter even tell those who called the meeting what they think the best choice is - if the are kept selectively in the dark? Talk about trying to control the outcome of the meeting.
No sleeping on the job for Hazel Mississauga News - Aug. 7, 2008 - By John Stewart -
Democracy's doorstep Random Access BLOG - Mississauga News - Aug. 8, 2008 - By John Stewart on the notable and the absurd
Stewart’s right, right, right - Letter Mississauga News - Sept. 2, 2008 - By Ursula Keuper-Bennett -
City, Enersource clash over board salary Mississauga News - September 26, 2008 - So very well paid for so little work. We really should look more closely at how this came to be. "Borealis is on a power trip", says Councillor Carolyn Parrish.
Man paid $5,000 for unlawful detention The Record (KITCHENER) - Nov. 14, 2008 - By Brian Caldwell -
Councillors laud Hazel for her 30 years as mayor Mississauga News - Nov. 26, 2008 -
City crafts policy to address complaints Mississauga News - Dec. 3, 2008 -
Public question period is not rambling matter Mississauga News - Dec. 5, 2008 -
City wants total control of Enersource Mississauga News - Dec. 11, 2008 - The battle begins.
Mississauga to buy back 10 per cent of utility Toronto Star - Dec 11, 2008 - The answer to my question makes the news.
"Not apologizing to anyone", councillor says National Post - Dec. 11, 2008 - I showed up to address the City's first time ever Public Complaints Procedure and Councillor Pat Saito uses it for an excuse to go on a self-serving rant of falsehoods, that allowed Council to avoid the real questions.
Council makes good call Mississauga News - Dec. 16, 2008 - Editorial - The line that means the most to natural watchers - "no commitment has been made to maintain the site specifically as a bird sanctuary".
2009 Mississauga meltdown Toronto Sun - Jan. 17, 2009 - By Ted Woloshyn -
Hazel celebrates lucky 88th Mississauga News - Jan. 23, 2009 - By Julia Le - Nice picture, don't you just love the look on her face - like that of so many in old-folks home, she is so happy to see you, if only she could remember who you are & why you are here! Well she has her cup, time for meds.
EARTH ANGEL: THE BUTTERFLY GUY - Simple eco act 'makes me very happy' Toronto Star - Jan. 28, 2009 - By Mike Funston -
Hurricane Hazel turns 88 Toronto Sun - Feb. 14, 2009 - By THE CANADIAN PRESS -
On the defence -- an activist becomes a lawyer The Record (KITCHENER) - Feb. 14, 2009 - By Brian Caldwell -
The End? Toronto Sun - Feb. 15, 2009 - By Columnists John Snobelen - Mississauga super power Hazel McCallion is facing a serious challenge for the first time in 30 years
Free speech taking beating in Pointe Claire The Westmount Examiner - Apr. 7, 2009 - Editorial
Questions still linger over Pointe Claire question-period bylaw The Westmount Examiner - Apr. 23, 2009 - Editorial
Hazel’s power is popularity Mississauga News - Apr 28, 2009 - By Joseph Chin - This is a very timely book, "includes brushing off a conflict-of-interest case, her “take-no-prisoners” governance style and her refusal, as some critics would contend, to tolerate open criticism of her leadership." Problem is it will have to rewritten!!
Protest accuses police of abuse The Record (KITCHENER) - May 2, 2009 - By Rose Simone -
Council gets tough with public questions Mississauga News - July 2, 2009 - By Joseph Chin -
Mississauga council outlaws public question period Toronto Star - July 9, 2009 - By Mike Funston -
Council quashes queries Mississauga News - July 9, 2009 -
Council kills question period Mississauga News - July 9, 2009 - By Torstar Network -
Disintegration of Morale in City Council - Letter of the week Mississauga News - July 10, 2009 - By Cheryl Glassford
Change for the better - Letter Mississauga News - July 14, 2009 - By Hazel McCallion, Mayor of Mississauga.
More than a soapbox - Letter Mississauga News - July 14, 2009 - By Carolyn Parrish, Councillor, Ward 6, Mississauga.
Sock puppets - Letter Mississauga News - July 16, 2009 - By Ursula Keuper-Bennett.
Crossing the line Mississauga News - July 16, 2009 - BLOG by Bucky1 - Running On Empty
In office too long - Letter Mississauga News - July 21, 2009 - By Umbrine Fatima.
No questions, please - Letter Mississauga News - July 21, 2009 - By Kelly Marshall.
In praise of the gadfly eye Weekly - July 22, 2009 - By Chris Bilton -
You should comment on PQP being changed Mississauga News - Aug. 3, 2009 - BLOG - DeValera's Perspective
Step down, Nando Mississauga News - Aug 7, 2009 - Editorial.
Questions stall end of City tradition Mississauga News - Aug 7, 2009 - By Joseph Chin
Councillor unloads on speaker Mississauga News - Aug 7, 2009 - By Joe Chin
Just plain nasty Mississauga News - Aug. 7. 2009 - BLOG by Bucky1 - Running On Empty
Nando unrepentant Mississauga News - Aug 11, 2009 - By Joseph Chin
Rules of engagement - Letter Mississauga News - Aug 11, 2009 - By Nando Iannicca, Councillor, Ward 7
Final act - Letter Mississauga News - Aug 11, 2009 - By Larry Taylor, Former City of Mississauga Councillor, Barrie.
The right place - Letter Mississauga News - Aug 11, 2009 - By Sebastion Patrizio
Hurricane Hazel to run for Mayor again Toronto Sun - Aug. 12, 2009 - By SUN MEDIA
Citizens issues merit attention Mississauga News - Aug 12, 2009 - Editorial
One more time for Hazel Mississauga News - Aug. 12, 2009 - Running on EMPTY - The timing of this announcement is very interesting as it come right in the middle of a number of this. Can't you hear the swearing and cursing from City hall ask those who replace the Mayor hear this non-news?
Huzzahs for Hurricane Hazel Toronto Sun - Aug. 13, 2009 - By Joe Warmington - Mississauga's mayor vows to run again and win her 12th term. Any contenders? WHO REALLY IS CANADA'S LONGEST RULING MAYOR?
Parrish should run now Mississauga News - Aug. 13, 2009 -
Politician’s nightmare - Letter Mississauga News - Aug 13, 2009 - By Ian L. Smith.
Edna Toth's - letter of the week - Letter Mississauga News - Aug 14, 2009 - Letter of the week, Edna Toth
We need Nando - Letter Mississauga News - Aug. 14, 2009 - by Donna Cook
Nando's the word Mississauga News - Aug. 14. 2009 - BLOG by Bucky1 - Running On Empty
Fight for our rights Mississauga News - Aug 18, 2009 - Gust Column, Donald Barber
Outraged - Letter Mississauga News - Aug. 18, 2009 - by Jason Martins
City Council Cowards - Letter of Week Mississauga News - Aug. 21, 2009 - Letter of Week - Ursula Keuper-Bennet and Paul Bennett
Nando lost me - Letter Mississauga News - Aug 25, 2009 - by Peter Nazwaski
Change for the better - Letter Mississauga News - Aug. 25, 2009 - by Councillor Carolyn Parrish
Afghan vote turnout puts us to shame Toronto Star - Aug. 28, 2009 - By Christopher Hume - Of Course when talking about low voter turn-out you have to talk about Mississauga.
Council needs change, critic says Mississauga News - Aug. 28, 2009 -
Public Question Period, Questions - Letter of the Week Mississauga News - Aug 28, 2009 - By Andrew Hamilton-Smith, Mississauga South NDP
MAN OF SALVOS - Mississauga pulls green thorn from its paw Toronto Star - Sept. 9, 2009 - Finally a story about me and what is going on in Mississauga that gets close to the truth and includes comments from community supporters, as if there were none I would not be doing what I am doing.
Activist has many sides Mississauga News - Sept. 9, 2009 - By Torstar Network.
City wants Olympic torch run Mississauga News - Sept. 11, 2009 - By Dominik Kurek - "what $100,000 would buy" - for one, a chance for Hazel McCallion to run the Olympic torch and fool people into thinking she has some kind of Olympic endorsement.
MISSISSAUGA'S BAD EXAMPLE Globe and Mail - Sept. 13, 2008 - By John Barber - Words worth repeating & written before the whole Hazel Conflict - Inquiry had started. "For decades, Ms. McCallion proudly held up Mississauga as the exemplar of cities, a super-managed citadel of fiscal rectitude, a low-tax haven "paying as it goes," building paradise by squeezing nickels - above all, debt-free. Now she tells us it's a financial wreck in desperate need of federal rescue. Something doesn't jibe."
Mayor at meetings about son's project Mississauga News - Sept. 18, 2009 - By Torstar Network
Sheridan College plan in jeopardy Mississauga News - Sept. 18, 2009 - By Louie Rosella -
Councillors criticize McCallion Mississauga News - Sept. 19, 2009 - By Torstar Network
Mayor made bad call Mississauga News - Sept. 22, 2009 -
Video contradicts McCallion Toronto Star - Sept. 24, 2009 - Phinjo Gombu -
Land deal could kill college plan Mississauga News - Sept. 24, 2009 - By Louie Rosella -
Letter of the week Mississauga News - Sept 25, 2009 - By Larry Taylor, Former Ward 4 Councillor - About the history behind the Hazel McCallion.
Parting shot -- er, gift -- for future ex-mayor Toronto Sun - Sept. 27, 2009 - By Mike Strobel, Columnists - Not so much about Hazel but does show that there are staff of the Sun who do take shots at the Mayor of Mississauga - "Hazel McCallion, Mississauga's 165-year-old mayor".
Crucial vote on question period Mississauga News - Sept. 29, 2009 - Radhika Panjwani.
Step down, Hazel - Letter Mississauga News - Sept. 29, 2009 - By Thaia Jones
Question period lives Mississauga News - Sept. 30, 2009 - Radhika Panjwani
McCallion faces judicial probe Toronto Star - Sept. 30, 2009, 3:37 pm - Phinjo Gombu -
Hazel McCallion didn't declare conflict: Probe Toronto Star - Sept. 30, 2009, 4:30 pm - Phinjo Gombu -
Mayor could face inquiry Mississauga News - Sept. 30, 2009 -
Council Adopts Resolution to Proceed With Land Purchase in The City Centre City of Mississauga News release - Sept. 30, 2009 - City buys land that are at the heart of this Conflict of Interest, with the intent of leasing the property to Sheridan College for their new Mississauga campus.
Mississauga Council Asks For Judicial Inquiry City of Mississauga News Release - Oct. 1, 2009 - Statement from the City Solicitor.
Inquiry sought into Mississauga mayor's potential conflict of interest Globe and Mail - Oct. 01, 2009 - By Josh Wingrove
Mayor McCallion has only herself to blame Toronto Star - Oct. 1, 2009 - Columnist Royson James starts in on the Mayor of Mississauga. Includes comments.
Controversy leaves Hazel's halo undented Toronto Star - Oct. 1, 2009 - Mike Funston -
Mayor McCallion faces judge's audit Toronto Star - Oct. 1, 2009 - Phinjo Gombu - For us to have turned a blind eye to this and said, `Trust us, it's nothing' – well, this is Mississauga; it's not Vaughan.
Carolyn Parrish lashes out at ‘blind loyalty of Hazel McCallion supporters in conflict inquiry National Post - Oct. 1, 2009 - Megan O'Toole -
No Conflict, Says Defiant McCallion National Post - Oct. 1, 2009 - Kenyon Wallace - Judicial Inquiry; Councillors want answers in Mississauga deal.
Mississauga council calls for inquiry into Hazel's dealings Toronto Sun - Oct. 1, 2009 - By Rob Lamberti - At long last the Toronto Sun is covering this story. That's what happens when there are no pictures of a cop, smashed cars, fire, of barely dress women to show on the cover - just not news fit for the masses!
Inquiry the only choice Mississauga News - Oct. 1, 2009 -
Minutes not doctored: City Clerk Mississauga News - Oct. 1, 2009 - By Radhika Panjwani
College land deal back in the works Mississauga News - Oct. 1, 2009 - ? -
Councillor apologizes to speaker Mississauga News - Oct. 1, 2009 - By Radhika Panjwani
Mississauga's hurricane Hazel takes on her tormentors Globe and Mail - Oct. 2, 2009 - By Joe Friesen - Conflict allegations come from one insignificant error, 88-year-old mayor says.
Mississauga council divided National Post - Oct. 2, 2009 - By Megan O'Toole - Judicial probe.
Carolyn Parrish's dangerous gamble National Post - Oct. 2, 2009 - By Megan O'Toole -
McCallion's conflict Toronto Star - Oct. 2, 2009 - Editorial
Hazel cleared - or not Toronto Sun - Oct. 2, 2009 - By Rob Lamberti
Investigation or witch hunt? Mississauga News - Oct. 2, 2009 -
Hazel still popular Mississauga News - Oct 2, 2009 - By Torstar Network -
Important questions - Letter Mississauga News - Oct 2, 2009 - by Phillip Fourie.
Hazel McCallion: A sad picture of wilting glory Toronto Star - Oct. 3, 2009 - Columnist Royson James has another go at the Mayor of Mississauga. Includes comments and time line.
Inquiry seen as possible Parrish power gambit National Post - Oct. 3, 2009 -
Is it Hazel's time to go? Hell, no Toronto Sun - Oct. 3, 2009 - By Ted Woloshyn - BOY you can really hear the ass-kissing in what the Toronto Sun prints - "Mississauga's 89-year old Energizer bunny Mayor McCallion is still more than capable", to what ruin more lives and the environment?
High time for change in Mississauga Toronto Star - Oct. 5, 2009 - Column by Christopher Hume - it was published as "Hazel's Fiefdom out of touch with 21st century", somewhere along the line it was decided that was not politically correct.
Regis a standup guy Toronto Sun - Oct. 5, 2009 - By Entertainment Columnists / Bill Harris - The Damage control tour by doing a good news PR Blitz - begins. Very interesting that one of the very first thing I see in the Toronto Suns coverage of the Hazel McCallion Conflict of Interest matter appears in their entertainment section - of all places. Well that does send a message does it?
Parameters for inquiry in the works Mississauga News - Oct 5, 2009 - By Radhika Panjwani -
HAZEL MCCALLION'S CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CHARGES - Here We Go Again BLOGGER - Downing's Views - Oct. 6, 2009 - By John Downing, former Toronto Sun, reporter, columnist & more - this is such a GOLD MINE, most is a repeat of the past articles but so great its writer is still around to wheel it out when people's minds are more open to the reality of politics and the need for justice & accountability, regarding elected officials - no matter who they are.
Hazel McCallion appears on Live with Regis and Kelly Toronto Star - Oct. 6, 2009 - By Raveena Aulakh - Sounds like Hazel is stacking Regis or maybe his newest - oldest groupie!
Two terms the real limit for mayors Toronto Star - Oct. 6, 2009 - By Royson James - The name Hazel McCallion may not be used but given the timing, can there be any doubt?
Live with Hazel and Regis Mississauga News - Oct. 6, 2009 - By Torstar Network
Judicial inquiry 'extraordinary': Solicitor Mississauga News - Oct 6, 2009 - By Radhika Panjwani - What do you think the Mayor will be thinking when she sees a picture of the City Solicitor smiling as her world comes apart?
Mayor should retire - Letter Mississauga News - Oct. 6, 2009 - By Janet L. Seabrook
Needs review - Letter Mississauga News - Oct 6, 2009 - by Irene Wojcik Gabon
No conflict - Letter Mississauga News - Oct 6, 2009 - by Cheryl Glassford
Mississauga Mayor appears on Regis and Kelly National Post - Oct. 7, 2009 - By Kenyon Wallace - Damage control by doing a PR Blitz.
TV host sings praises of Canada's 'oldest mayor' as 'fabulous woman' National Post - Oct. 7, 2009 - By Kenyon Wallace
Post-mayoral career path: Live With Regis and Hazel? Toronto Star - Oct. 7, 2009 - By Raveena Aulakh
Photo demeaning to McCallion Toronto Star - Oct. 7, 2009 - Letters by the kind of supporters that is the reason we are in this mess today!
Hazel photo riles readers Mississauga News - Oct. 7, 2009 - By John Stewart
Hands off Queen of Mississauga Toronto Star - Oct. 9, 2009 - By Christopher Hume
They got skates Mississauga News - Oct. 9, 2009 - By Radhika Pajnwani - Oh - Yeah - get the positive PR flowing and guess what? "Enersource" is right in there like a dirty rag! And who is the article really about, starts off saying "Twelve-year-old Jay Rabari" but wait is that not a picture of Hazel McCallion?
Cute overload - Letter Mississauga News - Oct. 9, 2009 - By Bill Nairn
McCallion's actions "indefensible" - Letter Toronto Star - Oct. 10, 2009 - by Therese Taylor -
Numb to sex, spending scandals Toronto Sun - Oct. 10, 2009 - By Ted Woloshyn -
Hazel will fight Mississauga News - Oct. 13, 2009 - Guest Column by Tom Urbaniak, the author of Her Worship: Hazel McCallion and the Development of Mississauga.
Move to Toronto and underachieve National Post - Oct. 19, 2009 - By Kelly McParland - "Carolyn Parrish's attempted coup ... and licking her lips.", juciy!
Parting shot -- er, gift -- for future ex-mayor Toronto Sun - Oct. 10, 2009 - By Mike Strobel, Columnists - It is not very often you see anything in the Sun that pokes fun at Queen Hazel McCallion, but some times, something sneaks in.
Wide net cast for judicial inquiry Mississauga News - Oct. 23, 2009 - By Radhika Pajnwani - Conspiracy? Mississauga News - Oct. 23, 2009 - Letter by Dr. Ashfaq Khan, Mississauga
McCallion inquiry could cost $2M-plus Toronto Star - Oct. 24, 2009 - Phinjo Gombu - Conflict of interest has been alleged over mayor's role in her son's land deal.
James: Can McCallion's Mississauga handle the truth? Toronto Star - Oct. 27, 2009 - By Royson James -
Mississauga to debate cost of Hazel McCallion conflict inquiry National Post - Oct. 27, 2009 - By Megan O’Toole
McCallion inquiry to cost $2-million, require tax hike National Post - Oct. 27, 2009 - By Megan O’Toole - Will probe Mayor's alleged conflict of interest in land deal.
Mississauga council to debate McCallion inquiry Globe and Mail - Oct. 28, 2009 - By Josh Wingrove - Boy what coverage - 3 sentences regarding an inquiry into the actions of the mayor of the 5th., largest city in Canada. Really shows how much the Globe & Mail cares about justice issues and leading politicians.
Council ignores citizens, votes for McCallion Inquiry National Post - Oct. 28, 2009 - By Megan O’Toole
Road cleared for City probe Mississauga News - Oct. 28, 2009 - By Joseph Chin -
Mississauga to investigate 'murky' dealings Globe and Mail - Oct. 29, 2009 - By Joe Friesen - Odd - I spoke in favour of the Inquiry and it is not noted - why?
Mississauga residents defend Mayor over inquiry National Post - Oct. 29, 2009 - By Megan O’Toole -
Mississauga council votes for probe of Mayor McCallion Toronto Star - Oct. 29, 2009 - By Phinjo Gombu - Yes that is right - just before Halloween Mississauga City Council voted to have Mayor Hazel McCallion PRODDED! Wonder if Aliens will be used?
Mississauga closes ears as inquiry set to begin Toronto Star - Oct. 29, 2009 - By Royson James - The Empress doesn't need cloths in the land of those who will not see.
Let voters decide Mississauga News - Oct 29, 2009 - Letter by Dave Kraisosky -
City approves Sheridan lease Mississauga News - Oct. 29, 2009 - By Joseph Chin -
Conflict of Interest Judicial Inquiry: Mississauga vs MYTHissauga --A Tale of Two Cities Mississauga News - Oct. 30, 2009 - Mississauga Musings, BLOG by The Mississauga Muse
In search of skeletons National Post - Oct. 31, 2009 - By Megan O’Toole - This the longer & more detailed story, along with a picture of Hazel and the titled "In search of skeletons", published on Halloween - who says the media can't poke fun at the dear old Mayor of Mississauga.
A pending inquiry threatens to damage the legacy of Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion. National Post - Oct. 31, 2009 - By Megan O’Toole -
Neighbourhood Watch National Post - Oct. 31, 2009 - By Jerrold Litwinenko -
Mississauga melee gets ugly - McCallion-Parrish showdown could turn election into a battle of political 'parties' Toronto Sun - Oct. 31, 2009 - By Ted Woloshyn - Happy Halloween the undead candidates will be risen by the McCallion political WAR machine to spread fear and terror throughout Mississauga!
Don Cherry among celebrities who will rally for Hazel McCallion tonight National Post - Dec. 2, 2009 - By Megan O'Toole.
Local yokels Mississauga News - Nov. 2, 2009 - Running On Empty, BLOG by Bucky1 {Gerry Timbers, Managing Editor} - A rant against the mother company, Toronto Star, by the Managing Editor of the Mississauga News, well the McCallion scandal (am I the first one to call it that?), really is shaking things up!
Why 7 councillors risked the wrath of Hurricane Hazel Toronto Sun - Nov. 7, 2009 - By Carolyn Parrish, GUEST COLUMNIST - (Councillor for Mississauga Ward 6).
Activists will protest when Olympic torch comes to town The Record (KITCHENER) - Nov. 9, 2009 - By Terry Pender -
News Correction for Nov. 10 Toronto Star - Nov. 10, 2009 - By Editorial.
Petition aims to cancel judicial probe Mississauga News - Nov. 10, 2009 - By Radhika Pajnwani.
Smear campaign? Mississauga News - Nov. 10, 2009 - Letter by Peter Mills.
Best man for mayor could be a woman Toronto Star - Nov. 12, 2009 - By Catherine Porter - Lets bring SEX into the 2010 election - yeah!
Tom Urbaniak: Mississauga Mayor was the public face of Canada’s largest evacuation National Post - Nov. 12, 2009 - By Tom Urbaniak.
Mississauga Councillors will keep watch over cost of inquiry National Post - Nov. 12, 2009 - By Megan O'Toole.
Judge named for inquiry probing land deal involving McCallion's son Toronto Star - Nov. 13, 2009 - By Phinjo Gombu. Letter of the week - Amir Hyder Mississauga News - Nov. 13, 2009 - Letter by Amir Hyder - with the likes of "U.S. President Barack Obama and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper ... Prince Charles and Dutchess Camila Charles (sic).", signing the petition to call off the Hazel McCallion Inquiry how can it fail?
Judge named in Hazel McCallion conflict case Toronto Star - Nov. 14, 2009 - By Phinjo Gombu - Appointment signals start of investigation into relationship of the Mississauga mayor and her son's company
Judge appointed to oversee inquiry into charges against McCallion National Post - Nov. 14, 2009 - By Kenyon Wallacet.
City to hire an integrity commissioner Mississauga News - Nov. 18, 2009 - By Radhika Pajnwani.
Optics over ethics Mississauga News - Nov. 19, 2009 - Editorial.
Women too soft to run for mayor? Globe and Mail - Nov. 21, 2009 - By Marcus Gee.
‘Support Hazel’ rally planned Mississauga News - Nov. 24, 2009 - By Joseph Chin.
Cards on the table Mississauga News - Nov. 24, 2009 - Letter by Edna Toth.
She shoots, and scores Globe and Mail - Nov. 26, 2009 - By Jennifer Lewington - Positive publicity, must have positive publicity!
Mayor to carry the torch Mississauga News - Nov. 27, 2009 - By Radhika Panjwani - "the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) declared her an official torchbearer for the 2010 Winter Olympics" - I understand that the Mississauga Olympic Torch Committee did not decide the Mayor should carry the torch, RBC did.
Hazel McCallion's family troubles Toronto Star - Nov. 28, 2009 - By Phinjo Gombu - From what I know it must be really hard for the Toronto Star, (which at time point is the only media looking deeply into this matter - like media should), to paced itself and slowly release the story that has been going on for years BUT no one had the balls to report. Also, to make it look like it is all new to them too.
The Hazel McCallion Rally - Pictures - Dec. 2, 2009. Yes - you have come to the right place for the like you were there experience. Pictures from here & there, close-up and whole room. The media has not covered this in a way that most people would want and to be informed by. So, citizen reporter Donald Barber to the rescue! For the low - low price of nothing {please send more money!}! Not only do you get pictures but the handouts as well, like - Judicial Inquiry Facts.
Supporters rally around Mayor McCallion National Post - Dec. 3, 2009 - By Megan O'Toole - 'Do The Right Thing'; Want to cancel 'witch hunt' into development deal.
A storm warning Toronto Sun - Dec. 3, 2009 - By Tom Godfrey - Hurricane Hazel vows to fight on.
Deputy mayor eyes curb on media National Post - Dec. 3, 2009 - By Natalie Alcoba - This is related to events in Mississauga because of this quote - "I have seen candidates in Mississauga ... who have maybe four contributions from individuals, and the rest are from developers. What were they doing for three years that only four individuals were giving them money?"
On the same page Mississauga News - Dec. 3, 2009 - Letter by Donald Barber, again the "Missing news", edits my letter.
Carolyn Parrish strikes again Toronto Sun - Dec. 9, 2009 - By Don Peat and Mark Bonokoski - Mississauga councillor in eye of storm after restaurant meltdown.
Carolyn Parrish apologizes for ripping up Hazel McCallion poster National Post - Dec. 10, 2009 - By Megan O’Toole.
Kelly McParland: Carolyn Parrish's noble crusade National Post - Dec. 10, 2009 - By Kelly McParland.
Podcast: Parrish's problems, City budget National Post - Dec. 10, 2009 - By Duncan Clark - "violent attack on a poster" - such strong words for poster RIGHTS!
Parrish is up to her old stunts National Post - Dec. 11, 2009 - By Kelly McParland.
Parrish's antics shameful National Post - Dec. 12, 2009 - Letter by Arthur Smith.
Judicial inquiry begins Mississauga News - Dec. 14, 2009 - By Louie Rosella.
Torch bearers ready to run Mississauga News - Dec. 14, 2009 - By Julie Slack - "Coca-Cola and RBC chose 12,000 torchbearers who had applied earlier this year. ... RBC chose people who made it their personal pledge to do something small or large in their daily lives that will make Canada an even better place to live." - Want to know more about this.
City asked to foot legal bills Mississauga News - Dec. 15, 2009 - By Torstar Network.
Inquiry necessary Mississauga News - Dec. 17, 2009 - Letter by Zahida Hamid, Mississauga.
Wake up, councillors Mississauga News - Dec. 17, 2009 - Letter by Linda McClennan, Mississauga.
We need maturity Mississauga News - Dec. 18, 2009 - Letter by Michael J. Hare, Mississauga.
The flame is here Mississauga News - Dec. 19, 2009 - By Louie Rosella - "Mayor Hazel McCallion drew massive applause when she carried the torch for about 400 metres during the morning relay." - "All the torch bearers will carry the flame a distance of 300 metres" - which is right?
Olympic flame touches city Mississauga News - Dec. 19, 2009 - By Louie Rosella - Same story as above but with a picture of Hazel McCallion & on the front page!
Olympic flame touches city (- 2) Mississauga News - Dec. 19, 2009 - By Debbie Bruce - "a ‘Special Olympian’, Hazel McCallion then took to the stage, ...The crowd erupted in applause, even chanting Hazel’s name repeatedly." - An Olympic sized election event for Hazel McCallion!
Loose cannon Mississauga News - Dec. 21, 2009 - Letter by Michael Mould, Mississauga.
Time to retire Mississauga News - Dec. 21, 2009 - Letter by Fred Stubbs, Mississauga.
Review needed Mississauga News - Dec. 23, 2009 - Letter by A.H. Coote, Mississauga.
Pass that torch Mississauga News - Dec. 30, 2009 - Letter by Donald Barber - Not just a letter but a full protest, including; An official complaint has been filed & A submission to the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry as this stinks in more than one way.
Change the channel Mississauga News - Dec. 30, 2009 - Letter by Robert Visentin
DiManno: A banner year for GTA quirks, follies Toronto Star - Dec. 31, 2009 - By Rosie DiManno, Columnist - As the city at the centre of the universe never tires of boasting about itself: We're world-class jackasses. This interesting how the media plays people. If you look at this article, the wording and the picture of Mississauga Councillor Carolyn Parrish would lead you believe she is included in the list for having done something foolish - after all look at the picture. But not its all about Hazel McCallion & her son.
2010 Jan.
Straight from my crystal ball to you Toronto Sun - Jan. 2, 2010 - By Ted Woloshyn
Parrish will not challenge Mississauga's McCallion National Post - Jan. 4 & 5, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Grow up, councillor Mississauga News - Jan. 7, 2010 - Letter by Karen Carstensen
Intrigue grows in Mississauga Toronto Sun - Jan. 9, 2010 - By Ted Woloshyn - The big question in the upcoming election is whether Mayor Hurricane Hazel will stay or go.
Thanks to councillor Mississauga News - Jan. 14, 2010 - Letter by Will Pan
Why Hazel McCallion should retire Toronto Sun - Jan. 15, 2010 - By Rob Granatstein, Columnists / Editor - Mississauga mayor built that city, it's time for someone new to take it forward.
Echoes of 1975 inquiry in Mississauga Land Deal At Centre National Post - Jan. 22, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - 'Parallels right out of the Twilight Zone'
McCallion, Parrish square off over emails - Online Security National Post - Feb. 4, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - The "Mississauga Mayor's private cache of emails", "a "half-inch thick" file of printed emails Ms. McCallion", "Hazel was rather menacing, intimating she was going to use her collection of emails to help defeat some of us in the next election," and "the Mayor acknowledged she stored all emails from, or about, councillors", this is made all the more important as the Mississauga Inquiry is being told that the Mayor's office delete her e-mails all the time
Protester becomes lawyer, turns tables on police Toronto Star - Feb. 10, 2010 - By John Goddard - A student protester turned lawyer took his crusade against police wrongdoing to a Toronto small-claims court Tuesday, asking $25,000 in damages for injuries that include being labelled a neo-Nazi in an internal document.
Controversies galore in Mississauga's McCallion inquiry Toronto Sun - Feb. 19, 2010 - By Ted Woloshyn
Democracy suffers Mississauga News - Feb. 25, 2010 - Letter by Jo Ann and George Hogg -
Interview of 88-year-old Mayor hits two million views on YouTube National Post - Feb. 27, 2010 - Canwest News Service -
4 More years? National Post - Mar. 2, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - McCallion keeping mum - Yet to file papers.
Kitchener man suing police over gunpoint arrest in raid The Record (KITCHENER) - Mar. 3, 2010 - By Brian Caldwell -
No apologies Mississauga News - Mar. 4, 2010 - Letter by Carolyn Parrish, Ward 6 Councillor -
Only death will keep me from re-offering, McCallion says - 'Keep Up With Me' National Post - Mar. 4, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
No more for Peter Mississauga News - Mar. 4, 2010 - Letter by Douglas C. Kerr -
Another tantrum Mississauga News - Mar. 9, 2010 - Letter by Jo Ann & George Hogg -
Cut off the cash Mississauga News - Mar. 9, 2010 - Letter by Sahira Bedri -
Someone should pay Mississauga News - Mar. 11, 2010 - Letter by Alfred Kasik -
Hazel McCallion's office flip-flops on email records National Post - Mar. 12, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Citizen advocate's lawsuit in question Mississauga News - Mar. 21, 2010 - By Torstar Network - Note the Missing News would not run an article about something in their own City!
Know why you vote Mississauga News - Mar. 24, 2010 - Letter by Alan Forde - Parrish faces re-election battle after McCallion supporter enters race National Post - Mar. 27, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Judicial inquiry costs continue to grow Mississauga News - Mar. 31, 2010 - By Julie Slack -
Living in Peel City? Mississauga News - Apr. 6, 2010 - By Tom Urbaniak is a Mississauga native, political scientist and author of Her Worship: Hazel McCallion and the Development of Mississauga.
Infrastructure spending'drop in bucket,' McCallion says National Post - Apr. 8, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Inquiry to hear from 'citizen journalists' Mississauga News - Apr. 8, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - This was a front page story about a historical event in Mississauga - Citizen journalists or reporters considering giving them the same rights at a government Hearing as mainstream media. Great lead-up but then self censorship takes place and story disappears!
Road tolls have to be 'looked at': McCallion National Post - Apr. 9, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Taxes can't pay for transit expansion, Mayor says
Mississauga's best election battle: Woloshyn Toronto Sun - Apr. 9, 2010 - By Ted Woloshyn - An ugly defeat in 2006 hasn't dissuaded Ron Starr from taking another run at Carolyn Parrish.
Citizen journalists want same acccess as "mainstream" media at City of Mississauga Judicial Inquiry Toronto Star - Apr. 12, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - BLOG - The Goods - Better coverage then Missing news but hidden away on a BLOG.
'Layers' of land deal under scrutiny Mississauga News - Apr. 12, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - The MISSING News at its best, a number one example of how historical events are censored in BIG SISTER style, as if it never happened. This was a Internet filing, what came next in the paper was even worse - complete censorship!!!!
'Layers' of land deal probed Mississauga News - Apr. 14, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - The worse of the worse by the Mississauga (Missing) News. Not only are the names of the Citizen Journalists totally removed from the Hearing held just to address that subject, that the News (?), had reported the Friday before and even called upon Citizen Journalists or Reporters to attend there is nothing noted that the Hearing even took place on Apr. 12th. A non-historical day for Mississauga! Brought to you by the creators of Hazel McCallion.
McCallion comments ungrateful, nasty, Parrish says Toronto Star - Apr. 14, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Mississauga mayor dubbed ‘ungrateful, ungracious and rude’
Parrish scolds McCallion for remarks National Post - Apr. 14, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Hazel McCallion 'Downright Rude', so what else is new????
Mccallion takes aim at Parrish National Post - Apr. 15, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Discloses biting memo over road funds comment. More reasons to question just how much money the City has to do the works it needs to do.
Parrish letter ironic Mississauga News - Apr. 15, 2010 - Editorial -
An election to die for: Woloshyn Toronto Sun - Apr. 16, 2010 - By Ted Woloshyn - How a dead man won a mayor’s race, and how it’s food for thought for Mississauga.
Could have been nasty Toronto Sun - Apr. 16, 2010 - Letter by Jonathan A. Mitrovich - Milton
Council nixes legal fees for councillors Mississauga News - Apr. 16, 2010 - By Joseph Chin -
The icon vs. upstart National Post - Apr. 17, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Rivalry between McCallion and Parrish takes a nasty turn in Mississauga and look - I get noted like a person who knows something about what is going on at City hall - Don Barber, a citizen journalist and long-time council observer.
The great gridlock joke National Post - Apr. 17, 2010 - By Terence Corcoran - The sound of Mississauga's Mayor doing "poor mouth" - "We need tolls on roads, said Mississauga's Hazel McCallion, to pay for public transit.".
Only one titan in this battle National Post - Apr. 21, 2010 - Letter by Mark Magner - Mississauga's voice in the Haze: Woloshyn Toronto Sun - Apr. 23, 2010 - By Ted Woloshyn - New radio station hits the air at the perfect time for Canada's 6th biggest city - “We wanted one name that represented Mississauga, and that name was Hazel,” ... “The mayor fully embraced the idea.”
Small claims court judge grills police over arrest at gunpoint during raid The Record (KITCHENER) - Apr. 23, 2010 - By Brian Caldwell -
Split decision for citizen journalists Mississauga News - Apr. 26, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - Ursula Bennett and Donald Barber will be allowed access to the Rogers feed in the inquiry media room and will be granted access to raw footage. VICTORY !!!!
Mississauga spent like 'drunken sailors': Parrish National Post - Apr. 27, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - "drunken" and "Mayor Hazel McCallion's leadership" always go together.
Keep inquiry open Mississauga News - Apr. 27, 2010 - Editorial - The closest to good job - keep it up ever got from the Media and it took a Judge to get them to do it!
Parrish attacks City spending Mississauga News - Apr. 27, 2010 - John Stewart - Internet & BLOG censorship by the public no less - this election gets more interesting every day!
Quit digging up dirt, Parrish told Mississauga News - Apr. 28, 2010 - By Joseph Chin - And so it begins - ...............
Stop digging up past 'dirt,' Parrish told National Post - Apr. 29, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - 'I'm Tired Of It'; Mississauga councillors upset by criticisms.
Police challenged over arrests for not showing ID The Record (KITCHENER) - Apr. 29, 2010 - By Brian Caldwell -
The News makes motion at inquiry Mississauga News - Apr. 30, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - Isn't this interesting - That at a Inquiry that claims to be open to the public has held its first SECRET Hearing? "The affidavit has been filed and cross-examination was conducted earlier this month, but the transcripts remain confidential." - "cross-examination of McCallion". Yes the bridge has been crossed.
Inquiry will hurt campaign: Lawyer Mississauga News - Apr. 30, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - Well - it is official now - the Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion says this Inquiry is about the effort to prevent her from being re-elected or a political means to an end - hers!
Inquiry schedule released Mississauga News - May 3, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Non-Candidate worries her non-existent re-election campaign in MYTHissauga harmed by thorough Inquiry ? - May 3, 2010 - Letter by Donald Barber - Really interesting how a woman who has no campaign is claiming it could be damaged.
Police detentions justified, judge finds in local lawsuit The Record (KITCHENER) - May 4, 2010 - By Brian Caldwell - Inquiry won't hurt election, McCallion says National Post - May. 7, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - "Mayor Hazel McCallion is disputing her lawyer's contention" but still doesn't want to during election "period" - just like a women.
Lawyer wrong about campaign, mayor says Mississauga News - May 7, 2010 - By John Stewart - "Lawyer wrong about campaign, mayor says" but what will the Mayor do regarding her lawyers slip-up?
Students need Facebook lessons: Trustee Mississauga News - May 3, 2010 - By Roger Belgrave - sure enough this turned into issue later on.
Treat her fairly Mississauga News - May. 11, 2010 - Letter by The Rev. Dr. John T. Mathew, Mississauga -
Mississauga inquiry already costing city $1.5M National Post - May 12, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Mississauga votes on new council code of conduct National Post - May 19, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Kelly McParland: Mississauga defers putting a muzzle on Carolyn Parrish National Post - May 20, 2010 - By National Post - This is about the time that the National Post stopped allowing people to make comments to this story.
Mississauga inquiry starts today National Post - May 25, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Send in the clowns !!!!!!!!!!
High stakes drama Mississauga News - May 25, 2010 - Editorial by ?
No common sense Mississauga News - May. 25, 2010 - Letter by Geoffrey Kemp, Mississauga -
City key to OMERS, inquiry told Torstar Network - May 26, 2010 - Hay look - I am in the Missing News picture, taking a picture!
Files stay sealed Torstar Network - May 26, 2010 - By ~with files from Joseph Chin -
City set to approve full funding for mayor’s son Mississauga New - May 26, 2010 - By Joseph Chin -
Not my place to consult council, lawyer says National Post - May 27, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole We’ll all pay a share Mississauga News - May 27, 2010 - Editorial by ?
Former City manager vague in details - Did he tell all to Hazel? Mississauga News - May 27, 2010 - By Joe Chin - Councillors should have known about veto, deal maker says Mississauga News - May 27, 2010 - By John Stewart -
‘Very probable’ Enersource agreement was discussed with Mississauga mayor: former city manager National Post - May 28, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - June
Photo: Mississauga ‘disgusted and appalled’ by video of alleged employee abuse National Post - June 2, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Hazel McCallion testifies at judicial inquiry Globe and Mail - June 2, 2010 - By Ann Hui - Inquiry looks into council’s approval of a controversial deal with OMERS, and the mayor’s alleged conflict of interest.
McCallion blames lapse on staff Toronto Sun - June 2, 2010 - By Michele Mandel
Not told of changes: McCallion National Post - June 3, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Hazing leader has gone into hiding: wife National Post - June 4, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Hazing -- Hazing -- Hazing -- Hazel's Hazing scandal, what a time for some thing that rhymes. Just another sign of how bad things are in Mississauga City hall!
Inquiry costs climb Mississauga News - June 8, 2010 - Editorial by ?
McCallion funding 'leap' rejected Toronto Sun - June 9, 2010 - By Don Peat
Hazel is human after all National Post - June 10, 2010 - By Tom Urbaniak - Tom Urbaniak is a political scientist at Cape Breton University and author of Her Worship: Hazel McCallion and the Development of Mississauga, published by University of Toronto Press. I keep joking with him about the dangers of writing the history of living politicians.
Mississauga council rejects request to raise McCallion's legal funding National Post - June 10, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Councillor asks for fees Mississauga News - June 10, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
Time to retire Mississauga News - June 10, 2010 - Letter by Janet Seabrook -
Not an evil gang Mississauga News - June. 10, 2010 - Letter by Phil Constandinou -
Mahoney called to testify Mississauga News - June 11, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Councillors told of veto, inquiry hears National Post - June 16, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Cost of Mississauga judicial inquiry almost doubles to $5 million Toronto Star - Jun. 28, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - And we should be surprised ???????
Inquiry costs now expected to hit $5 million Mississauga News - June 28, 2010 - By Joe Chin - And we should be surprised ???????
Enersource phase of probe ends National Post - June 29, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Probe clears Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion Global TV - June 29, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - same article as in the National Post but a very and misleading title. Why? From what I can see the Inquiry will come back to the Enersource matter and revisit just how the deal was done.
Funding for Mississauga inquiry doubles to $5-million National Post - June 30, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Questions remain Mississauga News - June 29, 2010 - Letter by Alex Coote, Mississauga
Inquiry hits another roadblock Mississauga News - Jul. 2, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Judicial inquiry postponed on land deal involving Mayor McCallion National Post - Jul. 3, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Mississauga judicial inquiry costs jump to $5-million Globe and Mail - Jul. 4, 2010 - By Ann Hui - Probe looking into alleged conflict of interest involving McCallion.
McCallion’s lawyers push to narrow inquiry’s scope Toronto Star - Jul. 6, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Limited definition of ‘conflict of interest’ could change direction of Mississauga probe .
Mayor cries foul at inquiry Mississauga News - Jul. 6, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Was it legal? Mississauga News - July 6, 2010 - Letter by Alex Coote, Mississauga.
Fund Mississauga probe Toronto Star - Jul. 7, 2010 - By Editorial.
$14.4M land deal inquiry begins National Post - Jul. 7, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
McCallion 'used' by son's company on land deal, inquiry document suggests Toronto Star - Jul. 8, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - OMERS felt pressure to sell because of mayor's passion for hotel, lawyer for the pension plan says.
McCallion inquiry examines e-mails on land deal Globe and Mail - Jul. 8, 2010 - By Ann Hui - Commissioner rules that the inquiry into Mississauga mayor's dealings should go ahead.
McCallion inquiry out of control: councillors National Post - Jul. 8, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Judge shoots down mayor's request Mississauga News - Jul. 8, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Mayor linked to meeting Mississauga News - Jul. 8, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Mayor pushed deal, Inquiry told Mississauga News - Jul. 8, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Mayor pushed for hotel in City Centre Mississauga News - Jul. 8, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Process can’t be muzzled Mississauga News - July 8, 2010 - By Editorial.
Voters will decide Mississauga News - July 8, 2010 - Letter by Patrick Mendes, Mississauga - "Patrick Mendes (the author) is running for council in Ward 10" and still they run his letter.
Mississauga conflict focus must be broad: commissioner National Post - Jul. 9, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Suit will be heard Mississauga News - Jul. 9, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
What’s a conflict? Toronto Star - Jul. 10, 2010 - By Editorial -
Developer got $4M in Mississauga land deal National Post - Jul. 13, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Makes you wonder how Peter McCallion can claim to be so poor, needing taxpayers money for lawyer in this Inquiry.
City seeks public review of ethics code Mississauga News - July 13, 2010 - By Joseph Chin -
Company received $4M payout Mississauga News - Jul. 13, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
Company received $4M pay-out over hotel deal Mississauga News - July 13, 2010 - By Mississauga News - Makes you wonder how Peter McCallion can claim to be so poor, needing taxpayers money for lawyer in this Inquiry.
Code needed at City Mississauga News - July 14, 2010 - By Editorial.
OMERS denies inflating land deal Mississauga News - Jul. 16, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
Mississauga melee nears nadir National Post - Jul. 17, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Mayor's son set to testify Mississauga News - Jul. 19, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
Son off deal: Note Mississauga News - Jul. 22, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
Mississauga mayor lobbied for son’s hotel deal, inquiry told National Post - Jul. 26, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
O’Brien was also involved in Sheridan deal Mississauga News - July 26, 2010 - By Joe Chin - Inquiry told ...
Lawyers prepare for battle at inquiry Mississauga News - July 26, 2010 - By Joseph Chin -
Hazel vouched for son's partner Mississauga News - July 26, 2010 - By Torstar Network - Lawyer tells judicial inquiry ...
Mayor's son to testify Mississauga News - July 26, 2010 - By Torstar Network
Mississauga Judicial Inquiry - Formal Complaint - July 27, 2010 - part 1.
McCallion's son says he didn’t realize he owned part of development firm Globe and Mail - July 27, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - Insists his mother, the mayor, hadn’t read document.
James: Peter McCallion — visionary or idiot savant? Toronto Star - July 27, 2010 - By Royson James City Columnist -
Hazel McCallion pushed son’s project Toronto Star - July 27, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Inquiry hears evidence development company was Peter McCallion’s from the start BY YELLING!!!!
McCallion 'keen to see hotel built' National Post - Jul. 27, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
McCallion's son testifies at inquiry Toronto Sun - Jul. 27, 2010 - By Michele Mandel
Not a principal: McCallion Mississauga News - July 27, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
Mayor's son on the hot seat Mississauga News - July 27, 2010 - By Joe Chin - Good details in this one about how the deals were done and fell apart.
McCallion co-signed loan Mississauga News - July 27, 2010 - By Katharine Sealey -
Mayor an 'emissary' for son's company: lawyer Mississauga News - July 27, 2010 - By Torstar Network
Mayor’s lawyer pins the blame on her son Toronto Star - July 28, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Hazel McCallion’s inquiry defence: Peter ‘misled’ her on his role in the company she backed.
Royson: Ending the state of denial Toronto Star - July 28, 2010 - By Royson James City Columnist -
McCallion's son denies knowledge of own firm National Post - Jul. 28, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Get a load of the picture they are using - clearly they want public opinion to focus on what Peter was wearing. And the name is Peter, not Paul
Hazel McCallion's son keeps it under his hat Toronto Sun - Jul. 28(?), 2010 - By Michele Mandel
Mayor pushed her son's project Torstar Network - July 29, 2010 -
McCallion sticks up for mom Mississauga News - July 28, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
McCallion's memory tested Mississauga News - July 28, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
Mayor McCallion attended nearly 20 meetings with her son, inquiry hears Globe and Mail - July 29, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - Can you say family business?!?
Seller ‘did not like the optics’ of deal with mayor’s son Toronto Star - July 29, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - McCallion’s role soured firm on Mississauga project, inquiry told.
Firm thought McCallion was a real estate agent, inquiry told Torstar Network - July 29, 2010 -
Son misled mayor, lawyer suggests Torstar Network - Jul. 29, 2010 - By
Son 'misled' McCallion, court told National Post - Jul. 29, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
City wasn't fleeced in land deal Mississauga News - July 29, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
Let mayor’s son pay his own legal bill: Carolyn Parrish Toronto Star - July 30, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Mississauga councillor says Peter McCallion’s slice of a $4 million settlement will cover it.
McCallion should pay: Parrish Torstar Network - July 30, 2010 -
'I did nothing wrong' Mississauga News - July 30, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
A Mayor 'Tarnished' National Post - Jul. 31, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Hazel McCallion is the queen of denial Toronto Star - Aug. 1, 2010 - Letter by Therese Taylor, Mississauga
Hogtied in Hazel McCallion Country Toronto Star - Aug. 1, 2010 - By Christopher Hume Urban Issues, Architecture -
Hazel McCallion seeks $250,000 more for legal bills Toronto Star - Aug. 3, 2010 - By Raveena Aulakh Staff reporter - Politicians screw up and we pay and pay - why should we be surprised? If there was to be justice, it would be that they have to come out totally squeaky clean or they pay the bill!
Mayor not helped by son’s testimony Mississauga News - Aug. 3, 2010 - By Joe Chin - Mayor should step down Mississauga News - Aug. 3, 2010 - Letter by Therese Taylor McCallions’ inquiry tab could top $500,000 Mississauga News - Aug. 3, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
What price truth? Mississauga News - Aug. 3, 2010 - By Editorial.
McCallion wins access to $400,000 for legal bills Toronto Star - Aug. 4, 2010 - By Raveena Aulakh - Mississauga councillors approve mayor’s funding request.
$250,000 more for mayor Torstar Network - Aug. 4, 2010 - By
Judicial inquiry coverage Mississauga News - Aug. 4, 2010 - The Missing News takes a page from my book - a grand list of all articles - (posted here Aug. 9th). Boy, the News is making up for years of non-reporting - which in reality caused the problems being "discovered" in the discovery. City to sue mayor’s son? Mississauga News - Aug. 5, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
One opinion counts Mississauga News - Aug. 5, 2010 - Letter by Geoffrey Kemp, Mississauga.
Kudos! Mississauga News - Aug. 5, 2010 - Letter by Tom McCarthy, Mississauga. Mississauga Judicial Inquiry - Formal Complaint - Aug. 6, 2010 - part 2.
Peter McCallion’s other troubles Globe and Mail - Aug. 6, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - Hazel's son faces a lawsuit involving the Stavro family, a free Cadillac and nude photos.
Inquiry bill will sting Mississauga Toronto Sun - Aug. 6, 2010 - By Ted Woloshyn -
Inquiry resumes next week Mississauga News - Aug. 6, 2010 - By John Stewart -
Discrepancy in Mississauga council minutes an honest mistake, inquiry hears Globe and Mail - Aug. 9, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - Longtime Mississauga mayor Hazel McCallion is draped by the Mississauga flag in February, 2008.
McCallion ‘absolutely never’ asked to change minutes Toronto Star - Aug. 9, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Former clerk can’t quite explain how mayor’s conflict of interest declaration was inserted.
Hotel project wound through city hall without usual fees Toronto Star - Aug. 9, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Inquiry told missing $220,000 didn’t stop plans for $1.5 billion project.
Hurricane Rob? Toronto Sun - Aug. 9, 2010 - Letters to the Editor, by Ruth Werchola Oshawa.
Consultant didn't deal with McCallions Mississauga News - Aug. 9, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
Minutes not altered: Witness Mississauga News - Aug. 9, 2010 - By Joe Chin - Interesting - recently retired - wonder what her retirement package was.
Historic inquiry continues Mississauga News - Aug. 9, 2010 - A to show the connections between the players - so far.
City solicitor 'uneasy' with McCallion’s lobbying for land deal Globe and Mail - Aug. 10, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - Mississauga mayor didn’t put pressure on city employees to approve land deal involving her son, inquiry told.
City lawyer had qualms about mayor’s role in son’s land deal Toronto Star - Aug. 10, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Mississauga solicitor says law kept her from raising the issue with Hazel McCallion.
A bargain basement mayor? Toronto Star - Aug. 10, 2010 - By Robyn Doolittle Urban Affairs Reporter - Here is the insane part, not that Hazel or the Mayor of Mississauga makes so much but how many years it would take her to pay the legal bills, going by what she has asked for her time before the Inquiry - some $ 400,000! How is that reasonable that lawyers can change so much and not be criminal? How can any of us afford to buy justice at these rates?
Obvious bias Mississauga News - Aug. 10, 2010 - Letter by Warren Adamson, Mississauga.
Mayor was in conflict, notes say Mississauga News - Aug. 10, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
WCD bid skirted usual fees Mississauga News - Aug. 10, 2010 - By Torstar Network
Inquiry's final report unlikely before vote National Post - Aug. 11, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole
Windfall settlement followed McCallion’s intervention Toronto Star - Aug. 11, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - $4 million pension-fund payout to son’s company may not have been necessary.
Fair wage would earn Miller more, pay McCallion less Toronto Star - Aug. 11, 2010 - By Royson James City Columnist -
O’Brien engineered buyout Mississauga News - Aug. 11, 2010 - By Joe Chin -
Inquiry report unlikely before vote Mississauga News - Aug. 11, 2010 - By John Stewart -
Hazel earns 28 cents a head Mississauga News - Aug. 11, 2010 - By Mayor McCallion’s adviser played key role in land deal Globe and Mail - Aug. 12, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - David O’Brien says he didn’t feel awkward because he was representing OMERS as a member of its board. - WOW does this guy get around or what? Wonder how much his years working for Hazel has affected his climbing the ladder of success.
Inquiry: myths and facts Mississauga News - Aug. 12, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
No worries about Hazel: O'Brien Mississauga News - Aug 12, 2010 - Copy of Toronto Star article.
Don’t run again, mayor Mississauga News - Aug. 12, 2010 - Letter by Anwar Khan, Mississauga. Next week's witnesses announced Mississauga News - Aug. 13, 2010 - By Louie Rosella
A Mother & Son story in Mississauga. Aug. 16, 2010 - Letter by Donald Barber, Mississauga - to all Media - Never underestimate the desire of a son to give their mom what she wants & to seek approval in dear old (Hurricane), Hazel’s eyes!
McCallion: A penchant for controversy Mississauga News - Aug. 16, 2010 - By Joe Chin - Interesting that this is not listed in the Missing News article list regarding the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry.
Mississauga mayor made many land deal calls, inquiry hears Toronto Star - Aug. 16, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - OMERS head says he wasn’t worried about ‘hanger on’ Peter McCallion.
Investor recalls close relationship with McCallions Toronto Star - Aug. 17, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Businessman saw Peter as a co-owner and the mayor as a friend to their hotel project.
McCallion was to take over part of company, inquiry hears Globe and Mail - Aug. 17, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - Partner testifies he believed that once project was built, mayor’s son would take over stake.
Executive denies direct role in land deal scandal National Post - Aug. 17, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole - Activist interrupts inquiry Mississauga News - Aug. 17, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - The Missing News has been sent a list of reasons why this story is misleading and totally wrong in places. If corrections are not made there will be a formally complaint.
Mississauga mayor’s help brought a quick fix, inquiry hears Toronto Star - Aug. 18, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Call to the top helped son’s company get an extension on payment.
'I put the Mayor in awkward situation' National Post - Aug. 18, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Mississauga mayor urged pension fund to ease conditions on land deal, inquiry told Globe and Mail - Aug. 19, 2010 - By Adrian Morrow - Retirement fund was persuaded to make concessions for a company led by Hazel McCallion's son, OMERS official testifies.
Mayor arranged meeting for son on land deal Toronto Star - Aug. 19, 2010 - By Phinjo Gombu - Oxford official calls mother-son connection an ‘unfortunate fact of the transaction’.
World Class called on Mayor for help, inquiry told National Post - Aug. 19, 2010 - By Megan O'Toole -
Mayor's role in hotel deal slammed Mississauga News - Aug. 19, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Mayor used as 'negotiating tool' Mississauga News - Aug. 19, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Mayor, son at meeting Mississauga News Aug 20, 2010 - By Torstar Network -
Mayor should resign Mississauga News - Aug. 19, 2010 - Letter by Raj Sreekumar, Mississauga.
Inquiry adds new dates Mississauga News - Aug. 20, 2010 - By John Stewart -
More troubles in Mississauga Toronto Star - Aug. 22, 2010 - Editorial.
Not a World Class deal Mississauga News - Aug. 24, 2010 - By Tom Urbaniak, political scientist and author.
Police assigned to inquiry Mississauga News - Aug. 26, 2010 - By Louie Rosella -
Was there a conflict? Mississauga News - Aug. 26, 2010 - Letter by Bill Sholdice, Mississauga. Still behind Hazel Mississauga News - Aug. 26, 2010 - Letter by Ed Bavington, Mississauga. New witnesses announced Mississauga News - Aug. 30, 2010 - By Louie Rosella - Sept.
McCallion named to AMO board Mississauga News - Sept. 3, 2010 - By (?) - ERROR - - ERROR - Missing News ERRORed again. For the history provided by the AMO as to years of service to the AMO and positions Hazel McCallion has held.
Candidates challenge Mayor Mississauga News - Sept. 21, 2010 - By John Stewart -
Mayor challenged to TV debate Mississauga News - Sept. 23, 2010 - By Joseph Chin -
Mayoral debate set at UTM Mississauga News - Oct. 4, 2010 - By John Stewart -
Strict rules thin herd at debate Mississauga News - Oct. 5, 2010 - By Julia Le -
Debates generate complaints Mississauga News - Oct. 5, 2010 - By John Stewart -
Excluded candidates cry foul Mississauga News - Oct. 6, 2010 - By John Stewart -
2011 Jan.
2012 Jan.
Charges weren’t in order Mississauga News - Jan. 2, 2013 - Editorial
Aug. Former mayoral candidate charged with assault Mississauga News - Aug 28, 2012 - By Chris Clay Sept.
Former mayoral candidate might go to trial on assault charge Mississauga News - Oct 16, 2012 - By Louie Rosella
Boy, 13, arrested for Facebook fight video Mississauga News - Dec. 26, 2012 - By David Paterson - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
Teen arrested for posting high school fight video to Facebook Toronto Star - Dec. 27, 2012 - By Jennifer Pagliaro - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
Boy charged for posting fight video on Facebook CBC - Dec. 28, 2012 - By - Mother says police and school could have manage incident in a better way. - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
Boy 'scarred for life' after arrest: Mom Torstar Network - Dec. 28, 2012 - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
2013 Jan.
Charges weren’t in order Mississauga News - Jan. 2, 2013 - Editorial - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
Teen faces new charge in Facebook video case Mississauga News - Jan. 11, 2013 - By Louie Rosella - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
Boy accused of posting fight on Facebook photographed, fingerprinted by cops Mississauga News - Jan. 29, 2013 - By Louie Rosella - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
Stunned and Appalled Mississauga News - Feb. 6, 2013 - Letter to Editor by Wulf Hallifax, Mississauga - The Facebook Video Case - Mississauga articles.
Aug. Sept.
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