Donald Barber,

who is he??? [ photograph by Byron's Photography ]

At the Jan. 1, 2009, Mayor's level.
Funny pictures of Hazel McCallion & I.
Media Articles - Recent Events
I am an example of a person who knew next to nothing about their government and how it works, who made the time to learn not only how government works but how to beat City hall. Perchance short on qualities seen by most as the needed skills, (some say grandly unsuited for this undertaking), such as spelling and grammar or good with names and faces. None the less, by shear hard work and the willingness to make sacrifices for the community, the Friends of the Cawthra Bush has been very successful. I try to be plain spoken and to understand the issues and in order to put forward the best solutions. I am a non-political a person who is taking a stand for democracy on behalf of all residents and opposed the "business-as-usual" methods used by the City of Mississauga to force its political will on us. A lifetime resident of Mississauga and the Lakeview area. I went to Cawthra Park Secondary School. Organized and leads the Friends of the Cawthra Bush, to stop both the City's logging and tree farming of this remarkable forest. Which is a long cherished community treasure and the striping away of our basic right as residents: the right to make an informed choice. I have preferred the academic side of life, reading (history), and learning how things work. I have been involved in rebuilding and designing projects. I have given freely of my time and money researching the Cawthra Bush affair and the general damage being done to Ward 1. I have interviewed seniors in the area to help record our local history for future generations. A lot more can be said and will in time but if you find little spelling and grammar problems, please note them to me and look past them. After all it is the content that matters. It was many years ago - Feb. 20, 1994, that I held a meeting at the Cawthra estate house and begin this campaign. At which meeting, a number of residents, were elected to represent the residents concerns to the City of the Mississauga. It is years later I am the only one of the group still actively trying to save the Cawthra Bush and all that lives in it. I am also doing the The Democratic Reporter to inform Mississaugans and the human race in general how politics work, how the little person gets screwed and how we can fight back.
Community Services;
You can call these my Resumes web-pages
On the Cawthra Bush website - includes efforts to rescue Monarch Butterflys.
On the 2006 election page
& here to see how the City of Mississauga attacks me.
My Efforts Rescuing Canada Geese & A Certificate of Appreciation From the Canadian Wildlife Service.
My Visits to Mississauga City Council & Others of Note.
After years of media coverage that reads like it was written by Hazel McCallion, an article that comes close to telling all that means to be told.

My punishments for being a Community Champion, standing up for Canadians Rights, the Environment and of course - Hazel McCallion's City hall.
! Brampton Court Madness ! { A Grenville & William Davis Courthouse }
How the legal system is perverted to by those in power to crush Canadians who do nothing more wrong then trying to play by the rules and make the world a better place.
TABLE OF CONTENTS for regarding Persecution of Donald Barber or the Legalized TERRORIST ATTACKS by Mississauga City hall & its politicians, Web-pages
The City of Mississauga Wanted Poster for !!!! Don Barber !!!!
The Threatening Threat Assessment of Donald Barber Community leader & Educator.
This sad story, includes, arrests on false charges and even being thrown in prison.
The Donald Barber Defense fund
VICTORY Over False Charges by Toronto - police & Crown -------- Proof that fighting it out & not letting them get the upper hand with you by way of fear or impatience, is not only worth while but best for Canada.
City of Mississauga politicians and their friends in the Peel police and Courts are using the methods of FASCISTS' or NAZIS, to attack a community representative in Mississauga's first political show trial. Who is also Mississauga's first political prisoner! Just as the NAZIS used false accusations involving children, so does Hazel McCallion's government to get its way. Canadian Courts turned into the weapon of choice by morally bankrupt politicians.
I am the Legal Owner of 1984. The Hazel McCallion painting, that is the end of her majestic political legacy and the beginning of her infamy!
Media Articles - Recent Events;
The Terrorist Attack against me by Hazel McCallion, City Council and City security.
Citizen advocate's lawsuit in question - Mississauga News - Mar. 21, 2010 - By Torstar Network - Note the Missing News would not run an article about something in their own City!
Public voice denied - Mississauga News - June 9, 2006 - Editorial Activist charged with assault - Mississauga News - June 9, 2006
Mississauga speaker's corner ends as citizens ejected from council - Toronto Star June 8, 2006
Activist charged in assault - Toronto Star - June 15, 2006
Council Conflict - The guest column submitted to Mississauga (Missing) News, June 16, 2006. To help tell some of my side of the story.
Voice Denied - Mississauga News - June 23, 2006 - Letter to Editor by Ursula Keuper-Bennett, Mississauga, was a Candidate for Ward 1.
If you can't beat'em... - The Mississauga News, Jul 16, 2006 - By Joseph Chin - Internet coverage by Mississauga News after point out they not write about my entrance into the Mayor's race.
He can fight city hall, if he plays nice - Toronto Star July 31, 2006 - By Mike Funston. - Yes, I have to play by the rules they change without notice and even makeup as required to serve their political masters.
My letter of THANK YOU to Mike Funston for his article. - July 31, 2006.
For more about how unlawfully things have slid in Mississauga.
EARTH ANGEL: THE BUTTERFLY GUY - Simple eco act 'makes me very happy' Jan. 28, 2009.
MAN OF SALVOS - Mississauga pulls green thorn from its paw - Toronto Star - Sept. 9, 2009 - Finally a story about me and what is going on in Mississauga that gets close to the truth and includes comments from community supporters, as if there were none I would not be doing what I am doing.
Donald Barber For Mayor of Mississauga 2006
 Boingdragon Counters