BIG game hunting for a dreaded political predator at the Jan. 1, 2009 - the Mayor's levee, includes picture of the Mayor & I.
This is the second Mayor's levee I have attended at Mississauga City hall. The first was 2008 right after the bail terms regarding the false charges against me were lifted. The event was covered by video which I have not posted yet but as most people I knew were too fearful of the City of Mississauga for what they had done to me, couldn't find a person to take close up pictures. Great job Hazel - rule by fear and terror.
 I got there early but not so early that most of the seating was taken. But as luck would have it, there was a seat right up front with MR. CANADA! It was his first time to Mississauga, he had attended other levees in the GTA and he had heard such great things about Hazel, he came with her pictures on his hat and a picture to sign. He agreed to help me set up my line of sight & shots from the front row to where the Mayor would be speaking (not other Councillors who did show up). I had to bite my tongue as to not go on about who McCallion was really as a Mayor, but the issue of how hard it was to get around Mississauga by transit did come up - he not like.
 People say I am a target for City Corp., security and not so odd how sitting in the great hall can make you feel that way.
 The town crier comes out - show about to start.
 What only two Councillors bother to show up? Councillors' Maja Prentice & Frank Dale
 Oh, the body langue as the Mayor explains the important issues of the day. Such as how the City runs on volunteers - what next to keep taxes down - slaves?
 Look a late comer - Councillor Katie Mahoney.
 Yes, looks like Hazel can deliver this speech in her sleep.
 The gun-oh finish.
 Singing of the anthem.
 Then the show as they get ready to receive in Council Chambers. Maybe what to do as I was, again going to share the same air as the Mayor. Last year, guess who was there front and centre for City Corp., security? Sheri-Lynn Ruffo and her partner Paul Mercier - makes you feel right at home.
 I was one of the first up the escalator and treated to life threatening experience of a crowd body crushing. The plan was to load the escalator with a few people them let them get off at the top and clear the area at the top. NO, they just kept shipping people up till I and others were yelling to stop!!!!! There was a choir and a orchestrate to keep the mood festive.
 Wonder if anyone was keeping track - sometime it was really packed.

Well here is my picture with the Mayor of Mississauga. She may looks like I grabbed her and wrestled her into position but didn't lay a hand on her.
 Here is Hazel McCallion actually smiling for a picture with some one she likes. I was asked to take pictures for other people as I was in the area with a good camera. Not much change in the so-called smile. Funny pictures of Hazel McCallion & I - check out her smile in these.
 Bonus - not only meet lovey-dovey Councillor Katie Mahoney but her husband, Ex-Councillor, Ex-MP Steve Mahoney.
 The view from the Mayor's position at Council. Looked for the big panic button I am told she has under her table but could not see one.
 The control & voting panel that Councillors have to work with. Interesting that it has a button just for tech support. Home Page - Main Table of Contents - Back up a page - Back to Top