Hazel McCallion's - Mayor's Levee Jan. 1, 2013
I came after the public address was made. Tried to get my picture with the Mayor but was not to be but others had no problem.
But what is of greatest interest is who are Peter McCallion's friends?

Peter McCallion shows up.

The usual suspects & Hazel's Team.

Hazel all shiny.

The media loves Hazel. 
Saw this on way out of Council Chambers.
However, even the security guards helped take pictures for people. That guard is below in skating photo.
This was even stranger going out to skating party.

Hazel on skates with New Peel police Chief.

The family who do their skates together, stay together.

If you know who the happy people with Peter McCallion are - Please send me an e-mail about who they are.
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