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Due to the on going legal assaults against my person
& the likelihood that Hazel McCallion supporters (including her bullies with guns Peel police), will do everything in their power to destroy me, my reputation and my work since 1994 for the community - it is recommended that you make a copy of this web-site before it is destroyed by Law & Order.
I am sorry to inform you of this but when you take on the Queen of Sprawl (Hazel McCallion), even if it is at the request the community, she will do all she can to hurt you and no act of evil is out-of-bounds.
This page contains political, legal, media, election issues and events.
Links to the police complaint(s) regarding how the City and its politicians use the Peel police against us. Human and Charter Rights issues in Canada.
What our politicians are really up to and the media doesn't cover properly, if at all.
The times I have run for the office of Mayor of Mississauga. ELECTIONS - VOTE 2000 - AND PAST ONES
And a host of other issues that have turned up as I have discovered just what it REALLY means to live in Canada and fight for justice, for a community's Democratic rights.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - General note about this web-page and others that comment on persons, events and politicians. Due to the media's bias, to report only good news or positive things about certain people and not to report negative, this creates an unbalanced image of them in the eyes of the public. Such reporting is poison to Democracy.
My efforts are aimed at restoring the balance. Yes, they are the posting of the more negative facts and their dark deeds but if the main stream media will not do their job in a Democracy, then some one else has to. If we don't have a healthy Democracy - then what do we have? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your Financial Donations are Greatly Appreciated and Very Much Needed to Ensure the Survival of THE DEMOCRATIC REPORTER
!!!! - INFO NEEDED - !!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
What do you know about how business is really done in Mississauga? There are hundreds of stories about how business is really done in Mississauga and the Mayor.
This includes how our politicians have carried on. Some have become URBAN LEGENDS because of their exploits.
If you (including Peel police & the O.P.P.), have info about where interesting items, news articles, how things can be found - you can E-mail or Mail to - Station 'B' - Box 1504 - Mississauga - Ont. - L4Y 4G2
Brown envelops are welcome. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Important notice !!!!!
If you want to receive notice of both changes to this web-site and events relating to the efforts to save the Cawthra Bush and Mississauga's natural areas, please send me an e-mail asking to be put on the notification list or just paste this text to the e-mail. Since, Hazel McCallion, the Mayor of Mississauga has publicly expressed her concerns about my efforts to inform the public in regards to what is really going on in Mississauga, bad things have been coming my way.
Olympic Torch Relay Mississauga - Dec 19, 2009 - Pictures - Yes - you have come to the right place for the like you were there experience. Pictures from here & there, close-up and whole room. The media has not covered this in a way that most people would want and to be informed by. So, citizen reporter Donald Barber to the rescue!
The Abuse of the Olympic Torch
This web-page was put up originally to just record the passing of the Olympic Torch through our community - until I heard a politician had carried the torch and brought shame to all Mississaugans. What I have done, is in the hopes it will protect the Olympics from more political abuses.
An official complaint has been filed.
A submission to the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry as this stinks in more than one way.
A letter to media & a version was printed in the Mississauga News.
A list from the media people and lists both sponsors (Coca-Cola & RBC), torchbearers and those chosen by the VANOC. | Dec. 20-09 |
The Hazel McCallion Rally - Pictures - Dec. 2, 2009.
Yes - you have come to the right place for the like you were there experience. Pictures from here & there, close-up and whole room. The media has not covered this in a way that most people would want and to be informed by. So, citizen reporter Donald Barber to the rescue! | Dec. 5-09 |
Hazel McCallion The Mayor of Mississauga
All about her Judicial inquiry & Conflict of Interest 2009 { have to note what year so we don't get it confused with her past events }
| Oct. 2-09 |
Public Question Period - PQP -
The History and Media Coverage the DEATH of a Democratic Tradition in Mississauga.
Index of events, review of effects & reasons to reject changes by City. Media articles as well. | Oct. 5-09 |
Well it is Sept., 27-09, and I have been having such problems that have not been able to post or not find the energy, but events have been such that it is either give up totally or get back in the ring. Very happy for the community support, as shown in the recent Toronto star article, where supporters were actually allowed to voice their support - a voice often left out by the media over the years.
The Monarch Butterfly season is almost over, saw one today, dropped by for a feast on my Butterfly Bushes. Not a very good year for them but made advances in making Mississauga a butterfly friendly City. People willing to plant Butterfly Bushes around the City and one lady put up a display of butterflies in her store.
In the realm of politics, where all environmental and Democracy Rights issues always end up - it has out to be a very eventful past few months. The items posted here will out-line how out of control & abusive City Council member have gotten and the corruption that come from people being in power too long with little to no accountability, is become harder and harder to cover-up.
Sorry for being out of touch and not up-dating both my web-site {many people do visit the Monarch rescue site every day}, but being very poor means unable to hire others to help if none volunteer and leading by example all to often means doing it all by yourself. Moan, Groan.
MAN OF SALVOS Mississauga pulls green thorn from its paw
{don't you just love all the cute wording that the media comes up with for head line to their stories?}
Finally a story about me and what is going on in Mississauga that gets close to the truth and includes comments from community supporters, as if there were none I would not be doing what I am doing. The story is on the cover of the GTA section with a big picture of the painting do of me and more on page 2, along with a picture. | Sept. 27-09 |
Enersource or Mississauga Hydro - Buy - Sell - Whatever - if you are smart enough to care, about the most important resource/utility in your life!
For News Articles - Events - Documents
This issue has become so big and complicated and calls for investigation that it requires its own home page now. A home page to link to News articles - sound bits - listing of events etc. etc.........
For the first time in years interesting things are taking place Mississauga's Council Chambers, open conflict as the Mayor tired old hands lose their grip on power and the blame game gets played out in public & broadcasted! Most importantly, the media is misleading the public by failing to report KEY FACTS. So, as a citizen reporter who has not sold out, I am one of only couple informed reporters of events you can trust.
| Feb. 1-09 |
PSSST want to see the Mayor of Mississauga - Hazel McCallion behind bars? Click here - not a doctored picture, it real!
And if that is not strange enough, how about how she dresses? Is the Mayor thinking she is wearing a Clown Costume or SUPER SPRAWL MAYOR LADY or The Mississauga Rattler or, well who really knows. | Jan. 31-09 |
Well it is not every day you see a snowplow stuck in a ditch, on your street, even more unlikely is to see what comes to pull it out - not a tow truck - much bigger! | Jan. 18-09 |
Scoop -- -- Scoop
!!!! City of Mississauga buys Roy Ivor Bird Sanctuary !!!! in
So why is the South Peel Naturalists as the City of Mississauga to buy it now? And what is the City saying it is try to buy it in 2009?
More on this confusing story here. | Jan. 13-09 |
Anthropomorphic picture of how tax paying Canadians feel when it comes time to deal with their government, to get services they have paid for.

From birthday card by Palm Press - photo by Craig Orsini | Jan. 13-09 |
Dr. Hazel stands ready to examine your vital signs
Funny pictures of Hazel McCallion & I. If she is going to put out life size cut-outs of herself, then she can expect people to have some fun with them. | Jan. 12-09 |
BIG game hunting for a dreaded political predator at the Jan. 1, 2009 - the Mayor's levee, includes picture of the Mayor & I.
That's right Hazel McCallion & I, standing side but side and City Corp., security not wetting their pants in fear and Peel police come running in full battle gear to arrest everyone, just to be sure. | Jan. 12-09 |
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