A ? Monster Crane with Wings ? in Port Credit - Mississauga
It showed up suddenly and left just as suddenly - for at least me. In Port Credit - Mississauga, the old railway bridge is being replaced. Not just a fixture of the community but a party spot for many generations, it would appear. But there are other concerns that were likely not addressed when planning for this "up-grade" - the Environmental affect of putting in a higher bridge over a river.
Yes what will the environmental impacts of removing a very low bridge over a river, almost at its mouth, that for decades has stopped the easy passage of speed boats up the Credit River? On the other side are the marshes that team with life and breeding fish, animals, birds and amphibians - does any one care. After all boaters, fishermen and richer Mississaugans in general want the barrier removed to their convenience to speed up the Credit River and beat the marshes to death with the waves from their boats. Yes we have learned nothing when it comes to protecting nature. The same mistakes are being made over and over and who cares?
 Suddenly from a distance something new & big is seen.
 Close up its power can be seen & has very shines wheels.
 Built for that tall & heavy lift.
 The first picture shows how long the old bridge is & how much higher the new one will be. Both show how much the locals like to decorate graffiti their community's bridge.
 Yes - the bridge is only a few feet above the water level, not easy to boat by in any large boat (if at all).
 Canoeist and those kayaking love it & so do those living in the marshes.
 Looking north.
 Just a few of those who call the marshes home, their families have lived here longer then ours have even been in the area. Last picture is toads making out.
 "This party is higher than the CN tower", and here is the proof found near by.
 At least it was not on the marsh side but that will soon change.
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