(You may need to click twice or if you wish Go Directly to the clip on Google Video)
This- is Mississauga.
This is going to be quick because I'm off to the Brampton Courthouse to watch Mississauga vs Batista.
Few people sitting in the court today will know that one of the first acts that Missisauga elected officials did after their Inauguration Meeting in the new Council Chambers was to get their Legal Department to make sure about personal liability for Mayor and Councillors.
Mississauga Legal Department returned a report and stated that under the 2001 Municipal Act, elected officials are not personally liable for anything, provided that they have acted in good faith.
(And MY, haven't they all? And ALWAYS?)
They were also reassured that The Corporation would cover them if someone did pursue charges.
Just recently, at a Peel Regional Council meeting, Peel Staff reassured elected officials that they were protected under the 2001 Municipal Act there as well. "good faith" ya da ya da. (It would be interesting to ferret out if someone had requested that information like they did at Mississauga Council...)
At the city level. Or municipal level. Not personally responsible.
You can drag fixing a pot hole for months but if a guy hits it at night and veers into a tree and dies, his young wife and two kids cannot...
--you get the picture.
A 74 year old can write a poem at the heat of the moment?
I blame The Province.