Louie Rosella Mississauga ("Missing News") News Reporter
The Lie of Omission is the worse Lie, as those who use it are certainly knowledgeable enough to know what to inform others of to ensure they form a given opinion.
A Mississauga ("Missing News") News Reporter who tows the company line & takes pride in putting the "Missing" in reporting the censored News. I am not blaming just him for the errors noted - his editors / Publisher or word filters are more to blame. However, his personal attitude towards me counts a lot for my opinions.
There have been a few reasons to dislike his reporting style but as time goes on, there is no improvement or change in the pattern of reporter and Mississaugans (those few who) read the Mississauga News are getting a totally wrong idea about me & issues. Also. as some would consider the "Missing News" as an official record, being a/the local rag, the lack of facts & impartiality affects not just me, it affects my supporters and those who judge all of us from afar from the actual events.
Some examples are;
While (not) covering historical events at the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry - The names & picture of Mississauga's Citizen journalists are removed from the Missing News report & more.
A letter sent to the "Missing News" - It is requested that the Mar. 22, 2013 article by Louie Rosella - “Former mayoral candidate’s assault trial continues in the fall”, be taken down from your web-site, corrections be published noting the lack of facts, improper wording and bias research done, as well as an apology to me. ....... Home Page - Main Table of Contents - Back up a page - Back to Top
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