Hazel McCallion Mayor of Mississauga ?? Angel or Devil ??
This is the age old question that many have struggled to answer, is Hazel McCallion, the Mayor of Mississauga an Angel or Devil? This picture by Byron Osmond illustrates the quandary that she has left inquiring minds in. An interesting question indeed as voters must all address that in this election year - 2006. This picture could help you decide.
What do you think? Do you really know her or do you just believe what the media tells you? Hazel McCallion Mr. Osmond informs me that when he first made this picture, it only had wings and a halo on it, for the purpose of auctioning off at a charity event for the CNIB, as seen below.

The Mayor's office was contacted, shown it and he was told NO WAY! Our dear old Mayor appears to have no sense of humor. After this, things started to go very badly for Byron's Photography, so bad the horns and tail were added. His other picture of Hazel has earned him national attention - click here.
To caste your vote - E-mail us - so we can post the results. Hazel McCallion Angel - Devil 0 4
