Tony N. Miele Former President & CEO of the Ontario Realty Corporation (ORC)
Tony Miele has been a very talked about member of the Harris-ment government, in fact his name and words or terms like "land flip", "scandal at the Ontario Realty Corp.", "criminal investigation", "police are investigating", "taxpayers were bilked", "shady deals", "audit", "taxpayers swindled", "stench", "bid-rigging", "evidence" and "wrongdoing or criminal behaviour in the ORC", are often heard in the same sentence or stories about the Ontario Realty Corp, which he led.
???? - Where in the world is Tony Miele - ???? If you know where Tony Miele is now or why he left the Ontario Realty Corporation so suddenly please E-Mail us and let us know - would very much try to interview him to get his side of this story.
If you have more details regarding Tony Miele's history please forward to The Democratic Reporter - Brown envelopes are welcome.
Listed as distinguished Alumni at Lakehead University. "we are proud of our many alumni who have experienced significant success in career attainment. This list recognizes and applaudes those who's success plays a key role in our continued prosperity."
Has Worked at;
Morgan Financial Corp. and The Goldman Group.
CN (Canadian National Railroad) Real Estate.
In the Federal government's Canada Lands Company Ltd. In Ontario Realty Corporation (, Toronto, Ont. He first worked as ORC's vice president, special projects, real estate.
Tony Miele in April 1999 the Harris government appointed him, as the President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), of Ontario Realty Corporation. To leads ORC's transition from a government entity charged with owning and operating capital assets to a leaner, more customer-centered organization focused on strategic management of assets. The ORC lists his profile as this; PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Tony Miele
Appointed to his position in April 1999, Mr. Miele's key challenge is to lead the corporation's transition from a traditional, public sector owner/operator of capital assets to a more innovative, service-oriented and customer-focused organization. In transforming the ORC, the corporation has moved away from being a provider of services to a strategic manager of services. Mr. Miele and his senior management team are instituting best business practices used across the real estate industry. Mr. Miele and his team are ensuring that the ORC's commercial mandate is met in a way that is open, accountable and professional.
This results in "startlingly expensive civil and criminal proceedings growing out of dozens of scams exposed during the young Tory activist's seven-year term as ORC president."
Nov. 2000 - Ontario Environmental Commissioner, Gord Miller files a scathing report about how the ORC has been doing business "We found that the Ontario Realty Corp. broadly disregarded this environmental legislation." & LAW 'DISREGARDED'. "The Ontario Realty Corporation is breaking the Environmental Assessment Act by not conducting studies for environmentally sensitive land it is selling... The environment is vulnerable. Last year (1999), the ORC sold worth of property without conducting a single environmental assessment." When one arm of government uses such strong wording to describe the actions of another arm of government, we should all sit-up, take notice and support action to end this unlawful conduct.
Tony Miele was the winner of a Site Selection Corporate Real Estate Leadership Award for 2001. "Miele's mission is to turn ORC from a bureaucratic property owner into a manager of strategic assets. In many cases, managing those assets means disposing of them," Not hard to see why the SS gave him the award!
Aug. 25 2003, Mantella & Sons Limited file a Civil suite for $20 million dollars against the City of Mississauga and Ontario Realty Corporation noting that communication between Tony Miele and Hazel McCallion resulted in lands being offered for sale by the OCR, being withdrawn. The suite also notes, "When Mantella attempted to obtain access to this public information under the Freedom of Information Act, Tony Miele, in an obvious conflict of interest, has repeatedly refused Mantella's reasonable requests to public files"
Tony Miele suddenly resigns Jan. 24-06, under questionable circumstances.
Salary Disclosure for Ontario Realty Corp. (ORC) & Tony Miele.
This Web-site's Ontario Realty Corp. Web-page.
Click here for the Court Cases & Investigations of note Web-page. For more about Tony Miele, such as,
- The Legislative Assembly Hansard Record, a very popular man for politicians to talk about, pity what they are saying. Apr. 2000 - Interview of Tony Miele - from Site Selection magazine. Sept. 2002
- More about the Ontario Environmental Commissioner, Gord Miller report and the Pickering lands here.
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