Peel police & its Haters !
{Its no wonder they call them the Black Shirts}
! Its Official - I "Hates police" !
When dealing with the BIG LIE - the opposite to the intended communication, is the truth & the accuser is really the one doing the evil deed.
Who is the HATER? Is the person listed as one or is it the BULLY who is making the claim? First of all should such a comment even be found in an official Peel police record, that will be viewed by any Peel officer searching a person's name - there by prejudicing them & the service given. Yes - what does a person have to do be labeled as "Hates police". Is it because I am familiar with how Peel police operate & report it, is it because I am a political opponent of Hazel McCallion, is it because I will listen to the victims of Peel police inJustice / Brutally & report it, is it because I am so foolish to think there is Justice in the world & expect the Peel police to serve it & Canadian Law, is it because I don't kiss their butts when they are shoved in my face by saying I have Rights & knowing the Law?
Or is it because, the Right Wing elements in the Peel police Force want to harm me by imposing their political view of the world on me & showing their true faces?  | The above is part of a Peel police record that they tried to keep from me & which shows how low the Peel police will go when they are out to get someone!
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