Judicial Inquiry Council Meeting Oct. 28, 2009 - Pictures -
To the main Judicial Inquiry page - to the Hazel McCallion page. Yes - you have come to the right place for the like you were there experience. Pictures from here & there, close-up and whole room. The media has not covered this in a way that most people would want and to be informed by. So, citizen reporter Donald Barber to the rescue!
In Council chambers City security has come after me for using flash, so I try to take pictures without doing so. Our use their flashes without problems but I am special don't you know! So if you are wondering why some pictures have movement blurs that is why. On the other hand the colours are warmer and less harsh.
It is important to know that the Judicial Inquiry had already been approved by Council before this Council meeting, however it could have been stopped if votes changed - which they didn't. This meeting was more about what the terms of reference would be for the Judicial Inquiry.
Here are some of the Documents;
Some videos of the event;
Much to my surprise, I ran into Harold G. Shipp, one of the first developers in what later become Mississauga. He built the Applewood subdivision, very close to where I live. And yes that is his statue just outside of Council chambers.
Some art inside Council chambers. The Mississauga crest, it reads - Pride in the Past & Faith in the Future. Surrounded by video cameras, wonder how it applies to current situations?

A larger then normal crowd, Hazel supporters, against the Judicial Inquiry. |

| What is this? All the Agendas are gone before I get there - how will we know how to address Council? I had to ask for more - when they were put out, soon gone.

| I was expecting a regular Council meeting, nothing special, boy was I wrong. Well, someone has told the media and they were everywhere. Now what is she taking a picture of ??? |
 | Before getting to Judicial Inquiry matter others are dealt with. Like this one that has interesting pictures of - Mississauga???? |

| A request by Ursula Keuper-Bennett {AKA - Mississauga Muse - MISSISSAUGAWATCH}, to have the minutes of Council changed so they are more factual. Lots of luck with that one! |  |

| First of the don't waste money on a Judicial Inquiry that is not needed, speakers. |  |

Standing applause - happened often for speakers.

Dr. Boyd Upper is Mississauga's expert on power plants - Chair, Clear the Air Coalition Mississauga. He notes that the speaker before him covered most of his points.

Next speaker. shows how large a space Council chambers is and that people have to stand in the middle of, act normal and address Council. Many have never done public speaking - feel intimidating? Rogers has shown up, for that in your face camera feeling.

Now here is an animated & passionate speaker.
Is his body language suggesting grabbing someone by the .....

Yeah lets have more passion!
|  |

Listen to the papers.


A big picture to show another angle.

Interesting how some people can yell at Council from their seats and little happens but do very much less and end up in prison!
OK - now for Council to address the masses and some Councillor action shots! Well some Councillors don't move much when they speak so have to take my word they are talking, or even alive. And yes it is fun to try and read meaning into whatever they appear to be doing or thinking. 
Councillor Katie Mahoney weights in. |

Lets talk about E-mails and how the City has copies of them.


This all started 9:00 am and goes on & on. They even leave at one point and return.

Councillor Carmen Corbasson's turn to explain what is really happening.

To those listening - that is.
 Boingdragon Counters
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