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In Mississauga it has long been that it doesn't matter how you win just as long as you win, so the question is how far does that mentally extend into the so-called Democratic election in Mississauga.
What are the tricks of the trades?
Does it have to be illegal or unlawful?
How does the law cover - prevent it or is it just a paper tiger largely ignored?
Do the police enforce or does it require a person from the public to bring the legal action?

One of the easiest methods of wining an election by underhanded means is to get the race down to 2 candidates and then 1 drops out of the election after the last day for nominations, so no other candidates can enter the race
- then the last candidate is
Politicians who are acclimated often parade around like they are so damn good that no one else could even consider themselves good enough to do a better job then the acclimated one.  And those who are acclimated need not be the incumbent to part-take this ego trip.

Jumping in and out of election races are not always done for underhanded reasons but as taxpayers and voters we must watch very closely for patterns & other supporting evidence.
With that in mind consider the strange and troubling case of Stephen Morgan.

Which makes a real joke of the Democratic process & elections as the so-called elected official takes office without a single vote for them, no majority, no campaign for taxpayers to consider their election platform and to vote to accept it or not.

What would a reasonable person think - knowing all the facts?

1988 - Mississauga Election    -    Stephen Morgan

    In the 1988 Mississauga election there was the strange and troubling
- yet classic case of Stephen Morgan candidate - ex-candidate for Mayor.

2006 - Mississauga Election    -    The Mayor's race

Was this a case where there was an effort made for history to repeat itself?
You be the judge.


Election Law in Ontario

- Selected Sections; -

Found in - Revised statutes of Ontario, 1980 - Being A - Revision and consolidation of the public general acts of the Legislature of Ontario, published under the authority of the statutes revision act, 1979 - Vol. 5 - Printed and published by the Queen's printer, Toronto - Chap. 308, starting page 491.

In this Act,

"corrupt practice" means any act or omission in connection with an election in respect of which an offence is provided under the Criminal Code (Canada) or which is a corrupt practice under this Act;


 - (1) Every person who,

(f) directly or indirectly, himself or by any other person on his behalf, on account of and as payment for voting or for having voted, or for illegally agreeing or having agreed to vote for any candidate at an election, or on account of and as payment for having illegally assisted or agreed to assist any candidate at an election, applies to such candidate for the gift or loan of any money or valuable consideration, or for the promise of the gift or loan of any money or 'valuable consideration, or for any office, place or employment, or the promise of any office, place or employment; or

( i) in order to induce a person to allow himself to be nominated as a candidate, or to refrain from becoming a candidate, or to withdraw if he has become a candidate, gives or procures any office, place or employment, or agrees to give or procure or offers or promises to procure, or endeavours to procure any office, place or employment for such person, or for any other person,

is guilty of bribery: and on conviction is liable to a fine of $200, or to imprisonment for a term of not more than six months, or to both, and is disqualified from voting at any election for four years.

Every person who contravenes any of the provisions of this Act, for which contravention no penalty is otherwise provided, is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to a fine of not more than $1,000. 1977, c. 62, s. 104.

105. -
(1) Where a candidate at an election is convicted of bribery or of committing a corrupt practice, he is ineligible to be nominated and stand as a candidate at any election up to and including the next regular election, or to hold any office at the nomination of a municipal council or local board for four years following the date of the poll.

(2) If, when the candidate is convicted of committing a corrupt practice, the presiding judge finds that the act constituting in law a corrupt practice was committed without any corrupt intent, the candidate is not subject to the penalties and disabilities provided by subsection (1). 1977, c. 62, s. 105.


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