City of Mississauga staff hot to trot to use the Batista arrest as their weapon to serve their political masters!
During the 2006 election City staff tried to eliminate a candidate for the office of Mayor to aid the election of Hazel McCallion!
This shocking development only can to light after the election BUT what is of most concern is that it was undertaken by those who are charged with running the Cities election in a fair to all and just fashion.
This is presented to show how allowing politicians to lay Frivolous & Vexatious charges which are in reality the wild and self-serving interpretation of events for the purpose of justifying wrong if not evil legal action by the police and Courts, results in a growing problem, the abuse of power, as everyone in government wants a ride on that power trip. After all, those in government are all but unaccountable for their actions and they see this as a way to lighten their work load. The Pot-hole poet case that came before.
It came to my attention that Crystal Greer, the City Clerk and Pina Mancuso, Election Officer both tried to get me arrested by Peel police while I was a candidate for the office of Mayor. As these women have the job of TRYING to run a fair and Democracy election it is great perversion of their duties to make the efforts noted below, to try and get a candidate arrested for pointing out how age is an issue in the election when considering voting for a 86 year old women. Who just happened to be their boss! This is the web-page with those questions - Hazel is DYING !!
The fact that these women are trying to get an election candidate arrested in a case where the wording of my web-page just notes events points to a belief in the minds of City staff that the Peel police are there to arrest all those they feel like removing, by way of bail terms and charges so they can do their jobs without having to deal with, in their minds, trouble-some member of the pubic.
What offends me the most is that Pina Mancuso always said she would not allow political interfere with her job, well now I know the true meaning of her words. This also raises serious questions as to how fair the vote count was in Malton was, if this is how City staff go out of their way to help the currently elected politicians.
In these pages it is clear from the police notes that these women have presented to the Peel police what they thinks is a threat to Hazel McCallion's life - in reality running for the office of Mayor is a greater one! "In relation to comments made by Mr. Donald Barber that were potentially threatening towards Mayor Hazel McCallion"

These 2 pages came by way of the FOI Act, the Peel police have white out some parts and I blacked out my phone number. 

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