Scanned, recopied or Internet copy, if there are errors, please e-mail me with corrections:
Donald Barber A Banned Person by City of Mississauga
This is part of the sad story of how the City of Mississauga eliminates those who question them or stands up for the environment. It is a growing trend across Ontario to ban people who are political active or represent their community's interest by way of very minor charges with no other evidence then the say so of some City staff - preferable from a female. So in 2006 after City Council sprung it trap on me by changing the rules and got me charged by the Peel police, the City of Mississauga security banned me for 2 years from City hall. Thankfully the claims made by the single female Security guard were so unbelievable that the Crown or persecutor withdrew them just before trial - sparing the Justice system the embarrassment of having to deal with her recollections like they were real.
However, even though the bail terms ended with the charges, the ban by the City did not. So a week or so I sent all the Councillors & Mayor a letter requesting the ban to be lifted and in hours it was lifted! Wow a speed record for good service from City hall and I did not have to pay $250 to have the matter appealed to City staff, as the Mayor would say - interesting. Not like when I asked for a copy of the banning notice as I was not given the copy that I tricked into signing by the Peel police, when they were acting as the agents for the City of Mississauga - did not get a copy from them, it turned up in disclosure months later. Any ways I get the feeling they would not have removed the ban on their own, as they should have. But the City is threatening to do the same to me!!!!!!!
A request was made to address City Council regarding the fact the City has no complaints process regarding its security guards and that there are many who would wish to express their feels about how they were treated by City Security. And Denise Peternell, AMCT, Committee Coordinator for Council has confirmed "Your letter will be placed on the Council agenda of December 12, 2007 under Correspondence and I will place your name and the nature of your deputation before Council under Deputations."
The letter sent all the Councillors & Mayor.

Dear Sirs: Nov. 14, 2007 As you no doubt have heard and read in the paper the last two charges against me have been withdrawn, because the June 7, 2006 Banning notice (below), clearly states the reason for the Ban was Assault/Disturbance, the Ban should have automatically been lift but it has not. Therefore I am appealing directly to my elected officials to do the right and honourable thing and lift this 2 year Ban immediately as the very same security staff who imposed it (that the Court see no reason to waste its time with listening to their claims), are refusing to act professional and remove this Ban. If no member of Council or the Mayor is willing to deal with this matter before the next Council meeting, it is asked that this matter be put on the Council agenda for a vote and that I be allowed to attend, to address the item, as should be the case in a free and Democratic nation.

Sincerely yours, please call me and note where you stand on this. {they did not} _______________________________ Mr. Donald Barber - Editor - Candidate for Mayor 1994, 1997, 2000 and 2006.
The pdf file, of the letter from the City of Mississauga.
Dear Mr. Barber:
Re: Lifting your Ban from the Civic Centre
I am writing in response to your letter dated November 15, 2007 whereby you have requested that your ban from the Civic Centre issued on June 7, 2006 be lifted. The City has no comment on the court charges that are referenced in your letter, as the court process is separate and apart from the City's rights and obligations to maintain order in the use of its properties. The City was never a party to the court proceedings. [1] Having said that, after due consideration, the City will remove the ban as issued against you, effectively immediately. However, please be advised that should you engage in similar action causing disturbance on City premises in the future, a new ban may be issued against you. [2]
Mary Ellen Bench City Solicitor
c: Mayor McCallion Councillors Janice M. Baker, CA., City Manager and CEO Brenda Breault, Commissioner, Corporate Services & Treasurer
[1] - In a pigs eye! Everything steamed from City decisions, be it actions or inactions.
[2] - I was thrown in PRISON on false chargers and by the City saying if I "engage in similar action causing disturbance on City premises in the future, a new ban may be issued against you.", is saying they free free to do it all again to me - these *&%${female dogs}#"!`~ have no shame!
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