Facebook Video Case - Mississauga A very Interesting Case as it probes the power of the Schools, School Board and police over not just our children but all our lives.
Time L9ine {details noted & quoted are from other news articles {below} & first hand commutations with the family}
Dec. 17, 2012 - Mon. The accused, a 13 year old boy is alleged to have shot the footage, which shows two girls fighting, a number of other students cheering from the sidelines, on his cellphone - he later posted it online, to his Facebook profile. The incident is believed to have taken place near Dixie Road Public School as he was on his way home from school, his school is the Tomken Road Middle School. The fight and videoing took place after school hours and off his school's property.
The Video shows or so I am told; "In the video, viewed by the Star, two girls can be seen arguing as a small group, including the filmmaker, approaches. As the two trade insults, one girl walks away before the second girl grabs her by her lime green backpack, hurling her to the pavement. As the girl on the ground retaliates with a kick, the second girl grabs her by her ankle and drags her a short distance before nearly straddling her and unleashing a barrage of no less than eight punches to the face. As the punches connect, several people can be heard laughing."
Dec. 18, 2012 - Tues. The lad is contacted by one of the female students and asked to remove the video the Internet & he does.
Dec. 19, 2012 - Wed. "Peel District School Board spokesperson Carla Pereira said a school community member brought the video to the administration’s attention. After viewing the footage, the principal called police."
The boy, who is a student at Tomken Road Middle School, was arrested at his school by Peel {Black Shirts} police, who received a complaint about the video from the school principal. Police said he was charged with mischief because one of the girls {an underage female}, in the video claims she was being cyberbullied. Peel Regional {Black Shirt} police spokesperson Const. Erin Cooper states the video posting, "caused the victim to basically not be able to use her own Facebook [page] without feeling bullied or stressed". or "mischief charges relate to interfering with the victim’s reasonable use and enjoyment of Facebook." or ""engaging in threatening conduct" when he filmed the fight on his cellphone back on Dec. 17, causing one of the girls to "fear for her safety."" or is it "causing the victim to not want to attend school." The reason for the charges appear to change over time.
He was handcuffed behind his back at the cruiser, after being paraded in from the other students at the school, many of whom said "Free him, Free him". He was also suspended for a month and transferred to another school during exams. The mother, says she has a long-running dispute with the school over her son's education and is likely the reason for this grand over-reacting to this incident.
Dec. 20, 2012 - Thur. Peel Police state an underage female student, who also cannot be identified, was charged with assault on Dec. 19. Was the video used to lay this charge??????
Jan. ?, 2013 - . A special assembly was called at his old school to warn the students {Grades 7 & 8 = about 288} not to talk about this matter. If you can help fill in the details here, it would be great!!!!!!!
Jan. 11, 2013 - Fri. He was later charged with criminal harassment - two charges so far - your Canadian tax dollars at work! Charged Jan. 10, but served to Mother on Jan. 11.
Jan. 22, 2013 - Tues. His Mother is called to the police station regarding the second charge. She says they were questioning her as to what kind of Mother she was.
Jan. 28, 2013 - Mon. He is photograph and fingerprints under the Identification of Criminals Act.
Jan. 29, 2013 - Tues. Court - First Appearance - no disclosure for such a simple matter, why? He was accompanied by with his Mother and two dozen supporters & three reporters. All of whom left the Court at the same time when his matter done - it was well noted by the Court.
Feb. 4, 2013 - Mon. An E-mail sent to FaceBook;
In Mississauga, Canada, a youth, 13 years old, recently videoed a fight between 2 girls about the same age, posted it on Facebook, removed it but was still charged by Peel police. Police said he was charged with mischief because one of the girls {an underage female}, in the video claims she was being cyberbullied, "caused the victim to basically not be able to use her own Facebook [page] without feeling bullied or stressed". and "mischief charges relate to interfering with the victim’s reasonable use and enjoyment of Facebook."
As I am reporting on this matter the questions I would like answered - Has FaceBook had this matter brought to their attention and given how young they are is it how Facebook feel about criminal charges being laid in this matter?
Lastly - as there was a charge of assault laid against one of the girls & many would see the video as aiding law & order - does FaceBook feel the lad who posted the video is more a victim then a criminal?
Details here - <http://the-democratic-reporter.com/GENERAL_NEWS_D-R/FaceBook_Video_Case.htm>
Students need Facebook lessons: Trustee Mississauga News - May 3, 2010 - By Roger Belgrave -
Boy, 13, arrested for Facebook fight video Mississauga News - Dec. 26, 2012 - By David Paterson -
Teen arrested for posting high school fight video to Facebook Toronto Star - Dec. 27, 2012 - By Jennifer Pagliaro -
Boy charged for posting fight video on Facebook CBC - Dec. 28, 2012 - By - Mother says police and school could have manage this incident in a better way.
Boy 'scarred for life' after arrest: Mom Torstar Network - Dec. 28, 2012 -
Charges weren’t in order Mississauga News - Jan. 2, 2013 - Editorial - police and school staff should have manage this incident in a better way.
Teen faces new charge in Facebook video case Mississauga News - Jan. 11, 2013 - By Louie Rosella
Boy accused of posting fight on Facebook photographed, fingerprinted by cops Mississauga News - Jan. 29, 2013 - By Louie Rosella
Stunned and Appalled Mississauga News - Feb. 6, 2013 - Letter to Editor by Wulf Hallifax, Mississauga -
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