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Opening comments:  More at the end.

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- 4 - to this web-page at time of posting.

Mississauga News - June 29, 2010 - Letter by Alex Coote, Mississauga

Questions remain

Dear Editor:

The controversial Mississauga judicial inquiry is already proving its worth by highlighting the failure of senior City officials to protect the interests of the City in the sale of a share of Enersource Mississauga to Borealis (an OMERS affiliate).

How this occurred has been largely answered. City Manager David O’Brien reinstated a veto clause into the text of the agreement of sale with Borealis.
It had been previously deleted and was not approved by Council.

But the question of why the former City Manager would take the risk of inserting a clause which favoured Borealis at the expense of the City has not been properly answered.

Whether or not the mayor would have voted for the amended agreement is irrelevant.

And, her continuing defence of the former City Manager is confounding, to say the least ... unless she is being untruthful in denying that Mr. O’Brien informed her of the change.

The former City Manager now sits as a director on the board of OMERS.  The optics of this are poor.

Citizens of Mississauga require assurance that no favours were asked of, or granted to, any of the principals involved in the sale.

If necessary, witnesses should be recalled so the inquiry can provide that assurance.

Comments by others - 4 - to this web-page at time of posting;


Jun 30, 2010 7:55 PM

@Muse: That's funny ha-ha

What basically happened is O'Brien treated the Mayor the same way the City treats citizens who are trying to bring attention to serious problems. First put off any response as long as possible, then give a nonsense and/or evasive answer. I think ultimately he was hoping the whole thing would just go away if he could evade it long enough. That would be classic City of Mississauga strategy.

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The Mississauga Muse

Jun 30, 2010 6:15 PM

@ Therese re: "That the Mayor refuses to criticize O’Brien is more than confounding"

No kidding eh? Or that she sent O'Brien a letter asking about the veto clause and it took him a year to respond and then [transcript] LAX to MCCALLION Q: And so when you got this email and it didn't make any sense, did you get back to him and say, Dave, for goodness sake, turn your mind to this because people are asking questions and your email doesn't advance the explanation at all? It doesn't make any sense. MCCALLION: Yeah. Well, that's why I wanted it in writing. LAX: Yes, but after you got it in writing...and it didn't make any sense, did you get back to him and say, Your email can't possibly be accurate because you couldn't have briefed us on a change that hadn't yet taken place?" And the Answer is?....

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Therese Taylor

Jun 30, 2010 3:17 PM

See no evil, smell no evil

Well put Mark, though I’d say the optics are more than poor. That former City Manager David O’Brien, the lead negotiator for the City in the Enersource deal, “was seconded to be president of the new Enersource Corp., just days before the deal was signed”(Mississauga News June 28/10, was clearly a conflict of interest. Now O’Brien sits on the board for OMERS, the parent company for Borealis (the 10% shareholder of Enersource O’Brien wrote the veto power in for). OMERS in turn compensated Peter MCCallion in his failed bid to purchase property adjacent to city hall. Since when are realtors compensated for failed deals? And how much is yet to be disclosed. That the Mayor refuses to criticize O’Brien is more than confounding. It raises the smell meter even higher. Unless I’ve missed something, it seems the two main issues of this inquiry are inextricably linked. And they both stink.

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The Mississauga Muse

Jun 30, 2010 2:16 PM

"Citizens of Mississauga require assurance that no favours were asked of, or granted to, any of the principals involved in the sale."

Won't happen. Unfortunately it wasn't that kind of inquiry. Should've been the "KNOCK KNOCK. SURPRISE! We're grabbing all your filing cabinets and hard drives" kind of Inquiry. Ohhhh well.

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The Mississauga Muse

Jun 30, 2010 2:14 PM


Regarding, "But the question of why the former City Manager would take the risk of inserting a clause which favoured Borealis at the expense of the City has not been properly answered." Buddy got to become President and Chair of Toronto Hydro just four years later! My question is why on earth would anyone call the City's investigation complete when it didn't bother to interview David O'Brien? I have the answer... just raising it for pondering :-)

* Agree 2

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