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Opening comments:  More at the end.

To the main Judicial Inquiry page - to the Hazel McCallion page.

Comments by others to this web-page 14.

Toronto Sun - Jan. 17, 2009 - By Ted Woloshyn, TED.WOLOSHYN@SUNMEDIA.CA -

Mississauga meltdown

Power fight between Mayor Hazel McCallion and
 Coun. Carolyn Parrish has fragmented council

It seems the smooth sailing city of Mississauga is encountering troubled waters these days which are threatening to run it aground.

The issues are power, and power struggles.

Once considered the gold standard, Mississauga city council is looking more like Toronto or Vaughan's right now.

"Our council has lost the cohesion we once had," said Coun. Pat Saito. "We've always had debate and at times the mayor was on the losing end, but at the end of the day we respected each other.

"Our residents are seeing that council is fragmented."

A battle over whether the city should up its stake in Enersource from 90% to 100% has politicians taking sides, with Mayor Hazel McCallion fighting against the purchase, and seven councillors, seemingly led by Coun. Carolyn Parrish, for the sale.

City politicians recently voted 7-4 in favour of the purchase (Coun. Katie Mahoney who sides with the mayor was absent for the vote).

Parrish is eager to see the city take complete control, which would cost between $30 million and $40 million, although Borealis (owner of the 10% stake the city doesn't have) can decline any offer.

"The city can't afford to spend when our infrastructure budget is running a deficit of $75 million," McCallion told me in an interview.

She has scheduled a public meeting for Thursday at 7 p.m. at city hall, in part at the recommendation of the Mississauga Residents' Association and the Mississauga Board of Trade.

Parrish, in an e-mail to the mayor declared, "You are apparently unable or willing to accept the decision (the 7-4 vote), one which you are powerless to change no matter how many public hearings you hold."

There's that word "power" again, as the good ship Mississauga begins to list.

Perhaps the big question is does Parrish simply want all of Enersource, or is it the mayor's job she covets? There are increasingly more people who believe it's the latter.

I have been an avid supporter of McCallion's for many years, and even though I haven't always agreed with her, I have admired her leadership, and what the tremendous job she's done representing Mississauga both at home and on the international stage.

She was voted the second-best mayor in the world, and when she tells me: "Morale at City Hall is at its very lowest. The employees are scared to death of Carolyn Parrish," it concerns me greatly.

Coun. Frank Dale voted in favour of the purchase.

"I believe that when all the facts are presented the community will realize it's in their best interest."

Does Dale believe there's more friction in council than ever?

"I wouldn't say friction, I would say more debate."

As for speculation Parrish has control issues with some councillors, Dale said: "To be honest with you I've always looked at what's best for the community and that's how I vote."

Parrish, who didn't return calls for comment, knows the only way to overturn the vote is to have one of the seven councillors consistently in favour of the purchase change sides.

"And that's not going to happen," Parrish told the Mississauga News.

But it's not just Parrish who is unhappy with the mayor over the Enersource issue. Others claim she gave Borealis too much power for a minority shareholder.


"You surrendered complete control of a corporation you do not own to a pension fund you do not control," Coun. George Carlson stated in an e-mail. "This is the nub of the issue."

Carlson also chastised Hazel saying: "The mayor should not be involved in a power struggle with council."

Carlson is right, no government needs power struggles. But like dancing, it takes two. While Parrish undoubtedly has designs on the mayor's chair, McCallion has every intention on running in 2010.

And even Carolyn Parrish isn't crazy enough to run against her.

Comments by others, 14, to this web-page;

f    October 8th 2009, 6:09pm

hazel sold out to the developers,(orlando corp.) to name one in the seventies,her support comes from big business with bigger wallets that keep her in year after year.she is very well funded and no different than any other politician.

HaleysComet     October 6th 2009, 9:39pm|

Age bias is far too rampant in our society...we must all fight it because we are all human and we will all age...if we are lucky, that is.
To keep harping at Mayor McCallion to retire just because of her age is ridiculous....and unfair. When she had an accident..the first thing everyone mentioned was her age. Yet the highest amount of accidents are in the under 25 age group....think about it.
Mayor McCallion has more energy, drive, and focus than most people a third of her age...long live the Energizer Bunny of Mississauga!!!

MISSISSAUGAWATCH     October 6th 2009, 12:04pm

Dear Ted,

Let the comments here (and over at the Globe and the Star) bear testimony to how Hazel McCallion achieved her Cult Status.

A fanatic group of supporters (who have $$benefited$$ from McCallion's reign either financially or through favour (ie: funded for the Arts, Gardens, Festivals, special interests etc etc).

Her 5,000 plus employees, spouses, voting-age kids, Enersource employees, resident-employees from other municipalties.

A larger group who haven't a clue how McCallion really runs Mississauga (because they only base their "news" on traditional media or what the City itself feeds them in flyers.

Here's a fact. Hazel McCallion hasn't a CLUE how the City is run. She's left it ENTIRELY up to her Staff! ANYBODY can do that!

MISSISSAUGAWATCH     October 6th 2009, 11:55am

The secret to Hazel McCallion's success is the degree to which she and her Staff HID what was really going on in Mississauga.

I've been researching McCallion's Mississauga through Freedom of Information (FOI) since January 2007. I've spent over $2,000 on FOI's and have another bill for $65.00 today for City documents.

In addition I've attended (and videotaped) most Mississauga Council meetings since September 2006.

Here is a FACT. Even though Ted Woloshyn admits to be Hazel McCallion's friend, he hasn't TWO CLUES about how she runs the City.

HEY TED! Next time you see Hazel, ask her about her Security guards' ban and arrests kids! And ask her about the Conflict of Interest she condones with a Manager allowed to discipline --HIMSELF!

The Ram     October 5th 2009, 5:13pm

Caroline in the City?????

U R a Cartoon "Character", Madam!!!

Stay in the Kitchen; just Don't Hatch up your Witches' Brew, for Us to Retch Over.

To All Those who Voted for Her, in her Ward. . .

R U just Illeterates (in which case U have my Deepest Sympathy); OR Do you Hate the Rest of Us Mississaugans (and Our City) So Much, that you would Subject Us to Ms. Parish's Shenanigans?

Just think about it, people. . .


and U VOTED her IN??????

The Next Time Around, please Do Not Compound your Error. Get Rid of Her. She is an EMBARRASSMENT to ALL of US!!!!!!

Mississauga would Perish under Parrish    October 4th 2009, 7:41am

If Parrish were to ever be Mayor of Mississauga (The thought is stomach churning!), the City would go from having the 2nd best Mayor in the World to the 2nd worst!
It's Hazel all the way for as long as she wants!
I sure hope when Hazel decides to step down, someone WITH fortitude & comprehension steps up!

free froggy     October 4th 2009, 4:40am

Parrish would take Mississauga into the sewer where she does her best work!
If Hazel does decide to step down I would hope someone like Pat Mullins would step up to the plate!

mz     October 3rd 2009, 5:43pm

Parrish is an embarrassment to Mississauga even as a councillor. I can't bear the thought of her as Mayor - I cringe just thinking about it. She tries to dig up dirt on Hazel, but aside from the assinine things Parrish has done in public, I'm sure her closet is pretty full of skeletons. She is not as squeaky clean as she would like all to believe.

John L    October 3rd 2009, 5:06pm

Parrish was quoted as saying she had a "reluctant duty" to demand an inquiry into Hazel's actions.

It strikes me that someone actively campainging against the mayor and having ambitions for the job now crying crocodile tears over the matter suggests a major issue of character.

Even if Hazel is determined to be guilty of questionable wisdom on this matter she has a long history of good performance in the role of mayor. In contrast Parrish has a long history of bad judgement, infantile behaviour and failure to perform Keep in mind that she was expelled from the Liberal caucus for her behaviour. How in the world could she be perceived as a better option?

norm    October 3rd 2009, 4:18pm

Hazel will be known as one of the best mayors in Canadian history,

As for Parrish she needs to understand Americans don't hate all Canadians. Just STUPID ones.

Igor    October 3rd 2009, 3:01pm

I suppose you probably work for Parrish...

Frank     October 3rd 2009, 2:22pm

Why do some commenters spread their posts to ridiculous lengths by using one word per triple-spaced line? If it's to get attention, it actually has the opposite effect with me. I noticed, before I stopped reading them, that they are invariably a rant by an anonymous person, and not worth the effort.

par is , your lie bral roots are showing     October 3rd 2009, 2:03pm


par is

we, the good people of mississauga ....







has stated for the


her case for all to see



L O V E you



tim    October 3rd 2009, 1:12pm

Hazel has been a successful mayor largely because she uses something in very short supply amongst politicians---common sense!

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