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To the main Judicial Inquiry page - to the Hazel McCallion page.
Comments by others to this web-page 65. Toronto Sun - June 2, 2010 - By Michele Mandel - Columnists - or 416-947-2231.McCallion blames lapse on staff
 Mayor Hazel McCallion seems her usual confident self before giving testimony. (MICHAEL PEAKE/Toronto Sun) MISSISSAUGA — The tiny reigning queen of this city is resplendent in a beige polyester pantsuit and fuchsia blouse, a sparkling brooch at her throat, and a crown of white curls. While beneath it all, that famous will of steel. At 89 — and no mention of Hazel McCallion can be made without her octogenarian accomplishment — Her Worship looks as confident and in control as ever, even as she is being called to task to explain her involvement in the first of two controversial business deals. McCallion was the final witness in the first portion of a judicial inquiry looking into the goings on at Mississauga city hall. This was the easy part for the legendary mayor: The hearing before Justice Douglas Cunningham is examining a deal she signed a decade ago that unwittingly gave a 10% shareholder in Enersource, their hydro utility, a 100% veto that no one on council seemed to know about until seven years later. The more contentious stage of the $2-million inquiry, expected to begin by the end of the month, will examine allegations the mayor didn’t declare a conflict of interest in a failed $14.4-million city land deal brokered by her oldest son, Peter. If McCallion is worried about her hard-fought legacy being threatened in the twilight of her career, it certainly didn’t look like it Wednesday. Ever the politician, she smiled for the cameras as media photographers were allowed to take her picture before the start of her two-hour testimony. Opting to swear on the Bible, she uttered a forceful “So help me God” before taking the stand and briefly outlining one of the most successful careers in Canadian politics: Mayor of Streetsville from 1970 to 1973 and mayor of Mississauga since the fall of 1978. Yet for all her fame as the nation’s longest reigning mayor, McCallion insisted she really has “very limited” powers except for her ability to declare a state of emergency, as she did once during the 1979 Mississauga train derailment. Instead, the wizened wizard would have us believe she’s not much of a wizard at all. “We depend on staff to operate the city,” McCallion testified. It turns out she counts on them to read the agreements she signs as well. It was the biggest deal the city had ever done: Back in 2000, when the province deregulated electricity, the city privatized Mississauga Hydro by creating Enersource, with 90% owned by taxpayers and 10% by Borealis, a subsidiary of OMERS, the Ontario Municipal Employees pension fund. When McCallion signed the complex agreement on Dec. 6 of that year, she said she assumed it was the same version she and her council had agreed to on Nov. 29 and was not told that a clause had been inserted just a few days later giving Borealis an indefinite veto over Enersource management decisions. The controversial arrangement came to light in 2007 when Councillor Carolyn Parrish — ever a thorn in McCallion’s side — sought to reduce the salaries of Enersource directors, including $32,000 annually to the mayor. But council discovered there was an unknown veto in the shareholder agreement preventing the move. “I was kind of surprised that it was so and therefore wanted to know how did it get into the agreement without council or my knowledge,” McCallion testified. She vehemently disagreed with previous testimony by her former city manager, David O’Brien, who said it was “very probable” he told the mayor about the last-minute veto. “I have no recollection of Mr. O’Brien telling me about any changes to the agreement,” she insisted. “I would have said this must go to council for approval.” But she also admitted not reading the final document before affixing her signature. “As mayor, I sign many — I think at the last council meeting, there were 34 bylaws in it,” McCallion said, “so if I had to read them all, the agreements wouldn’t proceed for quite a length of time.”
Comments by others, 65, to this web-page;
Mississauga Watch Report Comment June 17th 2010, 11:08am Comedy video, "Judicial Inquiry shines light on ENERSOURCE's Public Pretend, Pretend, Pretend... " at:
And to be fair to David O'Brien who actually took responsibility for the Enersource veto-cluster-bungle, here's a link to the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry transcript of his testimony: and here's Rogers TV complete video: Mississauga Watch Report Comment June 17th 2010, 10:58am ellma writes, "once again the missy muse is on one of her tirades... and she wants to be a jerlalisst .. ha ! " People who are truly interested in what's really going on, ignore the crap crapped out by Mississauga's self-serving "ellma"s. Here is a link to the MISSISSAUGA JUDICIAL INQUIRY WEBSITE (and Rogers videos). Read. Watch. Decide for yourselves. That way your heads won't be filled with crap-of-ellmas. Mississauga Judicial Inquiry website: Inquiry transcripts: Inquiry Live and archived webcasts Rogers TV videos: vellma Report Comment June 9th 2010, 12:36am once again the missy muse is on one of her tirades... and she wants to be a jerlalisst .. ha ! MISSISSAUGAWATCH Report Comment June 8th 2010, 8:13pm On June 3rd 2010, Steve wrote: "One of the few politicians whose word could and can ever be trusted."...this stupidity explains haw a corrupted politician gets elected over and over. What makes you think that remark has stupidity behind it? The MYTHissauga MYTHical MYTHine has been cranking that same "One of the few politicians whose word could and can ever be trusted" for decades. That's not stupidity, but superb spin! Now believing it?... I'm embarrassed to admit I used to. And ashamed to admit --for decades. The Crusher Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 11:07pm L. Lane you don't get it. O'Brien and McCallion are as close as they come. O'Brien said in his testimony his office and McCallions were connected by a boardroom. They both arrived at the office at 7:30 most mornings and had coffee together. They spoke or met 4 to 5 times a day. He said he probably told her, did everything but come out and said that he told her. McCallion knew about the veto, she just has so little respect for her Council that she didn't feel she needed to get their approval. Ironic that the Mayor's lawyer has her itinerary for that period in Dec 2000 yet when the Commission wanted her schedule for the last few years the office said it never kept a written copy. Come on people, wake up! Can't wait for round two. L. Lane Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 4:15pm Steve - You have your issues mixed up. One is about a land deal her son is involved in - the other is about EnerSource. When more comes out about the son and his dealings I'll be pleased to comment. Jesus Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 3:13pm She must be half Mexican... Steve Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 2:07pm You people are so naive. Okay, blame it on her underlings...whatever. So explain about her funnelling millions of dollars to family????????????? Accepted perks of the job? O'Brien handed her family money behind her back???? You people love her so much, but you don't give her credit; she knows exactly what she's doing. "One of the few politicians whose word could and can ever be trusted."...this stupidity explains haw a corrupted politician gets elected over and over.
Dudley Do Right Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:48pm One of the few politicians whose word could and can ever be trusted. Mississauga, beware of the liberal 'trojan horse'.
real conservative Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:14pm There is definitely an organized witch hunt on Hazel running now and the Sun seems to be part of it. No doubt the Star has been running this for awhile also. It has to be about money and power and taking it and being resisted. I hope the citizens on Mississauga don't get stupid and let liberal scum bags take over their city and bankrupt it. I can see them drooling for the cash and loans and grants they can grab once they take control. Mississauga is rich compared to Toronto and they want that Money! Don't be fools and let the smooth talking journalists fool you on bullshit minor issues when the big issue is what they want to corrupt. L. Lane Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:14pm A) David O'Brien was staff. B) He was supposed to inform the Mayor of any changes or insertions. C) He did not - or at least never presented any evidence he had. D) For such an important change it should have arrived by Big Brass Band or at least by the presentation of official document. E) Great restraint on the Mayor's part for not calling O'Brien a skunk for inserting a clause which directly benefits him and his now oganization. F) Lastly the outside lawyers yes should also have caught it and caught the weasel who put it in at which point O'Brien should have been bounced for unethical procedure. So what's the deal - it isn't legal unless O'Brien provides APPROPRIATE proof it was presented by procedure. L. Lane Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:06pm With regard to the EnerSource deal - David O'Brien - you got caught! If you had informed the mayor you'ld produce the evidence. Certainly you did not send her a little e-mail or perhaps bury it among drippage of the day. For a change like this you should have approached with a big brass band or at least sent word by a large official document. Too bad her ladeyship would look badly publicly calling you a skunk as you were supposed to advise the mayor as you were considered staff on their side not padding a deal for OMERS. Steve Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 12:47pm Quite the brilliant unstoppable scame she's got going. She can be as corrup as she wasnt, and only has to play the little old granny, then gets away with it. So she didn't understand what she was doing when funneling millions to family??? I'm sure she knew exactly what was in the clause, and got paid well for it. C'mon people...wake up kimi Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 12:45pm She is a sweet little thing and did good work. She is a bundle of energy. King David Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 12:35pm Time for this double dealing pile of dust to be swept out. Just don't replace her with that windbag Parrish. real conservative Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 12:28pm Liberals fear being kicked out of Toronto, now they want to take over Mississauga. They want to crown Carolyn Parrish as Mayor and raid the cookie jar. They will break the taxpayers of Mississauga like they have done in Toronto. The Sun seems to want to help with this. Voters, taxpayers, residents of Mississauga be WARNED!
James Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 11:58am Just wondering why a Mayor already paid a salary by tax payers collects an additional $32000 from this company?
Rick Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 11:27am IF all politicians in Canada had the guts, fortitude and honest of Hazel, this country would have no problems. Have scientists figured out cloning yet ? Several hundred/thousand young Hazel's would be great ! Even TO might be able to be cleaned up. That said, Hazel, you should take a WELL DESERVED retirement. FJ HAYDEN-LARSON Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 11:20am "When McCallion signed the complex agreement on Dec. 6 of that year, she said she assumed it was the same version she and her council had agreed to on Nov. 29 and was not told that a clause had been inserted just a few days later giving Borealis an indefinite veto over Enersource management decisions." While all you vultures are ripping and shredding Hazel apart because it is easier than asking the hard questions, I will. "Who did insert the clause after council approved the original version?" I smell a large rat and it isn't Hazel; more like city manager David O'Brien, who said it was “very probable” he told the mayor about the last-minute veto. Right......."very probable".......which means "HE DIDN'T" Czar Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 10:23am This is a major gaff on the part of the Mayor, Hazel knows she should have even briefly reviewed this document prior to signing it. The question I have now is did David O'Brien as a former Mississauga employee, conspire with the negotiator for OMERS to place this clause into the agreement. He knew full well that this would have needed to be approved by council as a whole, he was the mayors closest confidaunt, and the potantial that this would cause the city down the road. I find it interesting that Mr. O'Brien now works for OMERS. obtuse on board Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 9:59am CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG MAM , DO YOU KNOW WHY YOU GOT PULLED OVER ? CHUG CHUG , CHUG,
SO YOU CAN DRIVE MY CAR. WELL , ITS ACTUALLY SO THAT THE SQUIRREL CAN CROSS THE ROAD TO COLLECT THE NUTS Gus Wetzal Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 9:58am Unfortunately it's time for Hazel to retire. She's been great but her age is catching up with her. These little things like not reading imortant documents are signs. Let some one younger and brighter take over the helm Hazel. The driving mishap a fews years ago should have given you a hint. RM Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 9:24am @ Old Guy, Unfortunately, Unions don't exist in the City of Mississauga. The worker staff are bound to the rulings of Senior staff, who at most time have their heads so far up their behinds its not even funny. And when a Senior staff get busted doing something, all blames trickles down to Junior, and the City says "Well, perfect, just fire them". The last time a Union was attempted to be introduced, a man was threatened with his job, the time before that, a woman was actually fired. She sued the City and won two years salary out of the deal for Wrongful Dismissal. That City, staff wise, is a JOKE and a slave camp. Unions can be bad, I agree, but Cities like this is what they were designed for. Get lost Hazel. Canadians Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 9:12am Moments before Mayor McCallion takes the stand @ the Mississauga Judicial Inquiry to explainthis mess, her city Manager, Janice Baker, releases the duct-tape hazzing-mess press release timed to hit the airwaves when Mayor McCallion swears on the Bible. And, who authorized Baker to make this press release @ this moment? Ask the Mayor. If she can remember.
Independant Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 8:55am Hazel has demonstrated that success has a large family and failure is an orphan.She takes full credit until her position is threatened and then it becomes someone else's fault,in this case her staff. As a leader and Mayor,you don't get to pass the buck,you are accountable for your actions as well as your staff. No one accepts responsibility but will take the undeserved accolades.Systemic in all levels of government and politics,Hazel has not invented anything new here.
incompetent Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 8:51am people, listen.I deal with the government everyday for my job - I dont work for them. I will honestly say they are a bunch of morons. I receive many copies of tender agreements UNSIGNED!! contracts UNSIGNED!! I deal with the heads of certain areas and they seem like they are against the public always referring to people as stupid, or moronic etc. ITS A DISGRACE. Public works do not care about the public they care about how much many they will get. POLITICIANS always try to help but I will say they are mostly inept and really dont know the first thing about anything.They just feel the MP desgination will scare people into dealing with issues.Trust me folks our government is hanging on by threads its a terrible truth but they dont know much. @jianmei42 Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 8:41am You IDIOT! You really think anyone is going to buy your stuff? Get an honest job. Hazel Is A Threat To Her Legacy Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 8:39am Her "Honour" just maybe the threat to her own legacy. Heaven's to bits, she ran a tight ship for years and "suddenly" it is the staffers fault? Shame on you, quit while the getting is good and do not invoke God as your witness, as He knows exactly what you have done. btl Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 8:35am First rule of leadership, everthing is YOUR fault, Hazel. A proud Mississaugan Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 8:28am Hazel has done an amazing job since she took over as Mayor. While the rest of the residents including her nemesis left during the derailment, Hazel stook on the tracks with her firemen. Taxes have also been kept reasonable. What more do the people want. Someone like Parrish who gets drunk in public and rips a photo of the mayor or a turban wearing mayor with only one agenda. I say keep Hazel as long as she is breathing and then freeze her for the future. Long Live Our Queen!!! John Rocker Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:58am At 89 it is time too pack it in. I wonder what really goes on in Mississauga these days. Has done a great job but holding on now is all ego. This deal smells Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:56am Only in corrupt government would 100% control be gifted to a minority shareholder via VETO. rying to justify the VETO with a voodoo PUT is insane. Mississauga had full control and could have PUT the utility to any number of acquirers. This stinks. The deal should be undone.
old guy Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:25am This is union control at its very worst. If is almost certain the clause was inserted by union staff and "overlooked" by union staff. I wonder if it is legal, it should certainly be challenged.
Ordinary Folk Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:25am Sorry about the double post - gremlins are here apparently. Ordinary Folk Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:23am I'm sadly disappointed with Hazel. Blaming your staff for something YOU KNEW ABOUT months ago! Which begs the question....where was the union??? Ordinary Folk Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:20am I'm sadly disappointed in Hazel. Blaming the staff when she was aware of this bullshit months ago?? Please Hazel, not you too!! rmc Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:09am Toronto will take her anytime, Oprah Winfrey Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:03am Once bitten,twice shy. Your point is taken,we know not all law makers read the law itself.(Look south at the American heath care debate for that.)They usually rely on advisers,however the buck stops at the Mayors desk and this involved her son,this item should have raised alarm bells with both her and her staff. I'm not an attorney and I make the time to actually read a contract,hate those gas and hydro discounters.Ever gander at your credit card agreement?Probably pass on the card if you did. See it all the time,people get stuck because they were too smart to read the agreement they just signed.Why would you sign a mortgage on a half million dollar abode and not understand what you have just bought? Your defence of Hazel is admirable. BCMc Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 7:01am Hazel is bullett proof. The dirt bag media is trying to stup Parish, by trying taint Hazel.The only folks they are going to score with are people new to the area. Parish is a low life that negatively affected the lives of many people with her anti American comments. Rob Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 6:55am To PSM, she should read everything she signs after all she is the Mayor!! She has a responsibility to the citizens of Mississauga to get it tight, after all she is spending their money!!!
PSM Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 6:39am To Oprah Winfrey..You are truly one of a kind. I guess you either must be a lawyer or someone who as alot of time on their hands to read every single line of their insurance policy. I guess you didn't need a lawyer then for your home purchase. Do you think any Mayor reads everything line of every deal they sign? Do we really want a Mayor unless they were a lawyer previous to being elected reading a legal document prepared by someone who has spent years going to school to be come a lawyer? That is why we have lawyers to make sure things like this don't happen. Why didn't any of the lawyers who probably make more than Hazel say something? Maybe they were out chasing ambulances instead of "spending time in the office".
sux2bu Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 6:30am You people in big cities are always complaining about a couple of millon dollars here or there. Out here we complain about a few thousand. At one time we had a "Mayor" for the county we called "The Old Grey Mayor", but she did a better job than the ones that replaced her over the years. She retired after Bill Davis decided to split our counties up. Giddy as a Lee Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 6:15am The tiny reigning queen of this city is resplendent in a beige polyester pantsuit and fuchsia blouse, a sparkling brooch at her throat, and a crown of white curls. Is this a first year creative writing exercise or a Harlequin Romance novel? Is fuchsia even a word,never mind a colour? Oprah Winfrey Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 5:48am I actually did read my mortgage,I read before I sign,that way I know what the hell I'm talking about.And I've also read my insurance policies,I know more than the adjuster does. This is not the grocery list we're talking about,this involves millions of dollars,taxpayers money.Hazel makes a decent living,the least she can do is her job which requires spending time in the office,not ribbon cutting.Pretty low standard Hazel is being held to,much different than any other Mayor. How convenient that this involved her loser son,just not buying it. Look,hazel is a nice little old lady but that should not exclude her from being held accountable.If they find she broke no laws then that's just that's wonderful.I'll wait to see what transpires. PSM Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 5:30am Oprah Winfrey Do you own a house? Did you read every single line of your mortgage agreement and purchase agreement? And those are usually only a few pages but the Enersource agreement was probably hundreds or thousands of pages. And you should get your facts straight...Hazel didn't lie about declaring a conflict..she declared it twice before at two different meetings but on the third where the item was deferred she failed to declare it. And the minutes were not changed but were in error when they came out and were confirmed by all members of Council. I really don't think Hazel would risk her entire career by asking for the minutes to be changed since she had already declared it twice before and the matter was not even discussed. Oprah Winfrey Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 5:07am I expect city staff to be working,not duct taping up other staff. Antone who claims they do not read or understand what they are signing should not be in office,it's irresponsible. Hazel lied about declaring a conflict involving her son,the failed developer.She knew exactly what she was doing.Having the Chambers record on the conflict vote changed is indefensible. Nothing to do with Parrish or the Star. real conservative Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 3:09am Liberals and Carolyn Parrish are behind this as is the Star but why is the Sun now jumping on her head? The charges against her are BS frankly. Is she supposed to know everything that goes on in the city 24/7? Who is the mole that whined about what was giong on in the garage? Is that wimp still working there? PSM Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 2:56am In response to G Worton's comment about her battery running out. Hazel is almost 90 years old and still puts in a 10-12 hour day working for the citizens of Mississauga. There are people half her age who can't keep up with her. If only we could bottle her energy and sell it. And, I agree who reads most legal documents put in front of them by a lawyer. Do you really think major CEO's of companies read everything if that was the case there would be alot of lawyers out of a job?
Carla Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 2:50am I agree, this is just about Carolyn Parrish. This woman will stoop to anything to get power. I see nothing that says the mayor profited from any of this and she declared her conflict of interest more than once. I hope Parrish is finally out of politics in the next election. Nobody needs a politician like her.
zph Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:23am Hmmm... not read everything... I doubt there is a politician in this land who reads 10% of what is placed before him. First reading .. maybe, but I doubt it. They depend on staff and lawyers just like the rest of us. Can't remember when was the last time I read every sentence of my mortgage before signing. I left that to my lawyer. Same with politicians and staff. This whole thing is about Carolyn Parrish wanting the mayors job. She hates Hazel ( remember when she tore Hazel poster in a restaurant out of rage?? ). Hazel declared her conflict of interest 3 - 4 times and then forgot to on a simple house-keeping measure where no business was conducted and Carolyn saw her opportunity! Give me a break! Vote Carolyn Parrish out of politics. Johnnybuck Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:20am I live in the Niagara area but have been a longtime fan of Hazel. I agree she could not read every by law but in this case I believe she and the manager responsible for inserting this claus failed the people of your city. lou5 Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:14am vote for HAZEL the new Mayor of Toronto. Guaranteed she would win if ran. Can a person be Mayor for 2 cities? Only way to clean up Toronto. lou5 Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 1:12am hey Paul and taxpayer where in the article does it say Hazel can't read?She said she didn't read the final agreement. Maybe you 2 should go back to school and learn how to read before you make a comment. Hazel is the best Mayor in the world. Better than all the jokes that have nbeen mayor in Toronto. Hazel would clean up Toronto in a year. Al Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 12:11am Wait a minute here. We're talking about city workers, right? Getting whupped til they are black and blue? This program should be expanded to include those bloddy TTC workers too! Paul Report Comment June 3rd 2010, 12:08am I find it very interesting that politicians never know when to call it quits. Even after they are forced out , some get plum jobs, It never ends. Its almost like. they think the country needs them to function. Hazel blames lapse on staff. A good choice, because most are union and can't be fired. As for the duct tape affair? blame it on the "Bossa Nova" McGuinty after blowing a billion on e health, OLG and the rest, made comment about the feds blowing a billion on G8/G20 Why don't they just all leave or retire or just shut up for the rest of summer. Start over in the fall and elect George Smitherman, who will really screw up Toronto. Paul Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 11:39pm If she cant read why is she still in office? That is embarrassing to know that the people of mississauga voted someone in who cant even read.
dusty flies Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 11:08pm Is it just me,but I find it interesting that there have been some issues at the Mr. and Mississauga's Works Dept. Seems that Hazel had some employees(enforcers?) hazing others. If you are in that area,would that be a given? It's just me.
DM Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 10:51pm It's still better than Toronto and their woeful politics. If disfuntion is the yard stick Toronto and its political scene as well as the past and present counsel have a lot to learn from this Mayor. Happy rate payer. Now serving number 21 Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 10:26pm No one needs to "go after" Hazel.She may have attempted to benefit,or cause someone else to benefit and conceal it at the expense of the rate payer.Her incredibly unsuccessful son allegedly stood to profit large from this project.Anyone else and the public at large would be demanding heads to roll but with Hazel she receives a blind eye,she's just a cute,feisty little old thing.Not. Why is this hard? G Worton Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 10:17pm Sorry Hazel, but any battery only has so much power. Yours has exceeded even the Ever-Ready Bunny several times over. Time to call it quits and sit back and enjoy your pension while you still can, Ciao baby! taxpayer Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 9:33pm time to go hazel. you done good but time is up. if you can't read, then it is time to go!!!!!!! real conservative Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 9:04pm Why has the 'system' turned on McCallion all of a sudden? First the RED STAR and now the Toronto Sun? I have to assume she has ruffled the feathers of the tribe somehow? Oprah Winfrey Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 8:13pm Here we go again,"I'm in charge but I'm not in charge.",how convenient.You're a big shot until you get caught,then it's the staffs fault,you are too simple to understand so you sacrifice yourself by collecting a big pay cheque with perks so those anonymous,behind -the-scenes,real-decision-making(apparently) city employees don't have to. As Mayor,you don't get to pass the buck,take responsibility,start paying attention to what you are signing.What a bunch of really bogus and transparent bullshit excuses,she should be embarrassed. She has abused her position and now insults her constituents,yes she is a very nice old lady,so what?Too many free passes over the years. Her time is up. Still trying to figure who voted for Parrish and why too. RM Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 8:09pm Typical City of Mississauga really is. Senior staff in all departments in that City always blame their short comings on the junior staff....yeah yeah, it happens everywhere, but Mississauga is actually very well known fr this, hence their high turnover rate in employees. I sincerely hope for once a senior member of staff in that City gets gonged off the show for this, and as for McCallion, time step down you old girl, let someone new do the job that you're supposed to be doing yourself, but unfortunately passing off to someone else.
Patricia Chura Report Comment June 2nd 2010, 7:39pm Not reading everything she signs is playing Russian Roulette with the welfare of the City of Mississauga. With all due respect to this lady's successes in her job of Mayor, it looks very much as though she has dropped the ball big time in the two incidents in question. Being Mayor is more than a photo shoot and gladhanding. Perhaps it is time for Hazel to call it a day.
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