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Opening comments:  More at the end.

Happy Halloween the undead candidates will be risen by the McCallion political WAR machine to spread fear and terror throughout Mississauga!

Pictures - of the Oct. 28, 2009, Council Meeting dealing with the Judicial Inquiry.

To the main Judicial Inquiry page - to the Hazel McCallion page.

Comments by others to this web-page 28.

Toronto Sun - Oct. 31, 2009 - By Ted Woloshyn, TED.WOLOSHYN@SUNMEDIA.CA -

Mississauga melee gets ugly

McCallion-Parrish showdown could turn election into a battle of political 'parties'

Mississauga's 2010 election is on its way toward becoming a battle of two political parties -- Team Hazel versus Team Parrish.

While Carolyn Parrish isn't about to run for mayor against the unbeatable Hazel McCallion, she effectively controls Mississauga city council with seven of the 12 votes on key issues.

So expect Hurricane Hazel, who's facing a tornado of trouble right now including a judicial inquiry into her actions and the inability to win key votes at council, to fight back hard.

To regain her power, expect McCallion to essentially build Team Hazel, for next year's election.  Team Hazel would consist of four sitting councillors and seven candidates hand-selected by the Hurricane, who back the mayor.

The other seven incumbents are now seen as anti-Hazel.  If even two of those went down in defeat, control of Mississauga's council chamber would shift dramatically, and in the end control of council equals control of the city.

An endorsement from a mayor who continuously garners in excess of 90% of the vote would carry a ton of weight.  Would a politician who runs as part of Team Hazel get a little more attention and maybe a few more lawn signs?

The councillors who are opposing the mayor better be prepared for some hostile voters when they start banging on doors next year.

All that's just a lead up to say:  Happy Halloween from Mississauga, perhaps the scariest city in Canada.

At least that's what it must have felt like for more than 100 McCallion faithful who turned up earlier this week to convince council to drop their demand for a judicial inquiry into the mayor's dealings with Enersource, the OMERS pension plan, and her son Peter's company, World Class Developments.

Her supporters might as well have gone shopping next door at Square One.

One speaker, long-time supporter Jim Murray, told me, "I could have gone up there and recited Humpty Dumpty and the councillors wouldn't have noticed."

Interesting choice of nursery rhymes.  The vote passed 7 to 4. Hence the potential two-party election.


So what brought about this closed mind stance, this burning desire to bring down Hazel?

You can thank Carolyn Parrish.

Parrish wants to be the next mayor, and to that end she has managed to form her own personal party; one that has paralyzed McCallion to the point where she can't pass a motion. Does she bully or threaten other councillors, telling them that one day she will rule, and if they don't follow they'll be banished from her kingdom?  Or has she made them promises like becoming the next chairman of the Region of Peel, or no one will run against you in the next election?  They certainly aren't going to admit to that; at least not for the record.

The fiscally sound question regarding this inquiry is, do we need to spend $2 million, when we know that number could easily be five times greater?  It will be some ugly;  a politically motivated car wreck and even those councillors who voted for the inquiry had better be comfortable reliving their careers.

Developer and philanthropist Harold Shipp referred to this week's session as a "witch hunt" orchestrated by a certain councillor and her "gang."  Speaking in a trembling voice he said, "I wouldn't be surprised if it caused our beloved mayor a stroke."

But what if the mayor decides not to run, then who will challenge Parrish?

About half a dozen names keep cropping up but they've either taken a pass, or have not committed.  One thing is certain, whoever the candidate is, he or she will need public support from Hazel.


What should have happened at City Hall on Wednesday?  Council should have voted to dismiss the inquiry and hire of a full time integrity commissioner, with full power, just as every major city in Canada has.

But it didn't, so get ready on this Halloween day for ghosts to rise from their graves to haunt the city of Mississauga and those who run it.

As Mississauga resident Betty Merkley painfully stated, "This is a low point in our city's history."

Comments by others, 28, to this web-page;

Janie Mcdonald     November 2nd 2009, 1:28pm

Guess what Parrish the people of Mississauga aren't stupid. We know what your doing and its C.R.A.P. <- Where do I get my T-Shirt?

Parrish has to take a step back and realize its gonna take way more then $2 million to get rid of Hazel.

There's a saying "If it don't make dollars it don't make sense"
What exactly does council think this $2+ million is going to get them?
Your all wasting my resources in an obvious attempt for a power grab.
We live in a debt free city thanks to Hazel (maybe because she doesn't waste resources!).

I hear Toronto is looking for a new Mayor.........Parrish your use of resources will fit right in.

Mississauga Conservative     November 2nd 2009, 12:38pm

I hope you Parrish backers are still posting here.

I, and several of my neighbours, are OUTRAGED at the actions of this group. You can count on us finding out exactly who each of you are and making sure you LOSE the next election.

The nerve of that loud mouth Parrish and her cadre of trained seals to try and hijack our beautiful city. We haven't forgotten you Parrish. We haven't forgotten you were part of Chretein's team of thiefs who stole billions of dollars from Canadian taxpayers and arrogantly shot your mouths off about how wonderful you are.

You are going to LOSE the next election. Count on it ! There is no way you will beat our Hazel. I have lived in Mississauga since 1978 and I'm not going to let you johnny come latelys it.

J Mason     November 1st 2009, 4:16pm

Ted an excellent article. Seems when you go against Parrish and her gang they flood the comments section with misleading statements. What the Gang of 7 doesnt understand is that the voter in the end will make the call, and not Parrish and the Gang of 7.

Mayor Hazel isn't perfect however for a politician she is close. She has been working tirelessly for 30 years to improve Mississauga. The recent arrival of Parrish and her Gang of 7 have only hurt Mississauga, the image of Mississauga and our businesses.

As there is no turning back now, this review should look at each and every councillor and how they behalf, phone records, blackberry messages to each other, emails and all of the political terrorism.

Voters will decide.

Igor     November 1st 2009, 2:58pm

Dear Mississauga Muse... GO BACK TO THE LIBERAL MORONS.... In Toronto we have not so subtle NDP Idiots on our council. You have not so subtle Liberal morons on yours in place of our NDP types. Parrish on the other hand presents more than enough existing evidence that she has been and continues to be a LIBERAL MORON. It will be fun to watch the war but if Hazel does what Ted observes it will be wonderful to watch a few more out of touch councilors bite the dust. It would be even better if Parrish where one of them. As for a couple of your other ill thought out comments you might wish to reflect upon why Mississauga is the great community it has become. I suspect thanks to Parrish would be very much absent.

Eric     November 1st 2009, 2:54pm

It's pretty obvious that both The Mississauga Muse and Mississaugawatch are the same person: Carolyn Parish. Otherwise known as "the mouth that roared"...
What was her quote? "Damn Mississaugans, I hate them".

The Mississauga Muse     November 1st 2009, 8:25am

For the public record. $$$Mega-builder$$$ Harold Shiipp threatened seven of Mississauga's Councillors quote:

"“If I were sitting there among you, Ladies and Gentlemen, who serve on our Council today, I would be wondering what my position would be one year from now when an election is held and how many of you might have a chance for re-election —IF you proceed with the action you are contemplating now.”

Woloshyn writes, "To regain her power, expect McCallion to essentially build Team Hazel, for next year's election. Team Hazel would consist of four sitting councillors and seven candidates hand-selected by the Hurricane, who back the mayor. "

That should read "hand-selected by the Hurricane, AND HAROLD SHIPP who back the mayor."

The Mississauga Muse     November 1st 2009, 8:17am

Regarding, "INTEGRITY COMMISSIONER" Woloshyn wirtes, "What should have happened at City Hall on Wednesday? Council should have voted to dismiss the inquiry and hire of a full time integrity commissioner, with full power, just as every major city in Canada has."

Ah yes, the old "Let's hire an Integrity Commissioner"... as if it's reasonable for citizens to trust any municipality (let alone every major city in Canada) to hire its own "investigator" to "investigate" itself.

Hey Ted! It took Hazel McCallion's MYTHissauga 30 years to just finally get a public complaints policy in place!

Odd that Ted Woloshyn failed to suggest that the Ontario Ombudsman investigate not just MYTHissauga but also all Ontario municipalities.

pauline     October 31st 2009, 11:55pm

Hey Missy watch ..hate to put water in your tent.. But are you off your meds again ?? only kidding .. you are on a roll asusual
I sure hope Hazel puts a team Hazel together.. She will have to have the first meeting at the Hershey centre.. And I sure hope this inquiry looks at ALL the day to day councilor expenses and Election donations and possible misuse of donated funds for clothing and home office furniture and parties and whatever else may be an " appropriate " expenditure,, and maybe some conflicts with relatives working at the city ..and on and should get into this /never know what comes up .. something about having to know your way around city hall and freedom of information

MISSISSAUGAWATCH     October 31st 2009, 11:40pm

Quote: "To regain her power, expect McCallion to essentially build Team Hazel, for next year's election."


MISSISSAUGAWATCH     October 31st 2009, 11:38pm

Ah yes!

If anyone ever wonders where the closet fascists huddle, seek no further. (Theys jes' waitin' for the right moment.)

MISSISSAUGAWATCH     October 31st 2009, 11:34pm

Hey Ted!

How about some disclosure here dude!

Like that you're a head-priest for the Cult of McCallion! AND that either you haven't a clue that Hazel McCallion hasn't a clue how her Staff runs Mississauga.... OR THAT YOU APPROVE!

What happened on Wednesday (all those self-serving sots led by none other than Harold "When our Hazel dies, I want her here inside these Chambers" Shipp) was shameful.

I mean it! Video of that Council meeting and those people going up there should be a Must-See video for any civic class.

And yes, Ted. Ol' Harold Shipp threatened those seven Councillors and zero doubt, he'll be fielding his own candidaes for each ward. After all Shipp built MYTHississaugva. And horrors that people would ever learn the TRUTH

goodge     October 31st 2009, 9:08pm

PHUK OFF kotter!

kotter     October 31st 2009, 5:41pm

The blind support for Hazel is mind-numbing. Concerns about her sweetheart deals with developers have been ignored or hidden for decades. Mississauga is a mess of urban sprawl and strip malls. Wake up. The empress has no clothes.

Van Grungy     October 31st 2009, 5:40pm

Immigrants vote for the party with the most handouts...

So Bucking simple....

Liberals bend over better than anyone in the world.. Hence, Gay UNIONS.... LOL

Van Grungy     October 31st 2009, 5:33pm

Mississauga is FUBAR.... Thanks Hazel... who btw acknowledged her own planning stupidity...


I'd still have Hazel over Parrish any century...


Sucks to be a Mississaugan!

John B.     October 31st 2009, 5:32pm

Carolyn Parrish? Now that brings back memories or Isrial bashing, hateful verbage that should never spill from a sane person's mouth, but then we are talking of Parrish the selfish, egptistical, self centred fools, who cannot bring herself to think of anyone but the jerk in the mirror! Mississauga, you will have a choice this coming election. Do the right thing and put Parrish into permanent retirment for you own good.
Southern Ontario could not endure a worse than Miller in Mississauga, the one remaining sane place of business left in this socialist nightmare province.

TNT     October 31st 2009, 4:38pm

Long live Hazel, a true conservative that knows how to run a city and one who most politicians can learn from. I will never vote for that big mouth Parrish! 2 face beotch was all over Hazel and her sons real estate deal but didn't have a problem with her own daughter being awareded the photography contract. Not to mention she embarressed all Canadians with her verbally abusive potty-mouth remarks about our good friends south of the border!

democracy vs police state October 31st 2009, 4:26pm

.hazel,madam mayor for all you disrespectful anti-Semites and anti-Americans stepped off the curve one day and was accidentally hit by a dump truck..they say the dump truck is still in the broken tool shed where Carolyn Parrish. belongs..

Wally Two    October 31st 2009, 4:17pm

Once the Clown Princess of the Federal Liberals - this Parrish women can only prove one thing.
With her political record of farcical and irresponsible grandstanding for TV audiences, her chances of succeeding Hazel are remote.
However, If eventually she de-thrones Hazel, all she, and the people will have attained is her dubious distinction of being Mississauga's David Miller.

The Ram     October 31st 2009, 3:54pm

To All U Smart People. .
A First - Generation Canadian, from India, I am a Hazel-Fan N U R Partly Correct---Those Immigrants R from S.E. Asia, not just (E) India N include Sri Lanka, Pak', B'desh, Nepal.
Now the Facts -India is a Majority Hindu Country (Christians,Muslims, Sikhs, et al are Allowed Full Freedom of Expression, Religion, Culture - within Reason - in fact, I will say that Muslims in India R Better Off than those in Pakistan) and Sri Lanka is a Sinhalese Country w/Tamils.
So Why Does Ms. Pariah (sic) Spend her Time Cursing Israel? Check the Demographics in her Ward and those in Her Gang's.
Our Mayor DOES NOT PANDER!!! Thank God!!!!!
Maybe, therein Lie the Answers to the Witch Hunt, besides Others.
Happy B'Day, Ms. P'

Richard Murray     October 31st 2009, 3:21pm

Carolin Parrish... now thre is a complete waste of human skin.

ggcarere     October 31st 2009, 2:02pm

i love hazel but i relly believe she should have left ten years ago before people took advantage of her-forgive the comparison but i believe the former pope jp2 stuck around too long and his advisors had a picnic -there is a lesson here about age and term lenghs- i still love her gepoge carere

dan     October 31st 2009, 1:58pm

Mississaugans have loved Hazel for over thirty years. She doesn't even need to campaign any longe. Clearly the citizens of the city overwhelmingly want her to lead the way.

Leave it to the bibmo Parrish to go against evertything the people want

RCB     October 31st 2009, 1:43pm

Carolyn Parrish............I hate that bitch.....

Haley'sComet     October 31st 2009, 1:29pm

Promises of becoming the next Chairman of the Region of Peel? Tell us more!!!

A. Fraid     October 31st 2009, 1:21pm

The Liberal party can see Iggy for what he is, an egotist who wants to be king of Canada. Hopefully Mississauga voters see Carolyn Parrish for who she is. When a politician forgets the people and the peoples' needs in favour of their own personal gain, voters should show their distain by ignoring him/her on the ballot. Parrish is nothing more than an ambitious loud mouth trouble maker as has been proven by her past and present actions, Ontarians, Canadians and especially Mississaugans should give Parrish a swift and decisive turfing

tim     October 31st 2009, 1:02pm

Carolyn Parrish? There goes the Neighbourhood big time!

k     October 31st 2009, 12:45pm

Parrish was an embarrassment and an idiot when she was a Liberal M P who got her butt kicked out of Ottawa by the Liberal Party. But she is still a Liberal in very heavy ethnic area that just loves the Liberal way of giving lots to new people. Lots and lots of east Indians immigrants that vote Liberal no matter what so as good as Hazel is she will have a hard time .

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