Hazel McCallion's Political Cartoons & Other interesting Images;
The main Satire & Parody page.
This web-site is to display the political cartoons of the Mayor of Mississauga - Hazel McCallion. Like so many things they become lost to history as time goes on and we forget there were other ways to view the great and powerful Mayor of Mississauga. So without further a due, enjoy this selection and if you have others or know when & where they appeared, let me know, there is lots of room for more!
To Hazel McCallion's main web-page
Oct 9, 2009 The so-called Witch Hunt is in regards to the Judicial Inquiry called because of the Mayor's new Conflict of Interest problems.
Oct. 24, 2007 The Mayor and her "PERKS" in a time when the Cities are begging for money.
July 3, 2006. Sergey Malina's portrait of Hazel McCallion, in a portrait challenge.
Toronto Star - Apr. 30, 2006. The Mayor of Mississauga, Hazel McCallion, drives MAYOR 1 into a very deep political sinkhole with her Car Crash.
Toronto Star - Mar. 30, 2006. A twisted building designed by MAD that is being called by some as "The Hazel" - I like it already!
Bryon Osmond's photograph of Hazel McCallion. Is the Mayor of Mississauga an Angel or Devil? That a look and VOTE.
Fall 2005. Bryon Osmond's painting of Hazel McCallion (that made the front page of the National Post), that the Port Credit BIA's lawyer had the gall to say "is offensive to the entire community." You can VOTE on this.
Mississauga Quarterly - Fall 2005. Although not named, the red nosed old leader with a glass in her hand leave few guessing as to who it could be. A whole comic strip - a rare one.
Mississauga News - June 24, 1998. A SWASTIKA - burned into the front lawn of Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion - Yes all love our Mayor!
Mississauga News - Jan. 10, 1990. Hazel on Soap Box - like always.
Mississauga News - Dec. 31, 1989. Hazel coming out of a bottle of Alcohol? Should we be surprised?
Mississauga News - Oct. 30, 1985. The Wicked Witch of the West, Hazel McCallion, hovers over her council on a broom.
Mississauga News - Dec. 6, 1978. Hazel McCallion in the back of a Peel police cop car with a drink. What were they trying to tell us?
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