City (in)-Security - City of Mississauga
This section is a listing of the City of Mississauga - Policies & Procedures that are enacted by way of By-laws regarding how it does its business (on us), how it expects its employees to act & how they can abuse Mississaugans.
By-law you never guessed existed or find on City's web-site;
Making of City employees - !
(Amended by By-law 320-04,324-05,343-06,163-09)
WHEREAS section 15 of the Police Services Act, R.S.0.1990, c.P-15 provides that a municipality may appoint persons to enforce the by-laws of the municipality and that Municipal Law Enforcement Officers arefor the purpose of enforcing municipal by-laws;
AND WHEREAS The Corporation of the City of Mississauga is desirous to appoint certain employees as Municipal Law Enforcement Officers;
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How City of Mississauga employees can ARREST you & your children !
CORPORATE SECURITY STAFF - Standard Operating Procedure
At times, an individual's actions or behavior may warrant an arrest by an officer. As such, officers shall be fully informed and knowledgeable regarding their legislated powers of arrest and service procedures, for conducting an arrest.
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Formal Complaints against City of Mississauga Security
The list is long & there are other people!
The Threatening Threat Assessment of Donald Barber Community leader & Educator.
City of Mississauga - Public Complaints Procedure
How do you reform a corrupt political system when the local media is in bed with those who have ruled for decades by way of cover-up of public complaints?
New web-page set-up to index events relating to my complaints about the City of Mississauga conduct and the its new Public Complaints Procedure, that I forced them to create.
Formal Complaint against City of Mississauga Security - regarding events of June 7, 2006.
Oct. 4, 2007, letter to Councillor Carolyn Parrish - Ward 6 & Councillor George Carlson - Ward 11. Nov. 27, Councillor Carolyn Parrish E-mails me to say "Don. You should quit while you're ahead. You can do a lot more good attending Council meetings, asking the occasional question and writing your blog. Nothing will come of your complaint, in my opinion. Turn the page and go forward." Go forward with the same threats hanging over my head and all those who would try to be meaningfully be involved in their government, how reasonable is that?
Next - on Nov. 27, the same complaint was filed with all members of City Council, the Mayor and the City Manager.
I had to address City Council on Dec. 12th to get action and of course it was a screw-off letter by a loyal City lawyer.
The Dec. 21, 2007, letter by Mary Ellen Bench - City Solicitor.
The Mar. 17, 2008, letter requesting clarification of her letter for better understanding.
To add insult to injury, the City is now in the process of approving a By-law to make legal what should be illegal - the empowering City security guards to order you off City property at whim or arrest you for not obeying them. When they tell you to dance, you must dance! The draft pdf file.
Formal Complaint against City of Mississauga Security - regarding events of June 7, 2006. Presented solid reasons that the City Solicitor could never be considered an unbias of complaints regarding City staff and she & Brenda Breault, Commissioner, Corporate Services & Treasurer (who assigned the task), were not carrying out the will of Council as noted in the minutes of the Dec. 12, 2007, "A verbal motion of receipt and referral to staff for appropriate action was voted on and carried."
The Apr. 4, 2008, letter from Janice M. Baker, CA - City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, notes the matter has been reopened and that she will work to "map out a process and structure as to how these complaints will be handled". Clearly I was right! And that complaints will be investigated - in some way. Not kidding self, cover-up is the name of the game at Mississauga hall but this is the second time I have shot down a City lawyer in Council chambers! Proof also that no one should accept a letter from a government lawyer as being a fair judge of a complaint.
City of Mississauga - Additional Council Agenda - Wed. May 21, 2008 The Corporate Report by Janice M. Baker, CA - City Manager and Chief Administrative Officer, on how to deal with my complaints was rejected by Council in a vote of non-confidence regarding her work, the minutes note the matter has been “referred back to staff”. In Janice Baker’s May 26, letter it is noted that she does “not expect to be in a position to report back Council until the fall.”, {odd it should take her 5 days to write me after Council} and she goes on to state “I appreciate your patience in this matter.” “Patience” - “until the fall”, that is not going to happen, as I know full well, from years of dealing with City politicians, this is just an effort to drag this on for years, in hopes it goes away one way or other!
The strange and mysterious events of the May 21, 2008, Council meeting when they try to pass a By-Law to deal with just my complaints!
June 4, 2008 No way wait till fall - City wants to dance with me, I lead!
June 4, 2008 - Letter to Mary Ellan Bench, City Solicitor. RE: Regarding the conduct of City of Mississauga staff and your duty as a lawyer. This one is red hot with details - will she do the right thing or the lawyer thing?
Now posting the E-mails of City security & their (as I call it), lie speak.
June 4, 2008 - Letter to Jamie Hillis - City Security Operations & Cathie Evens - City Security Operations RE: A list of items that City security needs to changes its practices on to ensure the fair, just and lawful treatment of all members of the public.
June 4, 2008 - Letter to Janice Baker - City Manager. RE: Formal Complaint regarding Bias By-law enforcement against a Candidate during the 2006 election - to be added to the existing complaints file.
June 4, 2008 - Letter for next Council agenda - in regards to Janice Baker’s May 26, letter and delay in dealing with the serious complaints filed with the City of Mississauga. Bill of Rights for the public to be on Mississauga City land or in its buildings?
Police State Style Records from City of Mississauga - security - just in!
That's right - right off their computer screens, the actual data base file they are keeping on me (well some of it), and HUNDREDS of other Mississaugans, for many different reasons. Have a look at how local government is keeping track of us. The questions these records raise are many for those who know how these things work.
Meserat Demke's story of how City of Mississauga abused her and the children in her care.
A very detailed account and one that truly shows how City staff do their evil deeds on innocent taxpaying Mississaugans. A lesson for all of us - in case they try to turn you or your family into a make work project.
She is a Community Hero for coming forward with her account & more should follow her example.
Another web-page to go to about the City of Mississauga Security is
The Mississauga Muses
Shattering the myth of corporate security This magazine article is classic Hazel McCallion - get favorable media out before a major event - in this case what should have been my Apr. 13th, trial date.
What is this?
A Mississauga security guard acting like she is expecting and gang war to break out in Council chambers or worse.

Bloody hell, looks like she is wearing a bullet proof vest and first only guard I have ever seen doing that at City hall or any where. She appeared later in the day (they knew I was there for some time), and all the other guards were not acting like they were expecting a fire fight! Sorry but this has to filed under either paranoid or fascist, as far as I am concerned. Either way a dangerous trend and who is paying for these vests? | Dec. 10-08 |
There are many words to describe City of Mississauga Security But now it appears that childish is now one of them.
Check this out
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